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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. -swoops down on UHN- >:)

  2. -pounces- Right here, being pounced on. :P

  3. :D It's great to be back.

  4. -smirks and flies into the air- Evil can't be fought forever...

  5. ;) Your precious UHN won't be safe from me for long.

  6. Okay... has the Darkest Faerie been on my account while I was away? And... did she suggest she could kidnap me? D:

  7. I be gooood, what about you? Got Pokemon Black? xD

  8. Ooh. I was thinking of the TV series Charmed, there's a demon known as a Succubus. They're certainly awesome <3

  9. Interesting name. What inspired it?

  10. If you don't... does that mean you won't worry if I get kidnapped? XD

  11. Blimey that is busy. And I know! I'd been sucked into another Neopets fansite. And a Harry Potter one took me from Neopets completely... for a while. I'm back for (hopefully) forever now. :) I've got a cold :(

  12. Neomail conversation with AA got me coming back. ^_^ Should I do another contest based on a kidnap? :P

  13. It's been a long time hasn't it? :D

  14. CAMERON! -tackleglomps- How are you? :D

  15. Hello Theo... TURBULENCE hasn't stopped me from coming back.

  16. STEPH! -pounces- How are youuuu?

  17. Hey there Izzy. How be you?

  18. ANIME! -tackleglomps-

  19. Hey again Judy :-)

    1. judykm


      Hi Again! It's been a while... 
      I used to LIVE here once upon a time....

  20. -bows- My master!

  21. Xepha, remember me? :P

  22. HARRY POTTER AND POKEMON FAN LIKE ME :D:D:D *hugs* Welcome to TDN ^_^

  23. Death Eaters don't accept cookies, they're not into sugar. And I am no exception. >;D

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