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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. :O The Darkest Faerie can't be controlling her, can she?!

  2. :( I'm scared of V's set. :P

  3. :O *is mesmerized by your set*

  4. Katara: *looks in horror as the guards climb onto the fire nation ship, and rows even faster*

    *gulps and continues swimming, struggling to keep going*

  5. Katara: *also leaps into the boat and quickly rows the boat away from Mystery Island*

    *swims as hard as I possibly can*

  6. :( Can't get on you-know-where again.

  7. I'll swim, you and Katara can take the boat. *dives into the water*

  8. *reaches the boat first, followed by Katara and Lion* There's only room for two people in the boat... how will we escape?

  9. Katara: *looks behind us and screams as I duck a blast of lightning*

    Katara! Are you okay? *sends a blast of fire at the Firebenders* Yes, we'd better keep running.

  10. Katara: *pulls out three glasses and pulls some water into each one, handing both to Tara*

    *pours the water in one of th glasses into Lion's mouth, and drinks the water from the other glass* Never again...

  11. ((Okay xD))

    Katara: *uses water from the sea around the island to follow our path and freezes it, making the guards slip up, and continues running with Lion and Tara*

    That was worse than being held by the Darkest Faerie...

  12. Have you got the key?

    Katara: Right here. *unlocks the cell door and opens it*

    *runs out and hugs Katara and Lion* I definitely say it's a good idea to go, Lion.

    Katara: *leads them out of the dungeons and stops, staring at the entrance*

    Allow me. *sends a blast of lightning at the guards there, knocking them aside* Let's run! *runs with Katara and Lion*

  13. Katara: Looking for me I expect... look! *runs to a cage where the same girl is* Are you okay?

    I think so, Katara... *looks and spots Lion* Lion! How did you get him in here?

    Katara: We snuck in.

  14. Katara: Afraid not. I couldn't find it when I was let out to use it. The guards never bothered to tell us. *leads Lion back downstairs and makes sure there's no guards by the dungeons, and leads him to them*

  15. Huge. The cell I saw Tara in is in the dungeons. *looks around for any guards, then finds the stairs to the dungeons with Azula walking up them, and pulls Lion away to th roof where the key for the cells is, and picks it up*

  16. Katara: No, but I found my way around escaping from the prison. *leads Lion to the prison entrance, and ducks behind a rock as I hear the talk between them, and they run off looking for me around Mystery Island* Now's our chance. *pulls Lion inside the prison*

  17. Katara: We're here. Come on, and be careful not to be caught. *climbs out of the boat*

  18. I'm writing a story myself. On the neopets owned by the staff and my Neopets. Iz was chasing Oakmouse at the start. xD

  19. Katara: *sails the boat over to Mystery Island*

  20. Katara: *leads Lion to the boat I escaped on* Nobody's used this since... come on. There's just enough room for two people. *climbs into the boat*

  21. Katara: I'll help, even if I end up being caught and locked up myself.

  22. (Okay. Just be sure to reply tomorrow. xD)

    Katara: They built a prison on an island... I think it's called Mystery Island... I'll help you rescue Tara.

  23. Katara: Unfortunately, no, but I'm guessing she's somewhere around here. Is she dressed in red? I saw a girl ina prison cell in red... that might be Tara...

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