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    Xepha reacted to persontired in Altador Interview with Team Captain "Trapper" Remis   
    This is persontired from The Daily Neopets, live inside the Altador Colosseum where the home team is busy practicing for the upcoming tournament. Earlier I was given the opportunity (after bribing the guards with some Altadorian Chocolate Coins) to talk with the team captain, "Trapper" Remis, during a break in the team's Shootout Showdown practice. Here's what he had to say:

    Hi Remis, it's great to have the opportunity to speak with you!

    Thanks, I appreciate your interest.

    We don't have a lot of time, so I'll jump right in. How is Altador planning to improve this year?

    Well, we're going to be spending more of our time on the Yooyuball field during this Cup, instead of being outside slinging slushies all day. Right now we're working on Shootout Showdown, both to improve our record in that event and improve our offence, which we think will be a key factor in our victory this year.

    I see. Does that mean Altador is thinking of moving away from a defensive formation?

    If we do, it won't be this year. The team has spent too long playing in the 1-3-1 formation and we haven't practiced any others. Changing it now could lead to even worse Yooyuball results, and that isn't quite what we're going for.

    Speaking of Yooyuball results, does your team feel more confident about their ability after snatching a win from a clear favorite in Krawk Island last year?

    That victory definitely came as a shock to a lot of people, and we were no exception. It provided proof that we didn't need to simply wave a white flag against every strong team that we played, and that playing every game with 110% effort might actually help to earn a few W's.

    Are there any matchups you're looking forward to playing in the upcoming Cup?

    The #1 team we're hoping to play against is the Faeries. They are our closest rivals, and the opportunity to settle the score between us didn't come up during the last tournament, *cough* bad format *cough*, and we'd like to prove that just because we were tied doesn't mean we aren't the better team.

    I know you need to get back to practicing, but is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

    Don't count Altador out just yet. Our track record doesn't tell you anything about what we might have in store...

    And that was all for today. The team clearly looked enthusiastic and optimistic, but we'll have to wait another week before we'll be able to see exactly what's in store for us by the Suns.

    Reporting from the Yooyuball field in the Altador Colosseum, persontired is signing off.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).
  2. Like
    Xepha reacted to tinyplasticdinos in Shopwizard borked?   
    Underneath the "Search Text" there is "Area". You probably have "Gallery" selected instead of "Shop".
  3. Like
    Xepha reacted to persontired in The Altador Cup VIII Sign-up Week has begun!   
    And with it comes our first look at the format of this year's Cup. It appears that the bracket system of last year will be returning, and the tournament will be extended to last from May 31st to June 28th. The winners of the 8th Altador Cup are scheduled to be revealed, and the Prize Shop scheduled to open, on July 1st.

    Here is a summary of the format this year as we know it:
    - The tournament will take place in a total of five rounds (one more than last year). In each round, the 18 teams will be divided into three brackets with six teams in each.
    - Each team will play each other one time during each round.
    - There will be one break day mixed into each round. It will not occur on the first or last day of the round, however.
    - Like last year, teams are awarded points at the end of each round, and they increase in subsequent rounds.
    - If there is a tie that must be broken, it will take place on June 29th and 30th.
    What we don't know yet:
    - To what extent will the daily "head-to-head" results be considered when determining bracket standings, if at all?
    - Will the "live updated" standings return?
    - Will brackets be randomized at the start of each round, or will they be predetermined by TNT?
    - The official Altador Cup FAQ mentions "Home and Away" for each team, as well as scores. There's no word on what this could mean just yet.
  4. Like
    Xepha reacted to Mouseykins in Team Faerieland Interview with Valtonous Rea and Elbin Kroe!   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).
    This is Mouseykins for The Daily Neopets! I am on location in Altador waiting for the signups to begin. I've been camped outside the Colosseum for the past week deciding on the best way to get inside. Since my disguised entrance last year, the guards have improved their security and are now asking for ID badges. I only have my press badge and they won't let me in. All week I have been plotting and now I have figured out the perfect way to get inside.
    I went around to the back of the Colosseum and used my Freeze Ray on the guards. Once they were frozen in place, I strapped on my climbing harness and began climbing the wall to the second level balcony. From there I stowed my climbing gear in my bag and put on my janitor outfit. My bag got tossed in the corner and I was on my way. Dressed as a janitor, I was able to go anywhere and found that Team Faerieland was on the Yooyuball field. I caught up with Goalkeeper Valtonous Rea and Left Forward Elbin Kroe.

