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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. Nightfall, you are an amazingly strong woman, because you vent when you need to alleviate the "pressure". And those who read it can not help but be touched at how dedicated you are to family, even if they are not the same to you. To be honest, I would not have the patience to deal with a troubled teen without telling them to go. But he is your brother, and you're trying your best for him, if he doesn't realize that soon then he needs a smack upside the head a couple of times. If he remembers his trauma in the past then he should appreciate what you are doing for him and be home more often.

    I do not have any siblings, the only family I have ever known is my mother, and she's been through... a LOT, to get us to where we are. It's not the best, but it could be worse. Even though we do not get along for more than 3 minutes without going at each others' throats, there's still love and mutual respect somewhere in there.


    **I may have a very different approach on how to handle things, but they've worked for me in the past <.<

  2. Not to resurrect an old/dead topic, but his area seemed best to ask.

    In regards to EggCave and linking in the signature, how many is too many? I (now) only put the ones that evolve/hatch by views in mine, but there will be more that I get. It says 6 lines, but I'd rather users get annoyed by all those lines =X

  3. I love, love, love the rain. I am currently in FL myself, gonna visit my mama <.< ... We'll see how that goes...


    Any who, it hasn't rained rained yet, just thunder booms & lightning over where I am, rain just passes over. Makes me sad =/

  4. I know this feeling all too well :/ My first(ish) neopet was zapped into a yellow korbat -_- I had her perfectly the way I wanted her, and my niece wanting to play, accidentally clicked the wrong pet. She is also now a he. If it was not for my sentimental value, I would throw the disaster into the pound... but every time I go to the pound, I chicken out.


    HorseFeathers86 has undergone MANY gender changes due to the lab ray so I can sympathize, he was male at original creation, and so I was always hoping for a male zap back every time he was female


    While a yellow Kau is a horrible trade for a transparent Uni, I think you'll find Kau's don't get enough credit. They are very loveable. I raise Bison IRL, so maybe that's why my Ghost Kau, annefranksinatra, is very cute to me. However, her gender change (she is now a male but does not identify as one), has been really irking to me. I wanted to leave her as she is and give her an ice queen theme-- but I keep zapping hoping for a gender change.



    I don't hate the Kau species, but the name HorseFeathers86 doesn't really suit a Kau xD

    He has been a desert Kau in his past changes, I think... At least one of my pets has in the past, I have the clothes in my closet xD


    *Next day lab zaps - Gender change then changed into a Red Shoyru... <.<

  5. Ruh-roh! Seems like when you don't want a change, that's when it happens D:


    If you ever want to try zapping for a transparent Uni, Green Uni MPs are relatively cheap and can get you back your pretty pet! My lab pet is right in between my two draiks so I tend to be extra careful xD

    I've used 2 GrUniMPs on him in his lifetime, 2nd time was when I was tired of him being a lot of different Aisha colors. I swear I have like... 12 collars in my closet <.< After the MP, he changed to disco, then transparent with a TON of stat changes before & in between.

  6. So, I was doing my dailies, like we do... Lab ray time, yay, I have a cookie active for 1 extra zap, wheeee! Accidental misclick, going through with the flow aaaaaaaaand...


    My first pet, HorseFeathers86, beautiful transparent Uni (which was a lab zap obtained color - no NPs lost, thank the gods!) turns into a yellow Kau. *Sad disappointed nod* I had just started to train him to catch up in stats T____T









    *cries in the corner in fetal postion*

  7. Might want to throw in a Pteri somewhere if you like them. You never know when the Golden Pteri might fly overhead and rain NPs on your head >=D


    (Only works if you have a Pteri, if not he just flies passed you)


    I've only recieved that RE twice in my Neopets life, but I'm not fond of the Pteri species.

  8. Speaking of the SDB there should be a Master Packrat avatar, imho. Say, maybe at 10,000 total items in the SDB. Sure people would save lots of junk to get it, but then they'd have LOTS of junk to discard for a chance at the Rubbish Avatar.


    Just my thoughts on it. :)


    Junk items are pretty plentiful thanks to the junk many BD opponents give out. :)


    This should be a thing... How do we make this a thing?

  9. I made my main account when I was in middle school, so I got my access to the lab ray a LONG time ago, when it was MUCH cheaper. (I just thought it would be neat to change my pets)

    Some pieces I found through REs, the rest I bought. Not sure if I found the one that's going for 400k (volcano/mountain piece), but I got my full lab map for under 500k if memory serves (which is a very unreliable source BTW <.< )


    If I had any extra pieces, I'd have sent them your way. Unfortunately, I do not...


    A good way to get REs is by playing NeoQuest, so much clicking o.o

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