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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I remember back in the day there were 8-bit music boxes in shops and all those pictures that would lag the shop from actually loading. They were hosted from outside links though, so if there are any today I doubt they would work now with the filters and such.

  2. I'm working on...lol the Negg Basket Cybunny avatar! Well I finally got it today hehe :) I know it might seem silly to some because it's basically a log-on and you press a button for 8 days to get it. But for me, remembering to go find it everyday is a hard feat for me to accomplish, especially when studying for exams!


    On the other hand, good luck for those who are going for the game avatars! I am truly inspired by all :3


    I should've figured there was an avatar for this event, but I did not realize it was going on for 5 days, and I still did not manage to get most them on the day of release as I forgot. Which is why I underlined & bold marked your quote xD

  3. http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/44162-updated-list-of-issues-on-neopets-march-2015-edition/

    There's a thread on that already, but I think the mods will go easy on you since you're new =3

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  4. Welcome back to NeoPets and welcome to TDNF ^__^


    After all these years - between many a hiatus - I have yet to receive a Fountain Faerie quest T__T


    I remember WAAAAAAY back in the day getting a Faerie PB in a Random Event and painting my Cybunny before I took my hiatus. I had an ice Bori when they first released it, but like a noob I pounded it, so it went to default blue. I found that Bori still stuck in the pound when I came back after so many years, a few lab zaps later he turned custard, so I just left him as such.

  5. Congrats on all the awesome stuffs & opportunities!

    Best of luck for next months F-13 ^__^

    I played the 500mil PowerBall just this passed time and I hit 3 numbers, the rest were off by like 1-3 numbers (upset much x_@) Spent $10 on the 5 lines, won back $7 - the extra dollar for the power play might have made it worthwhile, oh well. Just my luck xD

  6. First off - Happy birthday ^__^


    Secondly: People like that, I have no respect for, what-so-ever. I understand he's your blood-related father and all, I never knew my father and the very few friends I know, I only take one of their dads as my "adopted" father since he's a really great guy. It has been a few years since we were last in contact though being I moved and am pretty far away now.

    I would say to move your heart on from him and not worry about it so much, but the only blood relation I know is my mother - our relationship isn't that great either - and I don't tend to get to close to other people. That is however, my own opinion.


    I will say, however, that it is better to have an emotionally neglectful father than a physically abusive one. He made his way when he did what he did to your mother, meaning that he doesn't really care what he does to you or your siblings' feelings.


    I may sound harsh by saying that, but I mean no offense at all. I'm quite a cold person. *icy hugs*

  7. Such a cute little darling!

    I would have to say that Aussies are FULL of energy, being a herding breed. They can be taught obedience fairly easy but when it's older you have to let them know that a friend to you, but stranger to them in your house is "ok".

    I would also ask the breeder if they have genetic testing on the pup, as Aussies can have some issues with certain meds and anesthetics.

    Other than that, I wish you good luck with your new pup ^__^

  8. I used [email protected] to actually E-Mail them personally to get my current old account back after being inactive for YEARS.

    I started it in the 8th grade, used it a bit in college on an alt account, then one day I remembered my original account but couldn't get in it. It took a couple of weeks to rack my brain over it, then finally the PW for that E-Mail came to me.


    You may want to start with the E-Mail, if you can remember a LOT of details of your old account, it wouldn't hurt to try.

  9. World of Warcraft has cracked down on Account Sharing somewhat. I know that a couple of weeks or so ago, in-game trade chat was talking about someone getting a 3 day ban for it, but they were basically announcing (in a stream) that his girlfriend plays for him because he hates leveling.

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