    Valtonous Rea and Elbin Kroe
    [smile] Hi there! Voltonous it's a pleasure to see you again! Elbin it's great to finally meet you! Valtonous: EIbin you remember that reporter from last year who snuck into our locker room? Well she is standing right in front of you now. [snicker] I was expecting you at some point Mouseykins. It's lovely to see you again!
    Elbin: [giggle] Yes I remember! Pleased to meet you Mouseykins!
    [laugh] I sure didn't disappoint this year. Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your practice to sit and chat with me. I heard you opened up your training grounds to fans over the off-season. What was that like?
    Valtonous: It was a great way to connect with all our fans. Everyone who came out to the grounds had a blast! I think my favourite part was showing and teaching our fans about being a goalkeeper.
    Elbin: Having our fans nearby while we trained was really motivated. Some of them youngsters are quite fast. [giggle] I was outrun a few times by them. It just made me train harder to improve my speed and abilities on the field.
    That's great! I was hoping to attend, but I've been kept quite busy. What are you looking forward to the most during this tournament?
    Valtonous: I'm just looking forward to having a good time, enjoying the game I love. It'll definitely be nice to reconnect with some friends on opposing teams. We always have such a good rivalry.
    Elbin: I'm looking forward to seeing all our fans again and just having a great time. Also it'll be nice to show some of them teams the faster Elbin, they won't know what hit them! [cackle]
    Connecting with fans and old friends is always nice. [smile] I see you finished in 15th place again last year, but you did better than the year before with more overall wins and less losses. How does that feel?
    Valtonous: When I saw the final standings I wasn't surprised to see us in 15th place. What shocked me was our overall improvement. We did so much better last year than previous years. It was a proud moment for me and I hope we can outdo ourselves again this year.
    Elbin: I couldn't believe it! I was so proud of our entire team. It looked like we were having a hard time, but we improved our game and made all those losses less painful.
    I was thrilled when I heard the final standings. Any changes we should be on the lookout for this year?
    Valtonous: Umm I can't really say without giving anything away.
    Elbin: Oh Valtonous! Stop being so vague! Yes there are changes this year. Not drastic changes, just subtle ones that will no doubt surprise our opponents.
    Valtonous: Elbin! How dare you call me vague!
    Elbin: Well you are a Uni aren't you?
    Valtonous: Last time I checked, yes!
    Elbin: Well then you're vague by association.
    Valtonous: [pouts]
    Okay then, moving on. I've heard a lot of players complain about those Darigan Yooyus. What are your thoughts on them?
    Valtonous: I love them! [grin] They're so unpredictable and fun to watch on the field. I don't like it too much when they come near my goal, but they usually just end up bouncing right off.
    Elbin: They make scoring goals easy most times. Just let the other side take control of it and keep it on their side so they can score in their own net, giving us the points. [smile]
    Now that's the way to do it! What's your favourite Yooyu to play with?
    Valtonous: The Ice Yooyu is the one I favor the most. When the opposing team gets it, they usually can't score on me. That Yooyu moves too slow for them to have a shot at a goal from a large distance. If they're up close that's a tad different, but I can usually block them.
    Elbin: Gah! I don't like those Ice Yooyus, they're way too slow for my liking. The Fire Yooyu is by far my favourite one to throw around. At the beginning of a round if I can get to the Fire Yooyu first, I can score rather quickly from the center line. Once they have a clear path, they just fly down the field.
    Voice on the intercom: Attention! All Faerieland Team Members please report to the practice field.
    Well I guess I better let you both go so you can get some more practice in before the day is over. It was great chatting with you! I look forward to cheering you on from the stands! Have a great tournament! [group hug]
    Valtonous: I guess break time is over now. Thanks! I hope we have an awesome tournament and outdo our stats from last year.
    Elbin: It was great to meet you! Take care and I'll be watching for you in the stands. [smile]
    Now I guess I better make my way back out without getting caught.
    Valtonous: Good Luck! Oh and don't forget to stop by one of them food carts. They have the best food in the city!
    Elbin: They have the best pastries!
    Thanks! I'll see if I can find one on my way out.
    Before leaving, I stopped at a food cart and grabbed quite a few pastries for snacking on later. Still being dressed as a janitor I walked past several guards and none stopped me. Once I returned to the balcony I changed into my climbing gear, grabbed my bag and climbed down the wall. The guards from earlier were still there frozen in place. When I was a safe distance away, I adjusted the settings on my Freeze Ray and released the guards. Back to my campsite I went.
  5. Like
    Xepha reacted to :)Doc in Maraqua Support Thread   
    Hey everybody, come in here and discuss everything Maraqua! :rock:
    Just don't hate on us, or any other teams, just discuss Maraqua! :thumbsup:
  6. Like
    Xepha reacted to complicatedwishes in NC Mall: Techo Fanatic Gift Box Mystery Capsule!   
    The Techo Fanatic Gift Box Mystery Capsule can be found in Future Fashions in the NC Mall. If you don't have access to Future Fashions, the capsule will be available to everyone very soon!

