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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. Just to get used to the update until a certain other forum updates.

  2. Thanks. *noms on cookie* And I hope I get used to it before another forum I go on upgrades. *shudders*

  3. is a Meepit.

    1. Sakabato


      I'm a Deepit. 8D

    2. khaos


      I'm a Keepit.

    3. Sakabato


      The Darkest Meepit it is!

  4. Not as much of an early bird as before, and I'm not keen on the upgrade. It looks straaange. Other than that, fine. ;) *hides the Dark Mark*

  5. My Steph :3 How's you?

  6. HEY MORGAN :D I is back here :D

  7. At least he hasn't taken over my display name here.

  8. I am a fan of firebending. :P Azula = awesome.

  9. :) I think members here should watch Mermaid Melody :P

  10. *gulps and backs away from you*

  11. Are you sure she isn't controlling you? :O

  12. Why did you choose the Darkest Faerie for your set? :O

  13. :o That... is... AWESOMESAUCE! :D

  14. *breathes in only to swallow some water and chokes*

  15. *snaps out of the mesmerization and cowers*

  16. *faints, unable to swim any longer, and falls under the water*

    Katara: TARA!!!

  17. *runs behind you nervously*

  18. I'm scared... I think she is back... ;-;

  19. V's set scares me for some reason. O_o

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