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    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from life_eclectic in In a very strange place   
    Thank you Naamah, for being brave to post what you have been through and how you feel. I am sorry that you got bullied and had ppl try to tell you how you should be. Since I've just started high school, I don't have the over-coming, victorious stories to share (...yet) but truly appreciate the advice S_A and enitul gave you bc, like the lurker I am, I benefit by reading others' posts of experiences I can't even imagine. I admire these warrior princesses, S_A and enitul, for overcoming their unfair and harsh treatment and am grateful for the hope that they revealed that there is life after high school and it doesn't have to be a popularity contest with unfair rules that never ends. :sad01_anim:
    My mom, who became a scientist told us that when she was in her 5th grade year she had a male teacher who sent the girls outside to play jump rope while the boys did Science with the teacher, giving the girls "automatic" Bs and the boys "automatic" As. She said she hid by the window sill outside and watched the boys do Science and it annoyed her that she wasn't "allowed" to do Science. Then there was a day when the boys had been given the bones of 3 animals that the teacher didn't tell them what they were and had put them into groups to put those bones together. After a half hour, the boys gave up and my mom went around the corner of the wall as the boys came out with a kickball to play with their teacher. Then she went in and she figured out that they had the skeletons of a chicken, mink, and a frog, looked up a picture of each animal in an encyclopedia, and put all 3 skeletons together alone, before anyone got back to the room. When the teacher and class came back to the room, they saw the completed skeletons and my mom sitting at her desk and got angry that she "ruined" their Science project. Even the teacher was annoyed with her and asked her how did she put the skeletons together. When she told him that she based the skeletons on the pictures of the animals she looked up the teacher said, "Oh, so you cheated!" And the whole class for the rest of the year called her a "cheater" (made absolutely no sense, right?). Skip to that the rest of her school years she made sure she took Science courses and majored in Biological Sciences in college and went on to do Electron Microscopy at Yale University for the head of NIH and worked with a famous doctor (Dr. George Palade who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering the golgi body complex of cells in 1974) because she decided that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do or be. Weird, right? Can't even imagine that she had to fight her way to take Science bc girls were told that they couldn't do it in the 1970's here in the US. So, while I am still clueless on most things, I do know that- You have to be you and if the ppl around you don't get that, find other ppl who even if they don't get you, they let you be you. Peace out! :rock:  
  2. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from rntracy1 in In a very strange place   
    Thank you Naamah, for being brave to post what you have been through and how you feel. I am sorry that you got bullied and had ppl try to tell you how you should be. Since I've just started high school, I don't have the over-coming, victorious stories to share (...yet) but truly appreciate the advice S_A and enitul gave you bc, like the lurker I am, I benefit by reading others' posts of experiences I can't even imagine. I admire these warrior princesses, S_A and enitul, for overcoming their unfair and harsh treatment and am grateful for the hope that they revealed that there is life after high school and it doesn't have to be a popularity contest with unfair rules that never ends. :sad01_anim:
    My mom, who became a scientist told us that when she was in her 5th grade year she had a male teacher who sent the girls outside to play jump rope while the boys did Science with the teacher, giving the girls "automatic" Bs and the boys "automatic" As. She said she hid by the window sill outside and watched the boys do Science and it annoyed her that she wasn't "allowed" to do Science. Then there was a day when the boys had been given the bones of 3 animals that the teacher didn't tell them what they were and had put them into groups to put those bones together. After a half hour, the boys gave up and my mom went around the corner of the wall as the boys came out with a kickball to play with their teacher. Then she went in and she figured out that they had the skeletons of a chicken, mink, and a frog, looked up a picture of each animal in an encyclopedia, and put all 3 skeletons together alone, before anyone got back to the room. When the teacher and class came back to the room, they saw the completed skeletons and my mom sitting at her desk and got angry that she "ruined" their Science project. Even the teacher was annoyed with her and asked her how did she put the skeletons together. When she told him that she based the skeletons on the pictures of the animals she looked up the teacher said, "Oh, so you cheated!" And the whole class for the rest of the year called her a "cheater" (made absolutely no sense, right?). Skip to that the rest of her school years she made sure she took Science courses and majored in Biological Sciences in college and went on to do Electron Microscopy at Yale University for the head of NIH and worked with a famous doctor (Dr. George Palade who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering the golgi body complex of cells in 1974) because she decided that no one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do or be. Weird, right? Can't even imagine that she had to fight her way to take Science bc girls were told that they couldn't do it in the 1970's here in the US. So, while I am still clueless on most things, I do know that- You have to be you and if the ppl around you don't get that, find other ppl who even if they don't get you, they let you be you. Peace out! :rock:  
