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Posts posted by Ranaki

  1. I was going through the petpet colors in the rainbow pool (and puddle), was looking through a couple of the "unknown color" then saw it. I found it to be unique. xP



    Hide-a-key Rock! =D


    I like most of the Rock colors actually, they're very clever.

  2. Welcome to the forums, Brendon. I have an interest in learning Mandarin, pretty much all I know is self taught from watching shows with English subtitles. I could say it's more than enough to get by, but the spelling of it can be a bit tedious. Perhaps we could swap notes later xP


    And oh my all of that math o.o You have a lot of work ahead of you. Are you going to become a scientist of a sort?

  3. I have, it's what I typed. Maybe I overlooked it the 5 times I went through it...


    It's fixed now!! Woot~


    Topic can be closed now, thank you ^_^


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  4. So, I've received my graphics card (woot!), reformatted my PC with a new windows OS, everything is peachy!!


    Except, IE won't open tabs from TDN, always a new window o.O I've looked in the tab options and all over the Internet options and I'm feeling quite technologically inept. I'm quite sure the solution is SIMPLE, but I complicate things a LOT.


    So a bit of help please? =3

  5. I know your pain, I get blasted most times myself... No avatar =/ on the verge of asking TNT if my account is glitched, but then they'll most likely tell me that it's a .0000001% of getting the silly thing. *Goes in a corner and bangs her head on the wall*



    Boochi fires his ray gun at Baby_Bunny_86, but thankfully he misses!
    There's an "UGH" moment for me too, although I wouldn't want her as a baby, I like her Faerie. Would've been nice x_@
  6. Congrats on all the good luck!! Some of that luck must have rubbed off onto me after reading your post, I went to take my Kougra out of training and he went up 5 agility points, then I went to buy a codestone that I was out of and saw a Skree for sale for 500np. I bought it and then checked SSW and it was selling for 3900np. :happydance: What next??

    Wow that's excellent!


    Grats to everyone that received good luck xD

  7. First, I recieved a pirate paint brush from Anchor Management.

    Second, I figured out my magma pool time (the Magma Aisha doesn't look that bad, actually).

    Lastly, I recieved a super bonus whilst training my Cybunny (+3 agility from Pirate Training).


    Thinking I should continue with NeoQuest, I might come across a nice random event ^_^


    I felt I should boast o.o

    Sorry =3

  8. I know. I keep waiting and hoping for the BD avatars to come back. I wasn't able to defeat Meuka in the old battledome. Now that my pet has surpassed those levels, it will remain an unobtainable avatar for an indefinite period of time. I wonder if that is one of the possible avatars to be gained from the new random event generator? :sad01_anim: I know. . . wishful thinking. *sigh*


    I've received the Meuka - Snotty avatar recently, Kasuki Lu kinda pwn'd me, but then I remembered (and checked) I got him before my hiatus >.>

  9. Yup, my school wasn't accredited T-T At least I couldn't find it on your linky site there.

    Sanford Brown Institute

    5701 E Hillsborough Ave, Tampa, FL 33610

    I went for Massage Therapy, did my 100 hours of hands on, learned A&P, some other modalities, some business and made a nifty diagram on how cells look like (not in that exact order) =3

    Went to go find a job and NOTHING, no one would hire me, said I wasn't experienced enough \o.O/ So, 8 years down the line, license LONG expired, and stuck with a student loan that is now $11k+ Gotta say, pretty... peeved (for respect of ToS/regulations of TDN ^_^).

  10. Finally hit double digits - fostering 10 pets now! I don't have any junk food in my SDB to feed them since I just cleared it out so my fingers are sort of crossed that there's no reward for this.

    I've been getting squished jelly for the little buggers, cheap & 2 feeds! Not bad =P

  11. If I had the means, I would have left the states LONG ago. Sadly I didn't, and still don't. However, I would like to write to the person *ahem* -WHOMEVER is was- that came up with this idea.

    My mother is having issues getting health insurance for herself, I am not seeking insurance, but she doesn't work since my step-father has a pension, SSI, yadda yadda yadda. But since SHE doesn't make monies, she no has insurance - and they won't give her any that isn't $300-$500/month, and this "fine" thing they're going to have is ridiculous. If one can not afford to have insurance, how can they possibly have the means to pay the fine? [Ranting, apologies... ]


    My condolences for your family friend, and that time of the month =( Never a good combo, especially mixed with stress.

  12. I got one too o.O

    You have been volunteered to foster a Neopet, _Punnnny_62! Make sure they get plenty of love and attention, and don't forget to feed them! If you would like to learn more about how the fostering program came about please visit the Pound.

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