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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I believe nothing on the internet is safe, no matter how many firewalls, scans or programs you have to make your self think you are protected. If you have internet connection, no files you have on your PC are safe, be it you're a random victim or you really ticked off a hacker.


    Not sure where I read it, but the internet is like a home; if you change in front of an open window people can still see you.

  2. I think it's the raining mortogs RE, when all of a sudden mortogs are falling from the top of the screen. That and the one where there is an earthquake and it shakes the screen from side to side. Those two are just so odd...


    It rains mortogs but you don't pick one up in all that fuss? Such a shame...


    Didn't realize how old this post was o.O My apologies.

  3. Lizzy, your kitties are Snuggadorable (my word! I called it xP [patent pending])!!


    Haha, better to have no life than no brain! Or something like that. Have you ever considered being a gamer full time? Like as a job? :)


    I would definitely consider it, but you need to have good PC specs for that. My PC at the moment needs a new processor/CPU


    I play the Sims 3 and my CPU usage it at 100% the whole time, it does it with WoW too, but it fluctuates at least between 85%-100% Running Siege of Orgrimmar 25 man on Heroic (current end game tier/raid) I can barely move at some points during and being a healer, that's pretty bad. (sorry for the WoW speak <.< I know you don't play it anymore)


    Although there are some game I just can not play. Fist person shooters make me nauseas and the way my migraines are headed, I'm not even sure if I can play WoW like I usually do anymore.

  4. Geeze o.O


    That's horrible and I'm sorry you found out that it was that way. *Huggles* Finding out stuff like that is never fun, no matter what age you are, like Welcome Back Apathy said. I wonder if people that commit suicide think of the pain that it causes those around them...

  5. yep the WoW thing is getting old too...husband was freaking out...i cant wait for 6.0 but im bummed i probably wont have the challenge mode mounts before they go away...i have everything else thats suppose to disappear lol i think the thing im most excited for is the new models for undead

    I only got the red phoenix mount from CMs, I bought a full GCM run with the guild my druid is currently in. Hunny wants the pally GCM x-mog for my paladin, but I don't use her too much for it to be relevant o.o Maybe my DK, but being melee in GCM runs is so daunting x_@ Doing the Scarlet places as feral was not fun...


    I would've done it for my warlock but, being a gnome, he firmly said no, since you can't really see anything on a gnome.


    Do you have all of the Shadopan and Archaeology achievements? Those titles that comes with it is going away in 6.0 too.

  6. Sims 4 comes out monday, according to my hunny, he said he's getting it for me on release -woot!-


    And yes, WoW has been having DDoS attacks and it's getting really annoying, it seems like it's been going all month. Servers going down for days on end, MASSIVE lag spikes. WoW is also on the verge of releasing patch 6.0 for -what it seems like- last minute beta testing/us to get used to the new ways of the next x-pac. Yay for item/stat squishes <.<

  7. I figured I'd kill time and whine. Just a warning xP


    Firstly, I am REALLY not looking forward to next month. I have to go in to the Dr.'s twice next month. First for a physical and blood tests, second to get the lab results. Also, I will be another year older <_<


    Secondly, my Sims 3 is being really slow and draggy since I did the inventors chain to make a Simbot. I'm very tempted to just just turn on cheats and delete him.


    Now for the not whining like a baby.


    Thank you if you read/commented. It was not necessary, but it is appreciated =3

  8. I think that solitaire and dice-a-roo and those other html type games work. I remember playing dice-a-roo on my tablet. I would try the card games, but that would probably be it.


    I feel I should add Pyramids o.o Unless you have that trophy already.


    Reading over it again... You said card games, so that would throw Pyramids in there too <.< I am very sleep deprived at the moment, my apologies.

  9. I've read my clues over and over, attempted to use the JN grid and it's all "X" & "checks" for me, with a lot more "?" and my brain going fuzzy just looking at it x_@


    I just put what I didn't have an "X" on in that area and submitted. I may get lucky, but I sincerely doubt it xD

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