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    nightfall8705 reacted to leverhelven in I'm going to London!   
    Soooo, precisely one week from now, I'll be going to London!!! :D :D
    I'm so very excited and very very nervous: this is my VERY FIRST international trip EVER!!! I'm flying British Airways, so it's also going to be my first time on a really big plane!
    You might find the timing of the trip odd, after all it's winter there, but it's because next week Carnival is going to start here in Brazil, so we have a week-long holiday and most people travel :) I decided to seize the opportunity, as my cousins were going, so I'm going with them!
    We've already gotten tickets/reservations for the London Eye, Madame Tussaud's, and the Warner Studios (HARRY POTTER, WOOHOOOOO!!!). I also have a London Pass worth 2 days.
    I wonder if you guys have tips and suggestions for me? Not only about London, but about the trip itself, surviving a 12-hour-long flight and everything... Also about clothing. Here in Brazil the "coldest" I've ever experienced was... 18º positive Celsius :P I bought those so-called "thermic clothes" and I managed to borrow some coats, gloves and scarves, and I have a pair of boots, but I wonder if there's a risk of snowing?!
    Anyways, yay :)
  2. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to the_microwave in GLITCHES: Major Bank Glitch Hits Neopia   
    This is horrible! Thanks for keeping everyone in the loop on this glitch!
  3. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Delshnya in I think it's time   
    There's a lot of good advice on this post, Naamah. A lot of advice that I myself agree with. I understand how you feel about the clothes and fashion. I have trouble finding clothes that fit me because not only have I been on a bunch of meds in my day, I don't necessarily have the best diet, and I also retain water, so I am a big gal, but over the years, I've learned that beautiful isn't a specific size. There's more to a person than their weight and appearance. I've also learned that a person cannot ever be ugly without first having an ugly attitude and an ugly heart.
    Sending you love, hun! <3
  4. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to lady_noel in I think it's time   
    here's a label for you, I'm a nice, good person. I'm a fashion queen. I'm alive and thats good enough for me. the weight doesnt matter. im the same size and height as you are but i have no interest in fashion i love my sweats. lol talk therapy is a good idea, but so is exercise and fresh air and sunshine. the world looks better on a sunny day. and as far as your family some times you have to cut them out like a cancer its hard but way better than the stress they bring you
  5. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Aquamentis12 in I think it's time   
    Wow Naamah, sounds like things are getting hectic for you. :(
    DEFINITELY consult a doctor, and MAYBE get 2nd opinion. Depending on the diagnosis, there are a number of meds out there for various things. Many DO have weight gain as a side effect. However, some have less of a chance of that happening, or only top you out at a certain amount of gain.
    Of course this isn't a certainty. It depends on how your body reacts to side effects. Just because it's listed as a side effect, doesn't mean it will be really bad or not. The interaction between a med and your body is something that can only be known through using it and giving it a try. DEFINITELY bring up the weight gain as an issue when you talk to the doc. And he/she will try to figure out which med(s) might be best for you and cause you the least weight gain. You can also look at tweaking your diet and activity levels to help combat any weight gain you might be pre-disposed to with meds. Again, something you can ask the doctor about.
    I hope this helps. It looks like you've gotten some really good advice so far! While I believe meds are something to avoid if you DON'T need them, I believe that they should NOT be discounted just because they are refined in labs and such. There are some things natural means just aren't as effective against. The reverse is true too, of course. Synthetic stuff isn't always as good as Natural. So you have to use your own judgement. And make sure that any thoughts you have about either or, are expressed to your doctor.
    Best of luck Naamah! I hope you get whatever help you need to feel better! Being down is not fun, and hopefully whatever treatment is recommended is one that will allow you to have more than just keeping your fashion and clothes! Stay strong and take care!
  6. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Ruto in I think it's time   
    As far as anti-depressants go, definitely discuss the pros and cons with a doctor and decide for yourself if it's something you want or think might help. You might also consider therapy in addition or as an alternative, and you can definitely discuss your hobbies and related problems there. Whatever you choose to do for yourself, I'll personally support you in it, and you can send me a PM if you ever feel like talking.
