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    flpatsfan got a reaction from deboratibi in Official Neopets down/having issues board   
    My neomail isn't working either.  I sent a thank you to a friend and it took forever to go through, then a message showed when I thought it went through to try again.  I'm sorry yours isn't working Deb, but there is a very small comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.  
  2. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to rntracy1 in Forgotten Shore   
    I used to read posts like yours and think to myself, "poor person."  I always got 5,000 or 10,000nps, very rarely I would get 2,000nps but I always got SOMETHING.  It was a very rare occasion that I got nothing.  Now it seems, maybe since jumpstart took over, it is rare that I get something!  Now I am in that boat with the "poor person."  LOL.  So yes, I am in the same position.  There are times I get 10,000, or a treasure chest, etc.  But the times I get nothing far outweigh them.  If I got 2,000 per day, I would end up way ahead than getting the rare 10,000nps and getting nothing the rest of the time.  I feel your frustration.
  3. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to CylonPirate in Avatars: What have you got?   
    I farmed Eliv Thade last night hoping my score will get accepted for a trophy. But I still got the av so that's the important part. 
  4. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to deboratibi in Official Neopets down/having issues board   
    Is anyone else having problems with their neomail? I can't see my inbox, I keep getting this message (no matter how many times I refresh): "An error has occurred. Please try again in a minute."
    I don't even use neomail that much, but today I was supposed to do a nc trade with someone. I sent the first item and haven't heard back from them since, so I was about to neomail them again and that's when I found out it isn't working. I suppose my previous messages didn't even go through... I just hope there isn't something wrong with item transfers too, otherwise I've just lost a GBC :sad02:  
  5. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to just4dailies in Yay for sleep!   
    Our baby boy slept for 7 hours straight last night! My husband and I both startled awake so we didn't get quite as much sleep as he did but still it was rather great! Hopefully he'll get into a bit of a habit..til the next growth spurt that is :p
  6. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to S_A in Kindness costs nothing, but always pays back   
    So I had a background in my trades and the first offer was a low offer from a player with a 1 Week shield on his lookup. I sent a neomail explaining that if the bg was for his pet, I'd accept, otherwise, I'd reject his offer. He writes back and says that he is interested in reselling the bg tbh, and says that better offers will come (paraphrasing).
    I thought his message was thoughtful, and...well...I accepted the resale offer anyway.
    Around 15 minutes go by, and he writes me back and tells me to grab 10 junk items and head over to his trades. There, in glorious splendor are 100 gorgeous Rubber Ducks!!! I hor...*ahem*...collect Rubber Ducks, and I just...what a great start to a Wednesday!
    Wishing you all lots of <insert your cherished items>, and a Wednesday full of muchness!
  7. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Spritzie in Daily Dare FAQ - Double Dare, Team Challenge & More!   
    You need to go back to the main Daily Dare page. 
    Once you've completed the challenge, to the right of the challenge info, there will be a gift box you click. 
    I've already collected mine, but this is basically what it looks like:

  8. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to alexinwonderland in Altador Cup Confirmed - Rule Changes In Bound   
    This is awesome except for the fact that I'm the worst yooyuball player. I think i've scored maybe one goal ever. Hopefully they'll bring back the food service game. I could at least do that.
  9. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Psmucker3 in PLEASE READ   
    Hi guys. I just want to write this post because for the first time in a long time I am beginning to feel at peace. Guys, if you are feeling in a rut with life and it seems as if you will NEVER get out of it, please just listen to this:

    Life is all about ups and downs (this took me so long to even begin to come to terms with) and life will never be perfect. But you can learn to change your mindset and cultivate a peaceful mind by taking time for yourself... slowing down and seriously pushing yourself to go on walks, meditate, at least once a day.

    I promise sometimes the best medicine in life is talking with a dear friend, reflecting upon what you are thankful for, walking in the park, eating healthy, and taking care of yourself. This do not mean giving up on your goals and losing your drive for success.

    Personally, I went through a battle with depression last semester in school and hit a complete wall and burned out. Now, I am really analyzing how to improve the situation and by recharging my mind, I am able to see the bigger picture in life.

    It is a long process to improving mental health, but I promise no one is perfect and I still stumble many times along the way. But learning to embrace the crappier parts of life can really help you through. Stop getting worked up about the little things! Spilled coffee on your new white pants? It is OK. Yes, it may suck in the moment, but surely you will forget about this within a week's time. Going through a heartbreak? This will take a lot of healing time, but you must accept this. It is ok to wallow for a bit in your sorrows, but please get outside and begin to do something about it. Even if you take ONE step towards this mentality, practicing whenever you can will slowly lead to big results! Spilled that coffee on your white pants and still beating yourself up about? Say to yourself...It will be ok. Even if you do not believe this in the moment, eventually your thoughts will change and you WILL believe.

