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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I remember when one of my cats grabbed a hold of a field mouse. It didn't want to leave my hand unless it was to climb up on my shoulder. We ended up keeping the field mouse for a while until it died from internal injuries several days later. It didn't have any puncture wounds, as I too wanted to work with animals, I made sure to check thoroughly.

    It was sweet to me when it was with us though. Giving me kisses on the cheek and running around my shoulders and the table as I played WoW on my old laptop outside. It would run around the yard and always come right back to me when it was done having its fun, until the sadness that follows internal injuries that I will not go into <.<

  2. If you try to sleep in pure silence, with out "white-noise", I find it hard to do so. I HAVE to have outside noise suppression, like a fan running at all times when I'm asleep. It helps with noisy roommates/neighbors and sounds that the critters I have make, I.E. my rabbit digging into something he shouldn't be...

  3. When naming characters now, I go by the first 3 letters, so in that way I make it something easy to say/remember.

    Like in World of Warcraft, I go by "Zal" or "Ari(ssa)", so naming all my toons with Zal or Arissa at the beginning I just tossed random, yet sensible letters after it. So my toons are: Zalmira, Zaltira, Zalimary, Zalinari, and such. For the Arissa line there's Arissali, Arissalina, so on and so forth. They're original, still make sense, and are pronouncable. If that helps, then I'm glad ^__^

  4. I liked JPop/JRock before it was cool! <_< ... Kidding...

    I remember Ayumi Hamasaki's debut, Poker Face. I was instantly hooked on her songs. Then Malice Mizer, Mucc, Utada Hikaru, then Koda Kumi and a bunch of others, my list could go on x_@

    There was a KPop group I liked when I saw a Fushigi Yuugi FMV, -(Quick search on Youtube)- S.E.S.

    Although I'm not fond of trying to speak the Korean language (I find it harder than Chinese), I do not mind listening to it.

  5. There is a support E-Mail that I used to get mine back about 5 months or so ago, [email protected]. But yes, the things that Brit listed would help tremendously. I was AFK from NeoPets for about 4-6 years and decided I wanted to play again. I did know the E-Mail linked to it though. I have different E-Mails for all of the games I play, and they're not associated by name, so I'm surprised I remembered this one.

  6. For being 4 months old, it's quite a bit, Totu's avatar count that is. The NeoAvatars section of TDN has all of the avatars listed and how to obtain them. It's VERY helpful if you want a jump start on your avatar count. Also, at 4 months NeoPets account age and so many posts on TDNF you can sign up for the avatar lending program (ALP for short), which is also very helpful.


    Welcome back to NeoPets ^__^ and welcome to TDNF!

  7. Being broke mostly all time, I just use KeepVid. They have an MP3 convert option now, and I just toss it into Winamp when it's done.


    I'm not very fond of Apple and their broken products/programs, but everything technological has their drawbacks...

  8. Ever? I think it would be finding a Faerie PB eons ago, painted my Cybunny with it.

    Pirate PB quite recently from Anchor Management, painted my Cy on a side account with it.

    Getting a tyrannian PB from the Wheel of Monotony, painted another Cy with it xD


    My 4th Cy is red still <_<


    Oh and having 4 Cybunnies xP

  9. I tried once, to donate blood. I have rolling veins and apparently the nurse was a noob... Poked my right arm 8 times, failed. Poked my left arm 6 times, then finally got it. Both of my arms puffed up, which I think is called a "mouse" for some reason or another? When I had to go to the hospital last year for my migraines being ongoing and constant for a month straight and pain killers doing nothing, the nurse there gave me a salt drip and he got it in first try. I have avoided Blood Mobiles like the plague since then. I'm not even sure what blood type I am, and that's important to know x_@


    I fixed the link from earlier. Sorry about the mess up, I have no idea how to put the link into a word and that's what I was trying to do. And I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, keep it that way >=D

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