    And I'd like to ask everyone else, as a personal favor, not to give advice about prescription medicine if you're not the one doing the prescribing. As stated, you don't know her case, so giving your opinion about matters like this can unnecessarily complicate a decision.
  7. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to cat_attack in Seeing a therapist   
    If you feel like you should go to a therapist, then I think you should. I see a therapist right now for anxiety, and I've been making slow but steady progress towards coping better with things. Don't expect immediate results, but the right therapist can absolutely help you change your life. malskept has good advice about who you can contact, and if those routes don't work, another way to find a therapist is to check through your health insurance, and see who they cover.
    And when I get nervous about contacting people, I just tell myself that, for the most part, people are kind and helpful, especially healthcare professionals. Or maybe if you have a friend or family member you can ask to help support you through the process of finding a therapist, that can be helpful too.
    I wish you all the best, and if you think it will help, you can message me. I'm usually online at least once a day. And everyone here at TDN are very supportive as well.
  8. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to sgraver in I Can't Do This   
    Good to see you are feeling better. :thumbsup:
    It must have been tough, having to suddenly take up an adult role at age ten. Sometimes the full effect doesn't become clear until years later.
    Pets are wonderful companions, and can really help someone who suffers from depression-- even just a furry snuggle every day is great. Take it from someone who knows: I've been through some pretty bad times, but somehow life just gets so much better with Errol (my cat) next to me.
    That said, though, you may be able to find some affordable (maybe even subsidized?) support services. Use them if you can!
    Join a group, get involved, anything-- just don't hide away by yourself: build a social network of supportive friends that you can talk to.
  9. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to acorah in I Can't Do This   
    Hey luv - I`ll be sending you a load of positive thoughts.
    Marcus x
  10. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from sgraver in I Can't Do This   
    Thank you all so very much! I am feeling better than i was. I'm hoping this seriously depressive funk I'm in goes away soon. In the meantime, I have my pets to keep me company, and I've managed to calm down and get rid of some of my anxiety. I appreciate you all putting up with me on here. <3
  11. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Fyora in Leaving Neopets   
    I am sorry to here about your difficult time, I hope things start looking up for you very soon. :( It is sad to see so many users leaving the site lately, but I hope that you will return later on when the problems you are having in life have gone away.
    As the others have said I would highly suggest leaving your account. If you don't have much of an attachment to your pets then I would adopt out, but it takes many years to build an account back up. It's not very easy to replace an account as it is with pets, if you did decide to come back it would stink to have to be a Newbie account all over again!
  12. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Kute in Leaving Neopets   
    Awe you shouldnt totally give up on your account. Just keep it inactive for a bit? Who knows you may one day wanna come back to it? Aged accounts are fun accounts :P
    Its sad to hear youre going, but I think you know whats best for you and I hope you all the best in the world :)
  13. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Christa1024 in Am I stuck in a trap?   
    I had a friend with this issue and she got Botox under her arms. It worked like a charm! Talk to your doc about it. Don't give up on you want just because it's challenging. No one ever gets great things in life handed to them. The best things in life are those that you have to put effort into.
  14. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Aysh in Am I stuck in a trap?   
    Naamah dear, you have the same thing I have. It's an actual medical condition called "hyperhidrosis" and it sucks big time. Pretty much, it means that we sweat twice as much as a normal person and anything can trigger it, stress, hormone imbalance, or even our "nature" as far as body temperature is concerned. I am very hot in nature, who loves spicy foods, who also has pagophagia (constantly craving ice and cold things) and I sweat all the time, which is unfortunate because when I sweat, I feel gross. I have to shower more often and wash clothes more often than others.
    People like us are more nervous and uncomfortable, which makes us sweat even more! Sometimes, the sweating is caused by a secondary condition, and you can ask your doctor to perform a starch iodine test in order to find and diagnose that. Your doctor may ask you other questions like where you sweat the most, and when. They may ask you if you sweat more when you think of certain things like a traumatizing event or something. They may even ask you if you have other symptoms such as weight loss or weight gain, fever, lack of appetite, clammy hands, or even a pounding heartbeat.