  3. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to enitul in In a very strange place   
    My advice would be this: Do what feels right, ignore the thoughts and opinions of people you don't have anything to do with and occasionally trust your gut/instincts (it was 9/10 times the right choice to make is my experience). I, too, was bullied in the past and it followed me through all of my schoolyears. When I first went to a new school (because I finished the first one, not because I got kicked out or anything) people throughout the whole school already knew who I was and about the reputation(?) I had. But I was bullied for different reasons and in different ways than yours and I'm really sorry for what happened to you *big hug* <3. And nowadys if people have a comment on my (childish) behavior since I'm 23 (technically an adult), I'll just shrug and be like ''meh' and continue having fun in life because that's one of the things I like to do most. I also try not to worry too much about things and just try to go with the flow. It might be easier said than done but I think it's worth a try. ;)  And just so you know: I'll always be ready for you if you wanna talk about something. Try to find your own, fun way in life and make it feel like it's worth it. Go for it champ! :thumbsup:
  4. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to S_A in In a very strange place   
    A lion doesn't lose sleep over the the opinions of sheep. Live your life how you want to as long as it doesn't hurt you or anybody else. I'm 23 for the -eth time (lol...my way of saying I'm much older than you), was bullied mercilessly (I literally had chunks of concrete thrown at my back because I grew up in a fairly sheltered family...think Carrie lol...and the kids thought it was funny to stone a Christian, and that was the easiest part of my early years), and the older I got, the less I cared about what others thought of me, and cared more about what I thought about me. I also went to, and still see a counselor...nothing shameful about it.
    It sounds cliche, but it gets easier, and much better. 
    I am an artist now, have had my art shown in museums and lots of galleries in my home state. I have gone bungee jumping, white water rafting, I climbed a 50ft. tall Alpine Tower, was a model for Fashion Bug years ago when I was still a little hefty, and have flourished. Your twenties may suck...a lot...lol. This is your time to become who you want to be. It's hard at times, and super rewarding others. Find your purpose. Dare to do things you think you aren't able to. Be peculiar! Make it count!
  5. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Musical_Shoyru in And maybe things have turned around   
    Honestly as weird as it is I'm glad to pay back the fines. I was raised by my mother to always help people and do what's right and stealing is definitely not in my character. By paying this back and then some I can somehow try to make up for what I did, not that it will completely erase that I did something wrong, but I can do something to show I'm sorry. Thanks for checking back and thank you everyone who has been supportive through this. I have not met a single ounce of negativity from any of you and that's just plain amazing to me! Thank you!
  6. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from mcsneezy in And maybe things have turned around   
    Again, the amazing things you accomplish-meeting these challenges while I am just shaking from reading, I am blown away from your awesomeness! It feels good to see that prayers do send positive vibes and thank you for sharing bc that helped me feel that my faith is stronger. I will continue to pray that more ease comes your way, that forgiveness of yourself fills your heart and soul, and that you will, God-willing, share in your family events and just enjoy being with your loved ones, ameen (may God make this so). This was a good thing to read to start my day with, thanks so much! And as aminoshiki said, we at TDN have faith in you that you will pull all of this together!  :rambo:
  7. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to .Brianna. in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Something Has Happened!
      You are now eligible to use 'Dr. Grumps' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
    Aaah! It's so exciting to be able to check off an avatar I never thought I'd even have a chance to play the game for ^_^ So glad the Shockwave games are working again!
  8. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to CylonPirate in Avatars: What have you got?   
    I took advantage of the resurgence of the shockwave games and knocked out gourmet club bowls, dice escape, and attack of the slorgs now I just need to practice some Hannah. 
  9. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in And maybe things have turned around   
    Again, the amazing things you accomplish-meeting these challenges while I am just shaking from reading, I am blown away from your awesomeness! It feels good to see that prayers do send positive vibes and thank you for sharing bc that helped me feel that my faith is stronger. I will continue to pray that more ease comes your way, that forgiveness of yourself fills your heart and soul, and that you will, God-willing, share in your family events and just enjoy being with your loved ones, ameen (may God make this so). This was a good thing to read to start my day with, thanks so much! And as aminoshiki said, we at TDN have faith in you that you will pull all of this together!  :rambo:
  10. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to mcsneezy in And maybe things have turned around   
    So so sorry you're having to go thru all of this. Although our circumstances differ, I have been in the same financial hole without any family or friends to help, as well. The ONLY thing that ended up helping me enough to dig my way out was taking advantage of community resources. They can help with rent, electric and water bills, groceries, phones, clothing.. literally everything you can imagine. I hope you're able to do the same, if you haven't already!


