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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. You have a new puppy? This is the first I've read of you having a puppy! D=


    I am partially of Asian ethnicity, but basically a mutt. I love various Asian foods, but potstickers have got to be my absolute favorite! I don't cook very well (that wasn't passed on to me by any of my cultures <.< ) but these are VERY simple and very versatile. The recipe can be just about whatever filling you like + won ton wraps.

    Here's a quick google search ingredient/recipe for you http://allrecipes.com/recipe/pot-stickers-traditional/

  2. I never said anything, but this isn't the first time it's happened:

    I'll open the game, choose my difficulty, let it load long enough to sound off several clicks, click the board to throw the dart, it makes a popping noise - but it says the thing it says when you miss... o.o Sooo... Am I missing something here, or is it kinda glitched?

  3. Hmm, mayhaps a bit far fetched but, any *cheap* gourmet food Baby_Bunny_86 hasn't eaten yet?


    Stuff she's eaten linky here ~> http://www.neopets.com/gourmet_club.phtml?pet_name=Baby_Bunny_86

    Stuff that she can't eat because she'll burst into fluff if she does (Items already gifted by wonderful TDNF'ers):

    Boingari Smoothie, Chip Butty Pizza, Crunchy Bone Sandwich, Cucumber Salad, Dark Chocolate Covered Toffee, Desert Blumaroo Honey, Deviled Eggs, Faerie Hot Dog, Fresh Tomato Smoothie, Fruit Cake, Galactic Protein Shake, Gooey Green Shake, Ground Beef Smores, Hot Fudge Sundae, Neocola Slushie, Protein on the Go, Swirly Chocolate Milk, Tar Slushie


    Will try to help as many as I can! =3


    EDIT: Oh my goodness! Only one per person would have sufficed, Baby_Bunny's tummy and I really appreciate all the foods ^__^



    Gifts Sent To:

    .Brianna. - Secret Bruce Journal
    Hert123 - Blue Meerca Gnome Plushie & Vinyl Darigan Meerca Toy
    kodylaurentia - 1 Orn Codestone & 2 Vo Codestones
    Kute - Bri, Har & Orn Codestones
    laceew45 - Extra Evil Snowball, Evil Snowflake, Evil Muffin, Evil Snowball Wand
    leverhelven - 1 Kew Codestone, 1 Sho Codestone, 1 Vux Codestone,
    mouseykins - 2 Vo Codestones (I figured it out! So pro <.< )
    Musical_Shoyru - Space Faerie Pull Along Toy, Triple Tier Space Faerie Cake, Battle Faerie Dagger
    nick_and_nickette - Snow Usul Plushie, Brown Pteri Plushie, Blue Fan Flowers Plushie
    Shelley - 2 Bri Codestones and 1 Har Codestone
    Songbirdsara - Faerie Tuskaninny Plushie, Faerieland Snowglobe, Space Faerie Cupcake, Faerie Acara Music Box
    tk421beth - 2 Bri Codestones & 1 Har Codestone
    xonceinadream - 3 Two Dubloon Coins
  4. Agreeing with every post above me:

    If you're doing it for a guy, it's not worth it. Doing it for yourself however, GO FOR IT!


    You're very pretty and as far as I've seen from your posts, you have a very good personality. Do what makes you happy and feel great about it.


    When I worked, I was at a flat 100 lbs. When you worked 8-12 hour shifts, ate once a day, and had to walk home for an hour and a half, I don't think there was any need for exercise xD Unemployment happened about 6 years ago and I'm now sitting at 140, but that's me being lazy and sitting in front of the computer 12-48 hours at a time - Still eating one meal a day, but sometimes snacking now and then because of the medicines for migraines, dizziness, and teeth grinding (not a good habit, BTW).


    But I digress. Get to your comfy weight that makes YOU feel good =3

  5. Oh man, the hours of my life spent playing Dr. Mario and Pokemon Snap are probably a criminal amount... When I was young my oldest sister had a N64 and a Sega Dreamcast... I sure do miss those old games sometimes.


    The Dreamcast was FAR ahead of its time. I LOVED Sonic Adventure, with the VMU Chaos, I practically lived at my best friend at the times house playing that and Phantasy Star Online. I only didn't like my character getting NOL'd after hitting a certain level almost every time... Silly hackers...

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