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  1. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Why is the Faerie Quest Cookie price cut in half?   
    Most likely, just a marketing campaign to get more people to buy them :P
    I highly doubt they are going to retire cookies that are popular, as it's a steady income for the site.
  2. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Why is the Faerie Quest Cookie price cut in half?   
    Most likely, just a marketing campaign to get more people to buy them :P
    I highly doubt they are going to retire cookies that are popular, as it's a steady income for the site.
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from nbbug132 in Why is the Faerie Quest Cookie price cut in half?   
    Most likely, just a marketing campaign to get more people to buy them :P
    I highly doubt they are going to retire cookies that are popular, as it's a steady income for the site.
  4. Like
    Xepha reacted to Mouseykins in NC Purchase ideas   
    Personally I would spend it on something you like. If you let it expire chances are pretty good that you will get a junk item that you don't really want.
    If you're looking for stuff that's 150NC your best bet is to go directly to the mall and browse each of the neopet categories and put items you like into your cart and then narrow it down from there. :)
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Who owns TDN?   
    Ian might be the owner of the site... but TDN wouldn't be the same without all the staffers. So thank you to everyone who has been on staff at one moment or another! (We are close to 50 staff members at the moment :P)
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duskitty in Who owns TDN?   
    Ian might be the owner of the site... but TDN wouldn't be the same without all the staffers. So thank you to everyone who has been on staff at one moment or another! (We are close to 50 staff members at the moment :P)
  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duma in Who owns TDN?   
    Ian might be the owner of the site... but TDN wouldn't be the same without all the staffers. So thank you to everyone who has been on staff at one moment or another! (We are close to 50 staff members at the moment :P)
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Who owns TDN?   
    Ian might be the owner of the site... but TDN wouldn't be the same without all the staffers. So thank you to everyone who has been on staff at one moment or another! (We are close to 50 staff members at the moment :P)
  9. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Who owns TDN?   
    Because he's busy being a super awesome rockstar (literally) and doesn't have as much time to play on Neopets anymore. He still takes good care us though :) *sends Ian bunnies*
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to satelliting in Hey guys! Programmer in training here!   
    Awesome! Well I hope to become good friends with you! I need to look into the new CSS and HTML5 :P
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in It's the Annual Chocolate Ball!   


  12. Like
    Xepha reacted to Ruto in Why limit posts to seven words?   
    Honestly, if you can't come up with at least 7 words, you really don't have anything worthwhile to contribute to a conversation.
    This rule was made to cut back on spam, and there is absolutely zero room for bending. Topic closed.
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Ruto).
    The original topic is now answered and will be closed.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Ruto if you have any questions regarding this action.
  13. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Seventh and Last Twisted Histories Mystery Capsule Released!   
    What if King Coltzan had never been poisoned? This capsule celebrates the (almost) illustrious reign of King Coltzan III with 4 new Limited Edition bonus items! The last capsule in the series, the Reign of Coltzan Mystery Capsule will be on sale in the NC Mall through September 22, 2013.

    Twisted Histories Adventure Guide

    P.S. Don't forget that the Unscathed Maraqua Mystery Capsule is only available until the 11:59:59pm on Friday September 13! Get it while you still can!

  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    To each their own.
    I'm sure some people LOVE all the pets you have posted so far. One I find cute for instance is the Faerie Acara.
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    To each their own.
    I'm sure some people LOVE all the pets you have posted so far. One I find cute for instance is the Faerie Acara.
  16. Like
    Xepha reacted to thgil in New Shenkuu Petpet Weapons!   
    These two petpet-based weapons are available at Wonderous Weaponry in Shenkuu.

    No Kazerius were harmed in the making of these weapons. The Gikerots may not have been so lucky...