    If by chance you haven't, I'd be more than happy to help you find some in your state. Seriously, I don't mind at all and it's super simple <3


    Best of luck to you in all of this

  11. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Musical_Shoyru in And maybe things have turned around   
    To those of you who have been praying for me and kept me in their prayers since my last post (http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/46940-well-here-it-goes/) I just wanted to update you a little bit on what's been going on in my life.
    My last comment stated that I had been called in for an Arraignment on the 9th of this month. I went it for that and stood before a judge who read me my rights and what I was being accused of. At the end of it he asked me how I plead and I said guilty. He looked at me very strangely for a moment and then said "I'm pleading "not guilty" on your behalf." 
    I was a little shocked by this and wondering what it meant, I really hoped it didn't count against me as I was NOT the one saying I didn't commit this crime. I then was given a date to come in for a Pre-Trial conference two weeks later (the 23rd, yesterday). This was the LAST court date I would have before I found it if I was going to jail or not.
    Everything actually seemed to be going good besides this lingering "what's going to happen to me?" question. Things are going great with my job, I got a roommate to move in to our second bedroom so even if I didn't go to jail and had to work on this HUGE fine and restitution I would have the money to do so with rent and all utilities being split. I also am almost caught up on all my bills with the exception of electric and my car payments (with electric being caught up tomorrow and my car payments in a couple of weeks)
    I went in for my Pre-Trail and was super on edge and nervous. The lady that was doing the Pre-Trail Con. seemed really nice, but also unprofessional as everyone she called back to talk to she would have the door WIDE open and you could hear everything she was offering people. I got a really scared as it seemed everyone before me was getting offered plea deals with no jail times and I felt that if she's giving that many away that my odds might not be that high.
    So I got called in the first thing she said was that they WERE offering me a plea deal, what that entailed I had no clue yet. She then went on to saying that they were going to go with resolution of what I stole with no jail time, NOT ONLY THAT but she didn't even ask for 3x the amount which would have been well over 2 grand without court fees. I do however have it on my record as I just missed the age of being able to qualify for the program where you can take classes to get it to stay off you record, but she said with no previous record I can get it expunged in 5 years as long as I don't commit another crime (and lord knows I'm never doing that again).
    I then went before the judge who released me of my bond (so now I can leave the city and state freely) and gave me till mid-January of next year to pay it back. With court fees I'm looking at around 1,300 in total, which is way less than I was preparing myself to pay. I just have to save $275 a month for the next few months and I'm golden.
    I think a beautiful thing about this is I can now start to forgive myself. I can pay back what I took slowly and regain my sense justice there and I can actually start to live a life now. The last 4 months I had no idea how to respond to people who wanted to do things with me for holiday's or have to think about the fact that I'd spend my birthday in jail and possibly miss Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family or even the birth of my niece or nephew and my new sibling. I know it seems small to the grand scheme of things but I highly cherish those things (not so much my birthday) and missing them would be devastating.
    I by no means believe life will be easy from now on as I know things hit you out of no where, but this has made me appreciate things more than I already did. It also makes other trials I've faced throughout my life not seem so bad. I made it over a HUGE speed bump, now it's time to keep driving :)
  12. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to amaray in Faerie Quest Help   
    Wonderful, thank you SO much to badly and midnight_spell360!!
    "Level, strength, and health increased by a LOT"
  13. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to sezzzzzzy in Is neo dying?   
    I hope not! I like neopets because it's a nice little hour I can have to myself where I have mini goals and tasks that make me feel productive while I'm doing absolutely nothing.
    I think maybe people aren't posting because there's nothing to talk about, like hrtbrk said! Don't worry there will be something to talk about soon I'm sure!
  14. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to hrtbrk in Is neo dying?   
    It's usually quiet this time of year as people are heading back to school and there are no events on Neopets.
    I don't think it's dying, and this is typical behaviour across several websites and games.
  15. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from syaz in Faerie Quest Help   
    Oops! I should get into the habit of scrolling down to the last entry, then I would know that tk421beth sent the book to syaz!  :rolleyes_anim:
    Anyway, it wasn't an expensive book so syaz, why don't you keep it and read it to one of your pets or try to sell it?
    Btw, tk421beth, I sent you the smoothie! Good Luck & I hope the faerie gives you a great blessing! :laughingsmiley:
  16. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Wow, thank you so much Midnight! :woot: :wub_anim:
    Wow, you did it! Now I can get back to cooking. Thank you so much for your help!
    Bisbee66's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
  17. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Oops! I should get into the habit of scrolling down to the last entry, then I would know that tk421beth sent the book to syaz!  :rolleyes_anim:
    Anyway, it wasn't an expensive book so syaz, why don't you keep it and read it to one of your pets or try to sell it?
    Btw, tk421beth, I sent you the smoothie! Good Luck & I hope the faerie gives you a great blessing! :laughingsmiley:
  18. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Teganrose1 in The Backstage: Alternative Entries!   
    Here is my alt for the Neo lookalike contest

