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The Gems of Irria


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"Good. Ill get some meat, Im not a deer, Im not eating like one." Sonaya thought of the best way to kill an animal, then picked up a shadow. She covered it in the same material that the hollow balls were made of, and sharpened it until it was shaped like an axe. "Food!" She walked off in the direction of a few stray buckie bunnies that were headed towards the mountain.

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Tipien glanced over at Sonaya, who was eagerly hunting down the buckie-bunnies. She wouldn't kill those. I have to get Trezz's attention. He lied down on the ground. "Trezz! Don't let her kill them! Tell her where to find the ones who can't talk. He got up and walked a few steps foward. Taylor looked down at him. "Can't we just use those one of those orbs again?" Tipien shook his head. "We would have gladly used them, but they only work with short distances. I'm afraid we'll have to walk. The flying one can get there easily." He looked toward Serena. "Just be careful for any other creatures in the sky."

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"Hey! Zzonaya! Dont kill those ones, There'zz more over by that tree over there, and they're eazzier to eat." "Ok then!" Sonaya changed directions and made a beeline to the herd of buckie-bunnies.

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Serena looked at Tipien and Taylor. "Where am I flying? And if you want to, I can fly you guys somewhere?" But now I feel like a helicopter. Saria read her thoughts and gave a discouraging look at Serena.

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Sonaya trotted back with a herd of buckie bunneis in their own bubble looking pleased. "Food! Ill keep them with me. Anyone want some?"

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"I'll just make more plant foods. I'm a vegetarian..." Sara said, almost embarrased. She looked at the ground, and, before she knew it, the ground around her feet was blooming with fresh fruits.

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"Ok then. More for me! Kehehe." She looked at Taylor. "Yum. WOuld you mind lighting a fire? Its good practice."

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Serena decided to have some bird. She saw two birds in the sky. She created a funnel to bring the birds down. "Well, I've gotta eat something." The birds fell on the ground.

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"Your really not going to eat that raw?" "I dont mind one bit." Trezz bit into the Buckie bunnie. "Could Taylor make a fire so I could eat this without dying?"

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Sara picked up a few more berries, then offered a few to Pseian, who took them gladly. Suddenly, six bolts of lightning, green, white, yellow, blue, red, and purple colored, struck from the sky. Sara screamed as the green bolt flashed beside her feet. The other five struck at the feet of the other teens. She gave a dumbstruck and terrified look to Pseian, who pointed with her snout to Sara'a feet. There sat an orb of green light.

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"Hehe." SOnaya piked up the ball of purple shadows at her feet and tossed it up in the air. She caught it as it came down. "What Are these things?" "How would you expect me to know?" Trezz said. "Well, You ARE my Protectorate animal." "That dozzent mean I know everything!"

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Sara stared as Sonaya picked up her orb. "But - erm...well, I guess its not that unsafe..." she muttered. All six of the orbs were glowing in rhythm to each other. She eyed hers warily as Pseian did the same.

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Taylor created a small flame in her right and and steadily held it under the raw meat. "None for me, thank you. I'll just stick with the veggie diet." She looked at a red orb on the ground, then all the other orbs. "Hmm...well, they're shaped like those little teleportation orbs. Perhaps it's...some sort of unlimited traveling power?" Tipien remained quiet, unsure of what they were.

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"Come on, Saria, tell me something..." Saria stared at the orbs in disbelief. "It can't be...they weren't supposed to come for months..." Serena gave Saria a weird look." "What?"

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"Hrumph. Noone told me that thezze would be here." "These things are cool. What do they do?" "..." "What?" "Nothing."

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Saria floated in the middle of the circle. "These orbs make a portal of infinite power when they're together. You guys are supposed to scatter them and gaurd them. You have to go to other sides of the globe to spread them."

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"Of the globe?!? How long would that take?" asked Sara, having picked her orb up and examining it. "Hey- it makes my powers stronger!" she exclaimed, as the ground directly below her had burst into bloom. "I didn't even try to do that." she said.

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"Exactly how powerful?" "Very powerful. I cant specify though. They may be watching." Sonaya absentmindedly picked the hot, dripping meat from above Taylors hand up and took a bite.

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Taylor groaned and picked up her orb. "I don't feel like walking any more than I have to to get to the evil guy's place." She spotted a body of water a few yards away. Taylor threw the orb into the pool and turned back around. "There. Done. I'm going now." Tipien looked back at the pool, then shook his head and followed Taylor. This one has a lot of things to learn.

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"Thats just silly." Sonaya picked up the orb and threw it. It kept going fairly quickly. A few hours later it would have come back and hit Sonaya in the back if she had stood still. "Hehe. Those things are really light." "Pazzzz me a banana, Id like to try one." Sonaya lifted up a banana and threw it to Trezz. "How can you people zzwallow that mush?" "I have no Idea. I prefer coconuts and pinapples. Maby the occasional nut. Some peppers for seasoning." "Zzounds perfectly dizzguzzting to me."

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Taylor overheard Trezz's complaints about bananas and turned around. "I don't know, Trezz. I'm pretty much into bananas myself. I'm more of a fruit and veggie person; I don't each that much meat." Taylor grabbed a banana off of a tree and peeled it. When she took a bite, she savored the rich taste. "Wow, the fruits here have more flavor. And they're bigger. I could get used to this place." Satisfied, Taylor tossed the peel in the air and burned it. The ashes scattered on the ground in front of her, then she continued on her way.

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Sara looked around at her familiar, yet completely alien surroundings. "Will we have to make our lives here?" she asked Pseian. "Yes. You are the protectors of this planet. You have the powers that are needed to save our world." said the deer, with a hint of graveness in her voice. Sara looked at the rest of the teens. "Save your world from what, exactly?" she asked Pseian, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. But her answer was given to her before Pseian could speak.

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"Arent we going to make a plan? How the heck are we gonna deswtroy this thing?" "Everybody better get around here! We need a plan Fazzt!" Sonaya trapped everyone in giant purple bubbles

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The purple bubbles startled Taylor at first, then she becamed annoyed. "I appreciate the thought and all, but I'd rather not become incased in a giant bubble. I can take care of myself. Please get this off of me, Sonaya." Tipien cut in. "We've wasted enough time. We must get going, and quickly!"

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