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The Darkest Faerie

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Status Updates posted by The Darkest Faerie

  1. Girl: You leave him alone. Do you want me to knock you over like I knocked Azula over?

    Zuko: *lifts Azula up* We'll just go. *runs off*

    Girl: I'm Katara. I saw the fight... I couldn't let them defeat an innocent person.

  2. Azula: *gets knocked over by a wave of water from behind*

  3. Azula: She can't help. We've captured her. Just after you fled before.

  4. (Yeah, and that's saying something.)

    Zuko: *sends a blast of fire at your head*

    Azula: *sends lightning at your feet* How are you going to avoid this?

  5. (I like this. This is slightly more fun than with Steph. XD The you-know-where one...)

    Azula: *sends a blast of fire at you*

  6. Azula: I don't think you'll find her any time soon... *smirks*

  7. *wakes up in a prison cell* What the...?

  8. Zuko: Nice hit, Azula. We must take her away...

  9. *sends a blast of fire, but gets hit by some more lightning sent by Azula, and faints*

  10. *uses it, returning to full health* Shame it's only a once per battle.

  11. xD I have a personal stalker on another forum. xD

  12. Azula: *catches Tara from behind with a blast of lightning*

    *falls over, struggling* How dare you...

  13. Zuko: Quite a fighter, aren't you?

    I'm not going with you, no matter what! *sends a blast of fire at Zuko*

  14. :P I saw you viewing my profile. :D

  15. Thanks. *uses the bag of Healing Dust and stands up, just blocking another fire attack in time, and launches another attack with the Portable Kiln*

  16. *doesn't raise the tabard in time and gets caught by the fire, being knocked over*

  17. *uses the Portable Kiln as one of the Firebenders sends a blast of fire at me, which I block with the Faerie Tabard*

  18. Thanks, Lion. You are a good help. Hang on, not good, brilliant. *smiles and goes to fight the fire nation*

  19. That's cannibalism though. I'm not a cannibal. I'll try fighting fire with fire...

  20. It isn't my fault most... probably all... of the fire nation are against me.

  21. I've noticed the Fire Nation appear in Neopia... I hope they don't take me... this is hard, I'm a fire-lightning bender... like Azula... and she is trying to force me to join them... *runs behind Lion*

  22. *smirks* Who will be able to rescue me if you go down? I'll just leave you as you are now.

  23. *grins and sends a blast of lightning down as well*

  24. Calling me dramatic. *leaps into the air and sends a blast of fire towards you*

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