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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I kind of feel your pain on the p/w, my main account was inactive for so many years. My main issue was remembering the E-Mail p/w linked to that account since it was made in middle school and hadn't been used much since due to TONS of spam. But I remembered it after thinking it over for almost 2 weeks, and I have had it back for almost 4 months now (I couldn't give up my Faerie Cybunny just like that)

  2. Ha!


    I loved Death Note, but some of my favorites I like to watch over and over is Descendants of Darkness (Yami no Matsuei) and La Portrait De Petit Cossette. I'm obsessed with the soundtrack.


    SM was my hero as a kid, and probably one of my most favorite animes of all time. I think I prefer the Japanese version better than the english (I do understand some Japanese) but it does take a while to get used to Usagi's whiny voice all over again!


    The episodes on Hulu are being loaded every Monday. The last one I watched was 9 I think, the debut of Ami-chan, Sailor Mercury. :)


    *another fan girl squee* Yami no Matsuei <3 Love love love that anime!

    I loved La Chevalier Deon, the art in it was so fluid and elaborate, I'd recommend it if you like France/French architecture.


    Back on topic~ I got up to 27 earlier, but then hunny woke up, so we're continuing Kodocha.

  3. To get my packrat I just ended up offering on a LOT of those junk trades on the post. Anything you find you have a repeat of, sell or put up asking for other junk items. You'd be surprised at how fast you can get there!

    I did it this way 3 times xD finished them all in under 4 days, being the lazy person I am. <_<

  4. My ears are pierced, normally, I guess you can say xD

    I was in a (defensive*) fight in elementary, my hair was tangled in my earring and the person pulled my hair, ripping my left ear a bit. I've not worn earrings in a VERY long time, but the holes won't close on either side so I can get them redone and add more.


    Tattoo-wise, I have a tribal tiger that I designed myself with flare off to the sides on my lower back (I was unaware of the name for the specific location until AFTER it was done and the artist that did it slapped it right after it was done <.<) I plan for more, but not quite in my budget at the moment xD I was thinking wings, but it's SO over done, as well as dragons. Perhaps another, more pretty, tiger. I was 18 and in "college" (Novelista may recall her board on that one if she ventures this way), a girl's boyfriend/husband figure person did it for me, all free ^__^ took 3 sessions to finish it.

  5. I haven't watched any new anime lately so here's hoping this one will stick. :)


    I recently finished Death Note with hunny (We're currently watching Kodomo no Omocha together), and since he's overseas I watch other anime/drama series when he's afk. Started watching the classic Sailor Moon by myself for the fun of it since I saw that promo for Crystal. Sooooooooo many memories, so many times missing the school bus and being late for class xP


    On a side note, if you're looking for more anime to watch, EyeOnAnime (.com) has TONS of mirror sites for almost all anime (as well as a list to pick and choose from with the synopsis), as does Crunchyroll, but I believe they have a subscription now.

  6. So it's been about a week, more or less, and I couldn't hold it in any longer (Sorry ^__^ ; )

    My fan girl/ childhood memories/ what-have-you got the best of me xP


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJTa36P8Ha8 (found the one with English subs for those that do not understand Japanese =3)


    Sailor Moon Crystal!! Anime that follows the manga more fluidly (supposedly), WITH the manga art design!! SUPER STOKED!!! *insert fan girl squee*


    Your thoughts on how it will be?


    (Also, Viz & Toei Animation are redubbing all 200 of the original episodes: Meaning SM, SM-R, SM-S, SM-Stars, SM-SuperS)


    ~*My apologies if the outside link is not permitted*~


    *~Edit: I did not realized that nightfall8705 had made a topic about this back in May o.O I'm late in times -.-

  7. 43% Creative - You appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who you are.

    33% Visionary - Leave it to others to live by the status quo. You’re interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.

    24% Intellectual - You’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.

    2nd time I took it I got this:

    37% Caregiver - Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, you find your reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.

    32% Intellectual - You’re the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.

    31% Creative - You appreciate all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who you are.

  8. I only did it when it was relevant for the avatar <.<

    I have never touched it since. As you all were saying, expensive, waste of time/NPs/sanity and so on.