    It's the polarchuck from Snowmuncher :)
    Didn't really like that the face was visible, so I tried to make it look like the face was the Polarchuck's mouth.
  19. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to deboratibi in Announcing The Runway #20 Winners!   
    And the winners of The Runway's twentieth round are...
    1st Place

    Edna the Witch

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1219376
    "You wouldn't be mean to a helpless old woman would you? *cackle*"
    2nd Place

    Adee and Her Ice Cream

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1219361
    3rd Place

    Princess Amira

    Animation link: http://impress.openn...outfits/1219514


    Animation link: http://impress.openn...outfits/1220065

    The Darkest Faerie

    Animation link: https://impress.open...outfits/1219940
    "I'm back..."
    Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated!
  20. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to flpatsfan in What's your Achievement today?   
    If you really love your Pirate Krawk, I would change him to the Elephante, get the avi and then change him back.
    BUT, if you would rather have a Pirate Draik (my personal choice), then change your Shoyru to the Elephante and then to a Pirate Draik. 
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    midnight_spell360 got a reaction from flpatsfan in What's your Achievement today?   
    My Aisha, Kokariia, found 20,000np at Buried Treasure! I splurged and bought a Faellie from the Faerie Petpet Shop for 19k and was relieved to find out that Faellies were going for 24k on SSW, so I did OK (I am a terrible haggler!). Then I got to add it to my Petpet Gallery!  :rock:  The other day, I managed to buy a bag of peanuts at the Food Shop for 975np and when I tried to look up it's price on SSW, couldn't find it & it wasn't on the Shopping Wizard's regular one (item not found) and then checked trades. I saw the bag of peanuts going for the lowest was 100k, so I thought, maybe I better check TDN's avatar list and see what's up with this item. Yep, a nOOb like me didn't know that you feed this to an Elephante to get an avatar.
      So now I have to get an Elephante, but I have 5 pets. I have sent the Orange Grundo to some of my sisters so they could get the Forever Orange avatar but really don't want to put her in the Pound, and I really didn't want to put any of my other pets, my Red Shoyru & Pirate Krawk (who started as a Graarl) or my adopted pets, by Maractite Aisha (she was blue but I got a reward at the end of the Faerie Festival that gave her a dip at the Rainbow Pool) & my Robot Kacheek. Then I found a Golden Elephante Morphing Potion in my SDB (I think I paid 20k in a shop for it). So I am thinking of morphing my Shoyru to be an Elephante to feed it the bag of peanuts for the avatar but I don't want him to stay an Elephante (no offense to Elephante-owners meant) and I really don't want to change my Krawk who looks like Dasher Soley from Krawk Island's Old Altador Cup Line Up. After getting the bag of peanuts and finding the Morphing potion, I went to finish my Dailies and went to Anchor Management, and the Krawken dropped...a Pirate Krawk Morphing Potion. Now, do I change the Red Shoyru into a Golden Elephante, get the avvie, and then use my Pirate Draik Morphing Potion on him OR do I change my Pirate Krawk into a Golden Elephante, get the avvie, and then change him back into a Pirate Krawk?  :rolleyes_anim:
  22. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to Musical_Shoyru in What's your Achievement today?   
    Two more trophies! (One already awarded and another on the way)
     (will be getting the Gold Cellblock trophy in a few days, if anyone needs help with this one let me know, I have a method that wins almost every time!)

  23. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to homshabomination in What's your Achievement today?   
    Yesterday, I received a Grey Faerie quest that resulted in a blessing from the Fountain Faerie

    and then I go to redeem my faerie quest for today and I receive a low priced Fountain Faerie Quest!!!!!

  24. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to WeyrCat in What's your Achievement today?   
    Having to start over means getting all the little achievements again too. It kind of reminds me why I liked this game in the first place. Today I did my "first" Brain Tree quests, so I got Esophagor and Brain Tree and Battledome opponents. I even got the Tales of the Esophagor book prize. It had this whole HUGE banner for it!

  25. Like
    midnight_spell360 reacted to belacqua64 in What's your Achievement today?   
    I just found my Magma Pool time! 

    I've had the page open now and then over the last three days or so, hoping to find my time. I knew for certain it didn't happen between 1600 - 1630, but other than that I was hoping to find it randomly, as remembering to go back every five minutes was, well, a bit boring. After clicking one last time for the day before closing the tab, the guard fell asleep!

    Between this and getting the Lever of Doom avatar after ~3k's worth of pulls, I feel pretty lucky with this account! :D
    ETA: After catching a glance at my counter, I just realised that I hit the 50% avatar mark today too! :D :D 

    *so excited*
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