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    kayahtik got a reaction from Duma in The Official Stock Market Board   
    BUZZ is now at 62, SKBD at 65, and TAG a measly 56. I'll be keeping my portfolio open today so I can keep an eye on these guys!
  2. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    Instagram huh? I follow them on there. *checks* oh yeah, there it is. 1922 followers for the Insta account, I wonder how many for Twitter. *looks* 15k Nice number, but I wonder how many are actually active now.
    Why haven't they said anything ON THE SITE?!
    Come on girl, this is JS, when will you learn to stop questioning the stupid?
  3. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in The Official Stock Market Board   
    I'm saying NOTHING, seeing as I clearly frightened TAG last time. ?
    HELT is hanging around in the upper reaches. 79 at the moment. I guess it likes the rarefied air up there. xD
    EDIT @Kute @kayahtik
    BUZZ is making a bid for attention now!
    (profile) 55 66 +11 10,000 130,000 660,000 +407.69% Let's see what happens here!
    Oh, and another creeping into the 60s
    (profile) 56 61 +5 19,000 280,000 1,159,000 +313.93% TAG is flagging behind these guys, come along, keep up! xD
  4. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    Which indicates that today was originally meant to be a tournament day, right???
    Sorry, it's going to be a while before I stop feeling salty about this. 
  5. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    Which indicates that today was originally meant to be a tournament day, right???
    Sorry, it's going to be a while before I stop feeling salty about this. 
  6. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    Yes, the absolutely do! Board 7 is particularly good at that skill. 
    My money is on an extension as well, at least out of those two options. But I wouldn't be entirely surprised if TNT just screwed us out of one of our playing days. 
  7. Like
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    They are, aren't they?! Budding journalists or politicians, the lot of 'em! ?
    An extension really makes SENSE. But we all know that TNT and sense are often two mutually exclusive things, so yeah.
    So I'd not be at all surprised if we lost out on a day either.
    All I want to to get a chance to get to Rank 15 ?
  8. Haha
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    Yes, the absolutely do! Board 7 is particularly good at that skill. 
    My money is on an extension as well, at least out of those two options. But I wouldn't be entirely surprised if TNT just screwed us out of one of our playing days. 
  9. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    @jellysundae I was riled up enough this morning to venture over there and take a peek, and people are surprisingly calm? There seem to be two camps: (1) we will be given an extra day at the end to make up for today, and (2) FL is going to be removed from the final bracket because of the cheaters, and so only four days of play will be needed to complete the bracket [although this completely discounts the lower two brackets, who would still need five days to play all the way through...]
  10. Sad
    kayahtik got a reaction from midnight_spell360 in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    @midnight_spell360 Well, according to the apparently untrustworthy rules page, the last day of play is June 29th. So starting from tomorrow, it would be four days. 
    But like I said, I'm expecting (probably in vain) that they'll add an extra day to the tournament, and it will continue through the 30th. 
  11. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    @midnight_spell360 Well, according to the apparently untrustworthy rules page, the last day of play is June 29th. So starting from tomorrow, it would be four days. 
    But like I said, I'm expecting (probably in vain) that they'll add an extra day to the tournament, and it will continue through the 30th. 
  12. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in It's a bye-day, so go on out and play!   
    This fills me with wrath, tbqh. The rules say "the third practice break of 2 days will be at the end of Round 1." Why would they change it??? Without telling us in advance??? 
    There go my hopes of making double All Star, unless they tack an extra day on at the end. 
  13. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in The Official Stock Market Board   
    (profile) 62 64 +2 7,000 100,000 448,000 +348.00% LET'S DO THIS!!! I believe in you, TAG!
  14. Like
    kayahtik reacted to smoss1 in Ghoul Catchers App Updated!   