    Since I Shop Wiz everything before selling, I can figure out which "junk items" are for that daily. Usually if it's not for the daily, I just discard it for working towards the Rubbish Avatar. In fact, if anything is under 10nps that I have, I take it out of my shop & discard.

  9. If you're into KDrama, I've seen Playful/Mischievous Kiss many a times.

    If you prefer Chinese/Taiwanese Dramas, Autumn's Concerto/Next Stop, Happiness (Xià Yí Zhàn, Xìngfú / 下一站, 幸福) , Meteor Garden (Liúxīng Huāyuán / 流星花園), Why Why Love (Huan Huan Ai / 換換愛). To be honest, anything with Rainie Yang is pretty good as far as I've seen for Taiwanese Dramas.


    I like anime as well. (Been looking for some to watch with hunny, so I am open to suggestions =3 Been avoiding Naruto, One Piece, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and a few others like the plague, I got enough of those when I went to conventions.)

  10. Hmm, I'm not into soccer (or any other sport for that matter). I don't even play sports games if I can avoid them. Altador Cup is a semi-acception, if I can remember (Speaking of >.>)


    If I were to visit Brazil on different circumstances, would I still be allowed to call you? xP You could be my tour guide ^__^ (IF I go xD)

  11. I'm almost the same as you Saxen, kinda creepy actually... I don't have the nightmare issue, I did when I was younger (I had a VERY mean overnight babysitter). However as I got older, I either deal with most of my dreams (mostly the nightmares), or control them (the better off ones, if I have them).

    Just the other day marked the 4th day I was awake (I have slept <.<), but the longest time I was awake for was about 10 days (240 hours x_@). Any longer than that and it's just total system failure for just about anyone. Kidneys and liver will start going "\o.O/ WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MEEEE??!?!?" *sleep*


    Longest I've slept would be about 52 hours.


    I'm either up for long periods of time, or sleeping like I haven't in weeks. My body doesn't know what it wants, or I'm just not listening properly. Most likely the latter.

  12. My 8th grade teacher told me about the site. I would always doodle animals on my school/homework, usually foxes, and she said it had a bunch of stuff to do that I might like. Started out with my green Uni (or was he blue...?) and I still have him, zapped him bunches, but now that he's Transparent, I don't think I want to anymore xD, got my Cybunny on CyDay, several months later found a faerie PB through an R/E, painted my Cy and still have her. I also got an Ice Bori when they first came out, but I put her up for adoption, so she reverted to blue. Remembered the name a couple days ago, x-ferred my new-ish Mutant Eyrie to an alt account and re-adopted the Bori, she was stuck in the pound this WHOLE time T___T

    And I'm digressing <_< over explanation FTL

  13. if you're account is younger than 4 months you won't be able to see the painted or (I think) limited edition pets, some one may correct me on this, and they're more than welcome to xD


    I also think it may have to do with the random cycling, I'm not sure how to explain it, but the RNG may skip over some causing you to see the same ones over and over. It happens when I refresh there too.

  14. 2.png


    Color: Halloween - No clothes (see below)

    lvl 2

    Hit Points: 24

    Strength: quite strong
    Defence: heavy
    Movement: quite slow
    Intelligence: very clever

    Was adopted from the pound a few days ago, unclothed, if any one needs the Jestam - Chomp avatar I figured I'd post her here since ALP is closed next month. She has a new Carmariller companion.

    Just send me a message, she's on Ayumi1986

    EDIT: Started Zapping her since my lab rat/first pet got to be Transparent, so stats may vary.

  15. I've had a soldier in my nest for quite a few days as well. I can get the egg from under the nester in the same nest, but I'd like to have my full force of soldiers out in case there is an increment in pest advances, or a higher lvl decides to raid me xP

    Moving the nest for repairs hasn't worked in letting me getting it out, nor has refreshing, running CCleaner (clearing history & cookies) or anything else. Just letting it rot there seems cruel, but I guess it's all I can do =/


    Speaking of, have you tried letting your soldiers build it? I usually make them do all the work, such freeloaders <_<

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