  7. Like
    Xepha reacted to Spritzie in Neopoint Wearables for Maraquan Pets!   
    At first I was disappointed because I love the items, but don't have a Maraquan pet yet, then I remembered I do.
    I can't wait to preview the items.I love the wings the most, but I have a Maraquan Grarrl, so I don't know how those wings will look, considering how delicate they look, and how Mara Grarrls look like sharks.
    It's great to see some NP wearables for Maraquan pets though. I hope they keep releasing more. :D
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  9. Like
    Xepha reacted to antiaircraft in Pre-Cup Interview With Layton Vickles   
    As far as I'm aware it depends on the Hissi. ;) It's kind of like an accent - some are more prone to it, others not so much, and there are different varieties of hisses. Some Hissis work to get rid of the hiss, and some others work on it as a style thing.
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to xblade356 in Pre-Cup Interview With Layton Vickles   
    I'm sssssssorry, that'ssssssss jusssssst how Layton ssssssspeaks.
  11. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duskitty in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from complicatedwishes in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from nbbug132 in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from crazy_cat_luv_bb in Just a question about the reminder on the top-right of the website   
    Turmaculus alert has to be turned on manually by a staff member. If none of us are aware that he can be woken up, then we won't be able to alert our visitors.
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Why does AA Sans Quotes have so many likes?   
    Theo is also a Random Invisible Guy. That's why you might not have noticed him in the games forum.
  18. Like
    Xepha reacted to xblade356 in Pre-Cup Interview With Layton Vickles   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).
    This is xblade356 from The Daily Neopets, on site at Darigan Citadel, with an exclusive Pre-Cup Interview with Layton Vickles. I met Layton a few years ago, when I was screaming my lungs out cheering for him. We both went to get slushies, and ever since then, we've been great friends, and I was excited when I was able to finally interview him.