    Excessive sweating can occur without triggers. Persons with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands. The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physical and emotional. However, hyperhidrosis can be treated. I know you said the clinical stuff doesn't work on you. It doesn't work much for me either, but there are medications your doctor can prescribe to treat it. With treatment, hyperhidrosis can be well managed.
    Staying active (even though you sweat a lot) is still a healthy habit to have. Don't let it bring you down. Just think of it like I do. You're hotter than anyone else. (Literally!) That's why people like us sweat so much, because our bodies are trying to cool down. Unfortunately, the biggest downside of having hyperhidrosis is the massive amount of water we lose through our sweating, so definitely have your doctors keep tabs on your blood work. Make it a point to drink extra water to make up for what you lose day to day because dehydration is no fun. I've been there. I know how you feel as far as not feeling girly, but you can only do so much. You're human. You can't help it. It's definitely hard not to feel feminine when you feel dirty and gross, but like I said, treatments are available for us. Get some advice from your local dermatologist and see what they have to say.
    By the way, have you tried adding baby powder or corn starch to your deodorant? Maybe that would help.
    As for the pit stains on clothes... mine are notorious for having them, but here are a few things you could try to get rid of the stains in the wash; a mixture of ammonia and water, baking soda, aspirin and water, lemon juice, unseasoned meat tenderizer, or an oxygen bleach. Some of these things listed sound weird to put on stains, but the reason is because some of these things listed contain alkalines and enzymes that break down the mineral deposits that form the stain on your clothes from your deodorant. (It's a chemistry thing really.) Hopefully these things can help you out, hun.
    Don't give up! <3
  15. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Shelley in Am I stuck in a trap?   
    You need some confidence!! :) *sends some your way* Don't let your physical body stop you from being who you want to be, whether that's feminine or not. I'll be the first one to admit that in high school I had a serious sweat problem! I mean it didn't matter how much anti-antiperspirant I used, I was a waterfall by the end of the day. I would have to go to the bathroom all the time and dry out :p haha. Jackets and sweaters were great friends of mine.
    I consider myself pretty girly. I wear dresses every day, refuse to go out in public without make-up, and spend wayy too much time doing my hair. I love my style. But most people don't know that I rarely shave my legs. It's just not for me, I don't enjoy doing it. I'm not taking that time out of my day to do something so I can appeal to society's definition of beauty. Just because I don't shave my legs as often as I should does not make me less of a women.
    YOU make the call on how you want to dress, not society, and not your sweat glands!
  16. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to AllTimeMarr in Yay for being almost done with my Bachelor   
    Today I handed in my assignments for two of my courses (a report and film analysis + review), and now I'm ALMOST finished with school!
    Only two exams coming up, Finance and Research. This wednesday, and the wednesday next week.
    The one thing left before graduation is my internship and writing my thesis. Whaaahhhhh, exciting!
  17. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Shane for Wax in Yay I'm officially out   
    I don't have to hide anymore. I am now officially considered my parents' son instead of their daughter. And I'm getting very close to starting my transition. :3 I've been waiting all month for the 22nd and it's so close.
  18. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted in I Can't Do This   
    Just sending out some love!
    You sound like such a strong person with so much care in your heart. It completely sucks when people don't appreciate you; I tend to keep helping people I know don't appreciate it and feeling hurt as well. My situation is not even close to as hard as yours is, but I know what it's like to help your younger sibling when they have nobody only to be used. Hang in there, things will always work themselves out. You still have many many years ahead to make your life perfect and happy for you.
  19. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to arkhamkat in Neopets and College   
    Hello hello!
    I'm Kat. I'll be 20 in March and I've been playing Neopets on and off since I was, maybe, 8 or 10. How does everyone else who is also in College, or college age, feel about still playing what is regarded as a "kids game?"
