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I don't really have any dream pets currently, but I am hoping TNT releases Royal Ogrins, so I can do a Faerie-Royalgirl Ogrin cross, just like I did with my Techo (Darigan-Royalboy).


Heh this is my first post here and the perfect topic too xD


The first time I heard from a friend about trading pets and fulfilling other peoples dreams on neopets I knew that it was something I wanted to do. So I'll be browsing this topic for a while and see if I find someone to make happy here ^^


Now my dream pets...


a Hissi (Magma or Ice) can exchange it for another hissi ^^ I have a few.


That's it I guess...


I also have a pet to give away this month. (UFA) (I know that there's another topic for it but I want to find him a home this month still.)


Male Shoyru (Darigan)

Age: 250 days

Level: 14


I dreamie is an Alien Aisha. I'm trying to get a FFQ so I can paint my Aisha that colour myself though, since I'm way too attached to her to replace her with another pet, Alien Aisha or not.


Good luck to everyone in getting their dream pets though! ^_^


My dream would be a basic draik, or a plushie draik. Then a baby lupe. :)


I've gifted 1 biscuit Chomby of my 2. <3


And I've gotten my own dreamies,

A baby Xwee and a baby Lutari. :) The Lutari I've wanted for a good five years but never had a chance to make her, then I did. <3


I REALLY wanted the Ray to paint my ReddRaene (she's a Uni right now) Spotted or Water, but I got Disco... Not terribly keen on it; guess I keep on zapping..


I always wanted a Faerie, Darigan, or Maraquan Shoyru, but unfortunately they are all so expensive D: . Also i want a haloween lupe


Baby pets are my absolute favourites!

But having a faerie pet was one of my main goals and a few months a go I finally reached that goal with my faerie xweetok :D


I've been eyeing up the 8-bit pets quite a bit recently...


My dream pets are a Plushie Kacheek (which I have), a Faerie Poogle (I have a rainbow Poogle, so I guess I'm close), and a Baby Usul (right now I have a Christmas Usul). I recently got a Pirate Draik egg I'm hoping to hatch which is another one of my dream pets. I'd also like a Green Kwawk, but that's probably never going to happen.


Well, today I Painted ReddRaene Tyrannian; I've been hoping the Lab Ray would paint him Spotted but I've had no such luck and Tyrannian is the closest to the Spotted "look".. Anyway, I think he looks pretty good :) Now to get the Mad Scientist challenger and hopefully get him changed to a girl :D


My dream pet is a zombie buzz I think he looks awesome I also would like to have a faerie zafar I had one once but she was made invisible by a random so not cool


I pretty much have all of my converted dream pets ^^


So right now I'm working on getting my ultimate dream pet:


UC Baby Kougra


Yes I realise you can't lab ray one of these. Just posting incase anybody out there has one UFT/UFA.


Once I get my UC Baby Kougra I'll most likely gift 80-90% of my UFT pets.


Oh oh! My dream pet is Desert Xweetok (or Xweetok with full popstar set) - I don't even know what is more expensive X)


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