    Thanks for this opportunity to interview you Layton! It's an honor to be here! 
    No problem. The honor isssss all mine.
    Ok Layton, let's get started shall we. Many fans are wondering how has your team been preparing for the Altador Cup?
    Well, I can't reveal the exact detailsssss of our training, but I can sssssay that is wasssss a very grueling offseason. We've all been practicing very hard, and we really want to take home the Cup for a sssssecond year.
    Speaking about taking home the Cup for a second year, who do you think has the best chance at winning?
    I think that we have a good chance at winning, but I also think Meridell hasss a good chance. We both have reasssson to be motivated after being sssssso closssse to victory lasssst year.
    Awesome! Which teams are you looking forward the most to playing against?
    I'm really looking foward to facing againssst Kreludor. Lasssst year they gave us a beating, and thisssss year I would love to be able to return the favor.
    Ah yes, Kreludor. As I recall, you guys faced off numerous times against each other throughout the tournament. How did that affect your gameplay?
    Facing againssst Kreludor actually encouraged me to be better. Playing with ssstrong teamssss only makesssss you better. Although I have to be honesssst with you, it got tiring after a while.
    It must've been. Let's talk about the tournament format. Last year, they changed the format from a double round robin system to a bracket system. Did you like this new format, or would you prefer the old one? What changes would you suggest to make the new system better?
    Thisssss passsst yearsssss format was certainly interessssting to say the leasssst. I liked the old format better, but it never hurtssss to try ssssomething new. Last year, assss you sssssaw in our casssse, we faced againsssst Kreludor many timessss. If they are able to fix the deck in our favor, we would enjoy the tournament more. Sssssso what is the next question?
    Oh um. Well what are some things that you're looking forward to the most this year? And what are some things that you are not looking forward to?
    I'm really looking forward to our wonderful fansssss. They're the reasssson that we do very well, and I just want to thank them for all their hard work and dedication to our team. I'm definitely dredging having to play with the Darigan yooyussssss. I know they're ssssort of like our team massscot, but everytime one appearsssss on the field, we all get nervoussss. Esssspecially Reshar, because you never know which way the ball issss going to go.
    I definitely understand, I've had my fair share of bad experiences with them. Now Layton, one more question. Throughout this interview, you've been relatively calm when Kreludor has been mentioned, and I'm wondering what's up with that? Do you have a something planned in store for them? Or have you really forgiven them for last year events?
    [smiles Mischievously ] Well, you'll find out in a few weekssssss. It's going to be a surprise. [Winks at me]
    Ok, can't wait! Well, it seems I'm all out of questions. Do you have anything else to say?
    Jusssst one thing. Get ready, caussssse we're coming for the Cup.

    Well, I guess this is it. Reporting from Darigan Citadel this is xblade356 signing off. See you at the Altador Cup! Bye!
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Which team are you going for the 3rd round?   
    *abandons the Seekers*
    I was getting tired of seeing the prof, so for this round I'm with the Order even though I don't like them. (Try to find the logic here.)
  20. Like
    Xepha reacted to Bubbleline in AC 2013 Questionnaire!   
    To clarify: When I said rival team, I meant any team that isn't yours. I know some teams do actually have 'rivals' but...yea...i guess I shoulda said 'opponent'.
    Also, you could've totally played yyb with your mouse last year. It was the year before that that they got rid of that option.
  21. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in AC 2013 Questionnaire!   
    1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you?
    This will be my fifth year of torturing myself playing.

    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go?
    The same team as always; Shenkuu.

    3: What are you most looking forward to this year?
    The end.

    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning?
    KI, DC, MD, KR, MQ. The usual.

    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against?
    None of them.

    6: Any AC goals? What are they?
    Get All-Star.

    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event?
    Shorten the duration of the event, with less to achieve all-star. Add a new game.
    8: Something you're dreading?
    The whole entire thing

  22. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in AC 2013 Questionnaire!   
    1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you?
    Nope, it's gonna be my 8th.
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go?
    Yes. Always a Fishie!
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year?
    Reconnecting with old friends.
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning?
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against?
    Lost Desert (because of their Wocky, of course)
    6: Any AC goals? What are they?
    All-Star, and then we will see how far I can make it this year.
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event?
    Adding a new mini-game!
    8: Something you're dreading?
  23. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Bubbleline in AC 2013 Questionnaire!   
    1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you?
    Nope, it's gonna be my 8th.
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go?
    Yes. Always a Fishie!
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year?
    Reconnecting with old friends.
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning?
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against?
    Lost Desert (because of their Wocky, of course)
    6: Any AC goals? What are they?
    All-Star, and then we will see how far I can make it this year.
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event?
    Adding a new mini-game!
    8: Something you're dreading?
  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from cleomiele in Cross-painted pets!   
    I have a Royal Girl Faerie Peophin :D
    I think she is just so elegant.

  25. Like
    Xepha reacted to tinyplasticdinos in Unreleased Caption #1310   
    Delicious summer treatzzz!
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