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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I can not believe I forgot about the cookies o.o

    Been on a semi-hiatus, but TDN is my homepage, so I don't forget to do the lab ray and other dailies.

    After a few month hiatus to WoW, I'm back again, finishing up end-game and farming stuff. Takes up a LOT of time <.<

  2. My oldest would have to be HorseFeathers86, started out as a blue or green (I honestly don't remember anymore) male Uni, hince the name. She is now a Yellow Shoyru and undergoing lab zaps still.


    Stats are subject to change:


    Age: 4,640 days old (111,360hours)
    Birthday: 9th November (Y3)

    Level: 7

    Hit Points: 164

    Strength: AMAZING (86)
    Defence: armoured
    Movement: GREAT (36)
    Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (177)

  3. I was never fond of Acer, the PC specs and deals just never appealed to me from the get-go.

    The laptop I had almost 6 years ago was a gaming HP Pavillion, it was about $1.6k. It lasted me almost 3 years then the graphics card melted onto the motherboard, rendering it useless for anything that required even the slightest bit of graphics. The screen would black out and I would have to hard boot it to restart. (Learned my lesson about playing WoW with maxed out graphics for hours on end, every day... <.< )

    Now-a-days, I'm not entirely sure which laptop would be good for gaming. I'd have to go with Alienware, although it's expensive, you can build your own and have the specs you want.

  4. I wish the lab ray were that nice to me with stat ups o.O

    I mostly get stat decreases, gender changes and rarely a color/species change. HorseFeathers86 was forever a changing Aisha before and after my hiatus, so I GMP'd him then started zapping again, wound up a transparent Uni which i was going to keep. Then by sleight of hand I zapped him again and he wound up a yellow Kau, he's currently going through Shoyru colors though. I got the Grey avatar from him though, so I suppose my mistake wasn't that bad.

    Also, my Bori was zapped into custard when s/he was the lab pet.

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