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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I've had acute scoliosis since I was 13 (27 now), not quite as bad as yours, but I understand your pain...

    My L1 veers to the left and sometimes I can't move because of it blocking a nerve at times. I've gone to a chiropractor a few times, but they don't help at all xD

    I have a posture thing on my chair, but it hurts worse when I don't curl up - knees to chest - like I'm used to.


    I would advise against any surgery, scar tissue can lead to more problems than it's worth. Same with carpal tunnel, one of my friend's moms had surgery for it and she's always in constant pain from it. Although carpal tunnel and bursitis can be eased and broken up with massage. I don't believe scoliosis can be relieved the same way, but proper posture and some exercises can help.

  2. From your passed BC art, you're very talented from what I can see. I can envision something then when I go to put it on paper, it looks like a 2 year olds scribble x_@

    I've had fair stuff in the past, but things like your work and others I have seen on here, I can only have in my mind.

    Who is to say what is "fine" art, or what is rubbish anyway? Student loans!! I'm kidding of course... But if your tutor is bringing you down like that, you've only two months left in your course, I'd (personally not recommend this, I am a bit crass at times) tell him to shove it and put up with it. You are paying him for tips and tricks of the trade (if i'm not mistaken), not to criticize and rub your nose in it like you're a puppy doing duty on the rug. If you don't show it's your own loss, and he should see it as such, he's still getting paid after all (If I'm correct in how schools function now-a-days)!!


    1888 np for adoption

    It is with a heavy heart, I am putting Epona UFA/T


    Epona_The_Sorrel the Brown Ixi & I'mACucco the Gobbler

    Birthday: 1st February (Y8)
    Level: 16
    Gender: Female

    Hit Points: 24

    Strength: titanic
    Defense: steel plate
    Movement: GREAT (24)
    Intelligence: master genius (61)

  4. I spent 4 hours last night/early morning cleaning and organizing my room as well xD

    My desk is neat, my bunny is happy (he was flopping down on my bed after running around and doing quite a few "binkies" - Signifies a VERY happy bunny). Now if only he'd let me trim his back claws so he'd stop scarring himself scratching his itches...

  5. I've decided to make one of my pets pages... "pretty" I suppose you can call it.

    HOWEVER!! I have no HTML/CCS/Thingy experience. Soooo... I was wondering if a kind soul would help me out =3 I have no pictures at all or any idea as how I would want it.


    ((I'm hard to deal with sorry)) xP


    My Ixi, Epona_the_Sorrel is the pet in question, as you may have realized, it's TLOZ: Ocarina of Time.


    If someone would make me one, I'd be forever grateful and put your name in BIG letters at the top & bottom ^__^

  6. ADOPTED <3





    March 22 (Y14) (2 years old)

    lvl 4

    14 hp

    quite strong

    steel plate


    very clever

    Also has Christmas Mazzew (not of avatar age, still new)

    Please contact Ayumi1986 on NP, or Ranaki here on TDNF if you're not able to create one today, being Chomby Day ^_^ (account also has to be 4 months+)

    UFA/UFT, does not matter to me.

  7. I adopted a x-mas chomby and gave it an x-mas Mazzew, the name isn't too horrid, but if someone would like her, she's UFA/UFT (trading doesn't matter for me, as that account has lab ray). She's on Ayumi1986

  8. Some people really don't care about names (seriously, I didn't even know name quality was a thing until some months ago, when I started trading/adopting pets from Charter members).


    Then again, Neopets has lots of kids who just might consider long names with numbers and underlines cool. I know I used to be one of them, some 12 years ago :P


    I was one of those too, my Ayumi1986 account has them, but they're mine, so... You know, they won't be pounded either. I got a bit better with naming on my Ranaki1986Chou account xD

  9. I'm working on a suggestion for name changes to TNT via opening a ticket>Comments & Feedback>Other-Idea


    If there would be an option to one-time change adopted (from the pound) pets' names, I think some pets might be moved out and find their new pixelated homes quicker. It would be nice to find a painted, or semi-trained (or even greatly trained) pet that you like, but the name is so bad you can not pronounce it, or you'd rather not have the numbers and you have a name that's not taken in mind, ect. Just a thought =3


    Any thoughts, suggestions? I'm all for spamming them with it until they make it so xD

  10. Are you certain it means red? The name sounds Japanese, and as far as I am aware (I only have limited knowledge of the language :P), "ran" refers to indigo, not red. Either way, I like your name, mainly because of the autumn part. :D

    It was a while ago, but if I recall correctly, I looked it up in my English>Japanese dictionary. I knew Aki & Chou already, but not being completely fluent in Japanese, I had to cheat a little >_>

    I kinda dropped Japanese and am learning Chinese at the moment, not the characters, since I am horrid at Kanji (I'd mix up Sakana {fish} with Uma {horse}) and Kanji is derived from Chinese characters. I can speak enough to get by if I ever encouter a native or a speaker, however, I'm a bit iffy on spelling.

    Since I went completely off topic, I'm gonna end this post here xD

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