    Similarly, for the longest time I would spend money (excessively) on pointless things, and was completely caught up in consumerism. It is hard not to be, especially as a fashion design student. I would mentally beat myself up for hours after making an unnecessary purchase. Now, I am implementing slow but steady changes. For example, buying groceries and making meals at home, making a budget. And I realize now that you can seriously live off a very minimal amount of clothing. Even if you love fashion, you can own a few, chic, nicely made pieces and mix and match according to your personal style. You will feel like your sense of fashion is even BETTER because you won't find yourself overwhelmed with outfit choices. Although it is important to try to stick within a budget, don't beat yourself up for sometimes breaking it. Life is about learning. You can't get back the money, but you CAN improve.

    For me, these are really big steps. And often times I overlook the great leaps I have already taken. Every once in awhile, look back, reflect, and praise yourself because you are slowly but surely improving! My next goal is to work towards lessening time consumed by social media and celebrity culture. Now, I am going to library and trying to fill any extra time I have by reading rather than scrolling through social media. Yes, I blunder many times a week (even day) but any start is better than never even trying.


    P.s...I'm also going to be doing a sale of my old clothing soon if anybody will like to order some things, I can ship them off :) Help with recycling clothing rather than partaking in fast fashion!
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    flpatsfan reacted to passiflora in Classic paper books - Time to retire?   
    I don't have any type of e-reader and have never purchased a digital book. Call me old fashioned - but I just love printed ones. I know there's benefits to electronic books, and I would use them for school if I needed to, but I don't think paper books will disappear any time soon!
  11. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to midnight_spell360 in April 4th - Quiguki April Fools Avatar Now Available   
    Just wanted to let other newbies like myself know that this avatar is available today. Just go to the News tab and click on New Feature or use this link: http://www.neopets.com/nf.phtmlto see the Quiggle-looking frog avatar on the top of your page.
    Good Luck. Happy gaming everyone!
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  12. Like
    flpatsfan got a reaction from Mouseykins in Trudy's Surprise   
    As a person, who lost their original account in 2009 and am back as a 4 month old; I actually like Trudy's Surprise.  I remember playing really hard for my NP back in the day, and to have the ability to save np much quicker to purchase things such as from The Hidden Tower, or invest in stocks is a big plus in my opinion.  :)
  13. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to charelan in Amazing RE!!   
    I am so excited!! I just got an Aethia Stamp as a random event!! I can barely believe it, I had to share the news haha :)
  14. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to fishstick013 in Mysterious Magical Neggs!   
    Not Mouseykins, but I think I can help.
    I believe the same egg is good for up to five uses, maybe one sprinkling of dust per event day.  You won't get another magical negg until day 5 or 6, the way I understand it.
  15. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Scoobert_Doo in So ... what's broken/inactive?   
    Lenny Conundrum has ended. Key Quest hasn't been working, since the transition from Viacom to JS. Habitarium is gone. The Almost Abandoned Attic doesn't restock. Bilge Dice is not working/playable. DoN and Neofriends are still not working, but were not before JS took over.
    Your Magma Pool time may have changed, since the transition. Game trophies are now awarded around 8 pm ish NST, and sometimes the trophy award script doesn't work, so it can skip a day or two, occasionally. Sometimes, during weekends and holidays, the Daily Question says the same/is not updated/changed.
    However, the Beauty Contest is working. They fixed the problem with the avatar not being awarded. Trudy's surprise is a new daily that awards NP. You can read about it, here: http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/trudys-surprise. Ghoul Catchers is an app (iOS, Android, and Facebook) where you can earn 50K NP a day. The Festival of Neggs just started, today. Topsy now hides Neggs on the site, and not as many as before. I do miss Kari, but I am glad the Festival of Neggs is still going. They have done Charity Corner the last two years, but at different times of the year. The first in December: http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/charity, and last year's was in the end of September, beginning of October (?): http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/charity-2015. So maybe we will see it this year?
    Those are the main ones I can think of. There may be more. So, some many hope will get fixed, and they have done some new stuff.
    Glad you are back!
    EDIT: Many people who come back always seem to ask about Bagatelle and Cork Gun Gallery. Although you cannot play the games via their links in the Deserted Fairground, you can play with the direct links:
    Bagatelle: https://images.neopets.com/halloween/bagatelle_v5.swf
    Cork Gun Gallery: https://images.neopets.com/halloween/corkgun_v17.swf
  16. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Nielo in Trudy's surprise   
    I think the initial idea might've been to give out more NP every day, but perhaps they realised that would've been a whole lot of NP. I'm not sure at which day you first get 19000, but it settles there until day 25, when you get 100k. As for it being slightly more (or less), that happens when you match 3 symbols instead of 2, or when you get 4 different ones. (In that case you either get the 'terrifyingly bad luck bonus', or you get slightly less NP, if you already had the bonus that week. At least I think it's a week.)
    Edit: The Daily Neopets guide for Trudy's Surprise actually has a handy table that lists the amount of NP you can get each day.
  17. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Duma in Hello. Starting from scratch   
    Ghoul catchers. Its a game where you can easily make 50k a day (playing the easy, first levels).
    Just make sure you have the one from neopets, I've heard there is (or used to be) a fake one too.
  18. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to flpatsfan in Hello. Starting from scratch   
    Hi everybody!  I too am starting over from scratch, I left my old account for a bit, then couldn't get back in.  Funny thing is I remember all the pertinent things Neo is asking for and have an open ticket that hasn't been addressed.
    I do, however, add to my ticket as I think of more things, in the hope that I can get my old account back.  I miss my pets.
    Bubbles, plz don't give up, I have been told these are not their priority.  that is why I continue to update and ask where they are in my ticket.  I don't get a response, but I'm hoping the squeaky wheel......
  19. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to jaydeed in Hi!   
    Hi! Not new to Neopets but realized I'd set this acct up and not used it for some reason. I got into Neopets through my daughters, both of whom still have their accounts. I remember when my eldest first started playing about ten years ago and her pet got sick. She didn't know about the healing springs or cures like warm amber ointment and saved up many thousand NP to get the official cure.
    I noticed my youngest had created an acct, watched her playing some games and decided it looked fun and got my own. For the longest time I had only one neopet, my green Bori, Taliskerdragon, but now I have more pets and Tally gets zapped into different colors on a regular basis.
    I was lucky enough to get a FFQ and he is now Water for the first time.
  20. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Midtime in Tuesday, March 22nd   
    Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across:2. sarah
    4. one
    5. skirt
    6. leaf
    9. ruki
    11. pirate
    13. koi
    14. shed