    I think it's a nice escape from reality for a bit and when my Neopets are happy, it makes me happy too.
  20. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Debtcollector in I'm now in debt   
    Don't you just hate when that happens? That's happened to me quite a few times, but at least it's not a huge amount of NP to be in the negatives! Btw, is that the Habitarium site theme? Me gusta! I have it too, but I never really used it... or any of my site themes except the Altadorian Constellation one, that is. :P
  21. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Delshnya in I Can't Do This   
    In my opinion blood family is overrated. If they treat you right, fine, but is they are (as a book I read said) toxic people... better get as far as possible. And better be alone than with that kind of people. I know it is hard, but with those people you are never really in company so...
  22. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Angeló in Look What I Sniped :D   
    So today I decided to SW the famous Fyora Eyeshadow , instead of Wishing Well it ... and the cheapest I found was 67k , but one more click and baaaam !! look what i found :rock: :woot: and yes .. I got it !!

  23. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to Debtcollector in I'm now in debt   
    So yeah I owe neopets money. How did this happen to the DebtCollector you might ask? Pretty ironic huh? I would guess because of the lag and I was playing baggatelle I knew I should have never trusted that man... He swindled me and made me owe the bank money. Lesson of the day never trust the Baggatelle man. He even tells me the game is rigged. But I don't listen.. =(
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Ruto) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a thread regarding current issues with Neopets here.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Ruto if you have any questions regarding this action.
  24. Like
    nightfall8705 reacted to elliekat in I Can't Do This   
    I saw this post while doing my dailies, and I created an account just to write back to you.
    When you say "He has the rest of his life ahead of him. I just want mine to be over."
    That's huge. That's serious!
    Nobody here is qualified to give you advice about your situation. Nobody here understands clinical depression, as well as the other mental health illnesses you've listed. Just because someone may have experienced something similar to you, does not mean they know the situation from your perspective. Everyone's situation is unique, and we can't draw parallels between one another. Mental health doesn't work like that.
    Telling someone to "snap out of it" is like telling someone with an arm amputation to just grow their arm back. This type of advice is very damaging, and creates barriers when you're trying to help someone. Not everyone thinks of suicide or running their car off the road. You don't have to feel like this! You can get better, you can feel better. It's very clear that everyone here cares about you and wants to help.
    Are you in the US, or in Canada? You need to contact a community health clinic, a public health nurse, or mental health services. If you don't have something like this in your area, then check the phonebook, there may be a number you can contact for more information. Call your family doctor and make an appointment. Hell, call your dentist office, call your local church or clergy person, call the university even if you don't attend, or call a charity like the salvation army, and ask where you can get free or low-cost community mental health services. They'll point you in the right direction!
    You describe a lot of sacrifices you have made for your brother. You sound like you've taken amazingly good care of him. But it sounds like you've invested so much into his life, that you haven't taken time to care for yourself. You've lost your mom, you sound as though you have a rocky relationship with your dad, and now a rocky relationship with your brother. Have you taken any time to grieve the losses in your life, the challenges you've faced?
    Furthermore, it sounds like your brother is your only source of support. You need to start creating a network of people you can lean on. Perhaps look into grief support groups in your area, meditation groups, or even under classfied ads for people who may be looking for a gym or fitness partner. Get some real people, in the flesh, that can see you in person and know when you need a laugh or need a hug. Online support groups have their merit too though - check out reddit, the r/depression board or similar, because you're not the first person who's braved depression, and you won't be the last. You aren't alone, so please don't feel like you're alone :)
    I'm really worried about you, and the other posters here are as well. Please keep us updated. We want to help. I want to help! Lets explore your options. Hugs!
    * Edited for spelling :)
  25. Like
    nightfall8705 got a reaction from Delshnya in The Trouble With Stripes...   
    My little brother and I recently moved from a cramped and miserable apartment into a trailer beside some close, longtime friends of ours, now also our neighbors. We love our new place, and finally after 7 years of sleeping in the living room, I now have my own bedroom, and we no longer have to keep our pets (two cats, Sydney and Sherbert, and now a puppy named Athena) a secret for fear of being kicked out.