    Yay!!!? TNT after a long while finally releases an update yesterday for versions of Ghoul Catchers! (Tried the updates on my iPod, iPad, and android phone - have not tried Facebook version)     New Additions:   -layout and graphics changed slightly    Faster load times - OMG this is great!!! Once loaded inside the app and levels, the transition from loading between rounds is almost instantaneous. This way, there will be less time dedicated to earning 50k a day.     More Ads/ video Ads to earn more NP - On the main level select page, there is an video ad available to watch for a chance to earn 1k np or lives if you have less than 5. Also, there is a chance that players can double their reward after finishing a level. I think it is about 5 times during my daily NP grab that that I was asked if I wanted to double my reward. Despite this, there is still the cap of earning 50k a day.       Glitches I have noticed:   *Ghouls not clearing/appear in the same place as other ghouls - occasionally, a ghoul will “get stuck” in the same place as another ghoul and will not move. So it can be hard to tell which ghoul will move. And this glitch stays between rounds as far as I have noticed unless you reset the app.   *Text for 50k NP Daily limit reaches not resetting - I had played again today on my android phone after the 5pm NST reset time for earning NP again after earning NP yesterday as well and despite the game saying I had reached daily limit of NP, the points were added to my account as usual. It also lagged my pages for a bit while refreshing on the Neopets website.   *Videos failing to load sometimes - This may be entirely my fault anyway from having such an old device such as my iPod Touch 5 gen from 2013 but no ads even show up load on this version I have on this device. This problem only happens on this iPod of mine so far.     Also, there have been people on the boards complaining about issues that they do not receive NP or the game doesn’t load after the update installation. I have not experienced this myself, but it is good to be aware of this persistent issues.       Overall, the amount of glitches in the Ghoul Catchers app were not reduced from before, but were traded out for new ones. Hopefully TNT will update the game again soon. Maybe...  but still, it’s nice to see that the app can be downloaded again and is a little more accessible to more people - and that TNT has not forgotten about Ghoul Catchers.   Has anyone else has noticed anything that I didn’t mention? I don’t know a lot about the Facebook version myself so I’m not sure how well it is working like the other versions.   Good luck everyone!?  
  15. Sad
    kayahtik reacted to jellysundae in The Official Stock Market Board   
    93 now . . .
    *sits with hands behind back*
    Don't be picky and ask how I can type whilst doing that.
  16. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from Kute in The Official Stock Market Board   
    I sold at 75, so as long as it didn't go much higher than that, I'm still happy! 
    Now I have to decide who to keep my sights on next...no one is looking particularly promising at the moment. 
  17. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Duma in I'm thinking of doing a Twitch stream of neopets giveaways, anyone interested?   
    Nope, we are an official Neopets Fansite and the same rules apply.
  18. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in The Official Stock Market Board   
    Summary : You had 120541 NP. After 7 successful transactions, you have 645446. 
    I caved. It may still go up higher, but that's +500k for me so I won't complain!
  19. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Nielo in The Fireside (All teams welcome)   
    I agree with @jellysundae, and I also think some people just get a kick out of cheating, feeling like they're "beating the system", and seeing how much it annoys/frustrates/upsets others. Some people are just really pathetic.
  20. Haha
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in Wheel of Extravagance   
    Mine has graduated to "once I hit 100m" but I'm sure it's going to increase again...... 
  21. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in What's your Achievement today?   
    I've been moping around because of the AC signup delays, so I spent the last couple of days chipping away at my Cellblock trophy...good riddance.

    You Win!!!
    You have already earned your daily limit of Neopoints.
    You are allowed to continue playing, though.

    And, you've earned a Trophy!

    Congratulations! You have advanced to the next Tournament.
  22. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Duma in Today's Random Events   
    Doing my dailies today I got 2! random events:

    AND I got Sneezles from Expellibox. Neopets was generous! LOL
  23. Thanks
    kayahtik reacted to phill in AC XIII Darigan Citadel Support Thread // Bring it on!   
    Many congrats on your reaching all star :)
  24. Like
    kayahtik got a reaction from jellysundae in AC XIII Darigan Citadel Support Thread // Bring it on!   
    Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! So true. 
    I hit All Star just now! I can't believe it took less than two weeks. 
    I already maxed sosd and played 30 yyb, so I'll probably max that as well today. Hopefully that will make up for me not being able to play much this weekend. 
  25. Like
    kayahtik reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Don't ya just hate it when..... (Share your AC XIII woes)   
    Is it just me? Am I the only one who feels "guilty" if I don't score (in time) with the Clockwork Yooyu?
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