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Everything posted by jellysundae

  1. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he doesn't change at all
  2. I have no baby pets, but you guys got me interested in checking these out. xD OMG the binky is animated. THAT IS SO CUTE. Huge Maggie Simpson vibes here, lol. I LOVE the bathroom background, but wait one hot minute!!! Who's the ghost in the mirror, hmmm???
  3. I'm quite surprised at that one, usually when you state the obvious he's gonna already know that. Let's see how he likes my riff on this... King Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom... "Caution is important when dealing with an orange ," you say insightfully. He ponders all that you have said. Well, it could have been worse. King Hagan Says: I'm not dense, youngin'. I already knew that! He's clearly got juice in his eye recently. Though surely he has a lackey to peel 'em for him?? Yesterday I employed my honed method of starting with never trust and not using anything from the last dropdown, and making an illogical kind of sense; and secured another book from him. Pretty sure that time around I used :- never trust hard work is equivalent to the demands of an blueberry He never picks you up on bad grammar, does he. xD
  4. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he loses two levels
  5. That looks really adorable! I do not understand why they've made them so narrow on the Jubjub! They're way smaller than the base line of the actual eye. 0_o
  6. Yes x'D And my work here is done.
  7. They do indeed work well, though tbh I think they look ok on all your other examples there too. Maybe this is just like you hating a new hair cut but everyone else loving it? Too critical of stuff of your own? I especially like the effect they have on the interact between your MSPP and the ghost Lupe, there's some seriously antagonism goin' on there.
  8. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he loses 2 defence points!!!!
  9. Always so happy to dump their junk/infestation on someone else... I did win 150NC again a couple of days ago
  10. I am jealous, I squeed with excitement over these eyes, but they don't really work on my pets. Though they do add a certain somethingsomething to Berry's current look. There's a girl who's very content in her job. X'D But still, the shape is all wrong, they're WAY too shallow so look really odd. On Tate they work better, but he's close to looking like he has no eyes at all Compared to how thick the line is for the Elephante. Your kiko has a RIDICULOUS amount of eyelashes compared to the Kacheek! I can't be faffed with showing the others, lol, but needless to say my large-eyed Draik fares just as badly as Berry does. I do discover they've got these on the wrong layer though, they're on the glasses layer rather than markings, which creates an interesting look for Cora when combined with her Goth Blumaroo Makeup... That's some fierce eyebrows you've got goin' on there, girl.
  11. I think, this entire outfit, is basically what happens when you leave a kid alone in a room with said shag rug, and a big pair of scissors.
  12. What in the actual heck?? Just... Having a moustache ON TOP of the beak's a lovely bit of inexplicable bizarreness. I think we can safely assume that this stuff was NOT done by the good new artist! Sponge is a bit of a throw away PB colour for a lot of pets, isn't it. It really is very good-looking cheese on this Pteri, or, I dunno, leprosy, mebbe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. I've thrown caution to the wind and gone with Garet, what the heck, it's "only" 44k to lose, pocket change by neopian standards! Him being reckless shocked me so much I just can't resist. xD
  14. maybe it's a Brit thing. xD I try to hide any overt holiday stuff though; I share it out fairly, it's not just the pumpkins that I want none of.
  15. Yeah I'll admit I was being a tad over-dramatic there, lol. But I believe it's not beyond the realm of possibility; bananas now... there's something very troublous in the world of bananas, isn't there... Our growing food in massive monoculture fields and plantations is a big part of the reason for loss of both the pollinators and the diversity of wildlife in general, isn't it. We are quite literally shooting ourselves in the foot with pretty much every thing we do to try and increase yield. I mean we at least know this now, but that doesn't mean methods will be changed. On a smaller, more local scale they are changing; but the bigger the corporation the more they focus on nothing but profit margins. Oh! and...while we're poisoning the soil (and the seas with the run off) and killing the small critters and blah blah blah etc. in that perpetual quest for MOAR FOOD; there's thousands of tons of it going to waste daily because of the aesthetic rulings enforced by the supermarkets...
  16. Oh hey, and the trees that I know you have cover dem pumps up well too. How's this for a nice moody bit of mallow toastin'! The fire really compliments the sunset well!
  17. @Angeló we are the fellowship of the buns!!! We've just kinda forgotten about that since losing our fearless leader @tk421beth
  18. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!
  19. Yup, Order it is! It's what the guild my fellow ninja is in is going for, so with any luck we'll have success this time. BUNNERS UNITE!
  20. OOOH! That's REALLY nice! I mean obvs there's the regular outbreak of pumpkins going on there, but the sky is EPIC.
  21. Anyone who genuinely feels that way needs to realise that's way too narrow a view, if you ask me. That's basically implying that what happens to the environment doesn't have any impact on humans. A way people definitely thought in previous eras, but science keeps showing people now how what we've done (and are continuing to do) to the planet is causing us enormous problems, that are only getting bigger. The lose of habitat and biodiversity - through greed, monumental arrogance, and ignorance - is 100% our fault, and we're paying the price for it big time now with (amongst so many other things, can you say micro-plastics?) the rise in health problems because our diets aren't varied enough. A failure in one of the major crop varieties now is gonna be catastophic because there's so few different types being grown now that the loss of one would basically mean famine. Maybe that's hyperbole, but it would definitely mean significant shortages; and not comfortably far away shortages either, not African villagers that you can change channels when you've had enough of looking at crying babies with flies crawling in their eyes, but shortages, oh my god, for your privileged first world white folk! and don't get me started on the loss of pollinators. >8[ We've just spent too long sat, comfortably ignorant, on top of the pile as the top predator, that it's STILL not got into the heads of so many that we rely on all the other living things on this planet for our own survival. Right down to the bacteria in the soil that we kill off with chemicals... I've seen theorising that Covid made the jump to humans because we've encroached on the wildlife's space too much, that's poetic justice in spades... Ok, so yeah, seems I have OPINIONS
  22. @Sciurus carolinensis That's one very happy-looking Slorg! But then they just about all are, aren't they.
  23. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!
  24. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he gains 2 movement points!!!!
  25. Cora's a girl after my own heart.
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