    Between our neighbors and I, we practically have a farm. There's my 3 pets, their three dogs, their chicken, and their five cats. Two of the dogs are small and indoors, but all the other pets are outside of their house. Three of these five cats are blood related to my Sydney, and one of these cats is called Stripes.
    He is very tiny despite being almost a year old. He used to be... slow. You know? And originally, he was set to be adopted as my friends didn't exactly want to have so many cats around. Long story short, little Stripes is a brave little trooper. The "home" he went to eventually came to realize that they didn't like that Stripes was a little underdeveloped and hit him in the head with a baseball bat, as a means of "mercy" killing.
    Not only did little Stripes survive that blow to the head, he is actually more developed now than ever. I say this because we stormed to this "home" and took Stripes back immediately. Bad, bad things has since happened to the person who hurt Stripes.
    Stripes took a shine to the outside and has a talent for hunting mice, so he was allowed to be an outdoor cat. He was one of the first to greet me at my new place when we moved in, and he truly is the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever met. Even moreso than Sydney! And all you have to say to Stripes is his name and he purrs like he won't see tomorrow. He's soft and cuddly and just a very, very amazing little kitty. If something were to happen to him, I would just die inside. He takes a lot after his mama and of his aunty Sydney, and all he ever wants is a nibble of food or attention.
    I've been asked not to feed him and his brother when they come to my house because my neighbors set out food for them to eat, but every once in a while, I feed him some kibble. If I have it to spare, I give him something to eat, bless him. It's the least I could do to thank him for always being so loving and kind to me.
    Every time I go outside, he's on my porch and he will literally follow me everywhere I walk, generally getting under my feet. He especially does this at night as I live on a hill where there is quite a bit of mud and quite a bit of dips in the path. Stripes will walk a few steps in front of me, then turn back, actually wait for me, and then keep going when I catch up. When he finds a dip in the path or a hole I could fall into, he lays on the ground as if to fill it so I would have to step over him and avoid falling down.
    This cat will follow me on the long walk to my mailbox and back to the house. I never feel alone cause he goes with me. He's usually out on the porch as a watchcat. He's the first to let us know if company is coming. He's protective of those he loves.
    Right now, he is out on the porch eating some food I left out for him. I want so badly to bring him in the house because it is cold and raining, and he is wet, dirty, and muddy. He also has some fleas and not only that, Athena is in the house, and Sherbert isn't fixed yet, and we certainly can't have more kittens around the house.
    I cleaned off his little fuzzy face with a warm rag and got some of the mud off of his paws before I made little Stripes a warm bed in a cushioned swirly chair on my porch with some blankets and told him to spend the night there to stay warm and out of the rain. I've done that before, and he's slept in that little chair with his tail wrapped around him.
    Edit: I decided to go out and get him off the porch and bring him in anyway for a little while. I held him the entire time and wrapped him up in a thick blanket and sat with him by the heater until his now clean fur dried. His poor little ears were so cold. He seems to be happy now that he has been fed and is warm. He is laying on the bed I made him on the porch now.
    I love that little kitty so much. I really do. It's evident that he loves me too. (He loves everybody unless they're mean to him.)
    What boils my blood is how someone could hurt a creature so innocent and sweet...
    Stripes is really brave to be so little, but I tell you, I've not met many with a heart bigger than his. I feel heartbroken because I can't do a lot for him, and it makes me think of other animals who are like him in other places. I wish people had more compassion for animals.
    Sorry to ramble on... I guess I just wanted to share Stripes' story because it warms my heart how much he grew up, and how brave he is, and how loving he is no matter what's happened to him in the past. If only I could be so strong myself... Stripes really is an inspiration of perseverance to me, and I love him very much. I'm grateful to be loved by him in return as well.
    Here's a picture of dear little Stripes and his brother Junior. Stripes is on the right. :)

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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