    If you have any additional information on these weapons, please Contact Us!
  17. Like
    Xepha reacted to Rebecca~ in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    It's not restricted just because of NC. It's restricted because they instituted customization- something the user base requested for YEARS before they finally did it. I'm sure NC helped them believe that the cost was worthwhile (because really, how much time went into redrawing EVERY PET), but it's not like they did this random thing that no one wanted and just sneakily cackled, "heh heh heh, now they must pay us for clothing for their pets!"
    Especially since you don't HAVE to customize your pet at all, and there are lots of beautiful NP clothing. I use almost exclusively NP, and I have had no problems with customizing any of my pets.
  18. Like
    Xepha reacted to tinyplasticdinos in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    I understand the desire to see better artwork as the site progresses, but there is also such a thing as overdoing it. Though the acara and poogle might be stunning in their own right, the artwork is out of place in the mutant category. They look like mystical transformers rather than a mutated pet. The xweetok and bruce are more true to the idea of a pet who has been mutated by a transmogrification potion.
    This might be exceptional artwork:

    But a chomby on steroids does not have as much of a mutant neopet feel as say these pets:

    The details and shading on mutants such as pteris, kaus, etc. are certainly done by someone with talent, but it's not always necessary especially when seen in the scope of the artwork on the rest of the site and even within that same color group. The other mutants feel truer to the spirit of Neopets than Optimus Prime wannabes or a giant pinata ogrin. We as users shouldn't be required to settle for mediocre coloring, I agree, but a balance is necessary lest the artists go out of control in Photoshop every time a new pet color is premiered.
  19. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    They did contribute to the conversation, actually, just with the additional acknowledgement that everyone has different tastes, hence the "quoted words". Those words are, in essence, a diffuser- they help prevent what was said from being taken out of context, and as such help prevent a conversation from turning into a really silly argument.
    There are some pet colors that are less detailed than others, yes, but I think a lot of the less detailed ones are were originally made pre-customization. While this isn't true for all pets, a significant number lost a lot of personality because of the standardized poses. And even the ones who didn't were effected by the artists having to get literally thousands of pet bits drawn in a very specific manner as quickly as they could. Since then, between the artists being more used to the specific format and having a lot more time to get a lot less done, pet colors have become more creative, more detailed, and each pet has been slowly becoming more unique within their color. Take Woodland, for example- each Woodland pet is unique within the color, without an overabundance of weird bits that stick out and get in the way of the customization overlays.
    Also, in this era of Neopets, a conversation about colors is almost guaranteed to include talk about customization at some point just by the nature of the game. The clothes a color comes with, what the pet looks like without them, and how easy or hard it is to find reasonably priced wearables that look nice with said color all have an impact on that color's desirability and quality, and a color that looks bland on its own may be the perfect slate for an amazing customization. And unless I'm very much mistaken, one of the biggest reasons Disco and Cloud aren't overly popular is because they're hard to customize (Disco because of clashing colors, Cloud because of the irregular shapes that tend to overlap funny with various items), rather than because they're not detailed or well drawn.
  20. Like
    Xepha reacted to mynn in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    I actually like the plainer mutant pets more. While the fancier ones clearly have more detail to them, the plainer ones are more consistent with the feel of the site (at least back when they were introduced), and my idea of a "mutant", which is more "awkwardly deformed" than "demonic and evil-looking".
  21. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duskitty in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    To each their own.
    I'm sure some people LOVE all the pets you have posted so far. One I find cute for instance is the Faerie Acara.
  22. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    To each their own.
    I'm sure some people LOVE all the pets you have posted so far. One I find cute for instance is the Faerie Acara.
  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to tinyplasticdinos in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    What seems like a lack of creativity is in actuality the age of the paint brush. Faerie pets existed before customization and the pet conversion, so the colors that look 'cheap' or 'lazy' now were actually pretty unique at the time. Now that wings are a dime a dozen the novelty of converted Faeries has certainly worn off, but it's good to remember the evolution of the Neopets site before being critical.

    I would say, however, that colors like dimensional and water that have come out more recently seem like a lack of creativity on the part of the artists, but even still there are people who have used those colors as a base in an amazing customization. So to each their own really does apply in this situation.
  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Finn the Human in Some of these colored neopets are so poorly done   
    To each their own.
    I'm sure some people LOVE all the pets you have posted so far. One I find cute for instance is the Faerie Acara.
  25. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in NC items rant   
    Actually... people buy more NC cards or the gift box capsules in the NC Mall in order to *trade* for retired items. Believe me, by having items available for a limited time, TNT is forcing people to spend more money than if all the items were available forever.
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