    Down:1. rose
    3. aaa
    5. sink
    7. fire
    8. nine
    10. illusen
    12. two

    What percent of the Tyrannian Jungle's population is made up of Chombys?Answer: 17%
    Prize: 380 NP

  21. Like
    flpatsfan got a reaction from Mouseykins in Weak Faerie bottles   
    Thanks Mouseykins, this helps to make it clearer for me, I was able to train my Werelupe at level 5 due to the amount of bottled faeries I have.  I appreciate your help.   :)
    You rock!!
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  22. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Mouseykins in Weak Faerie bottles   
    With the new version of the Battledome came several changes.
    In regards to the Daily my guess it was the Wheel of Excitement that gave you that message. This still relates to the old Battledome and the old abilities system.
    With these changes now what you need to do is bless your pet with the required number and type of weak bottled faeries to get your level 5 ability. However, your pet needs to be level 5 in order to be able get one of these abilities at the level 5 tier. Because your pets are so low in level I highly recommend going to the Pirate Training Academy and train your pets' stats there using Dubloons. Now you'll need to use the exact Dubloon being asked for, you won't get change and you can't combine Dubloons to make the amount. If you have say a Two Dubloon Coin and three One Dubloon Coin then you can go to the Dubloon-O-Matic on Krawk Island to combine them.
    Once you have trained your pet with an ability you will not lose it through a random event like the old ones could be. Here is our Battlepedia Guide for abilities that may help you understand a bit better.
    I hope this helps and if not, let us know and we'll try and get you to understand this new system. :)
  23. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to rntracy1 in Game Help   
    Scoobert is right, coconut shy DOES indeed work.  However, for me, it takes a LOOOOOONG time to load.  So long in fact, that I too thought it wasn't working.  So, Click the link for the daily here on TDN, Then give it a good minute or two to load.  No, maybe not everyone has to do that, but maybe you and I do.  lol.  :sad01_anim: I know I do.  But it does work just fine for me.  Well, except for the part about knocking them down and getting the avatar.  That part isn't working so well.  :sick01: Maybe I could send a ticket for that?  ROTFL
  24. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to rntracy1 in Better Than You Game for this week-Word Pyramid   
    Thanks for this post.  I wouldn't have even checked it out if it weren't for this post.  The games are usually ones I can't play, have no interest in, or can't get the score needed.  I am so psyched now, I got this neomail:
    Dear Tracy,
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your score of 3,874 beats the score of 2,600 by Amarna in the BETTER THAN YOU competition! You have won 3,000 NP, a cool trophy and a great item! Well done!
    I got the crossword puzzle book, 3,000 nps, and the avatar!!!! :rock:
    Good luck everyone!  You can do it too.
  25. Like
    flpatsfan reacted to Spritzie in Unhappy pet that won't cheer up   
    Have you tried the Merry Go Round on Roo Island? That's generally a good way to increase happiness a bit faster.
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