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ranga_muffin last won the day on March 29 2024

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  1. for some reason I can't seem to edit my previous comment - but my first code has been used!
  2. here's mine if anyone feels like using the links: 1. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-BNenYytnMV-4l2ni 2. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-BNenYytnMV-4l2ni
  3. Hello! I wouldn't mind the gathering in the glade BG, or bluebell flower sprout for my gallery if possible? Thanks for doing this!
  4. some kind of a battle pet/preparation for the void plot customisation?
  5. ooh that's a point, probably will stop us using the shop wizard completely when on a quest. We'll have to post on the boards or something.
  6. @auriferousxbee just in case you don't know this, even if you do zap one you won't be able to remove it from your pet to put in in the gallery! There must be some way to acquire them as I have all of them, I just don't remember how, sorry!
  7. They're no trade items, so they can be gifted, and they can't be bought either. Jellyneo says they are obtainable through the petpet ray and they're pretty reliable so I suspect they are right! As an aside, I somehow have all four newbie petpets. I'm wondering if it's possible to adopt a pet that has one of them attached and get one that way? I can't think of a reason that that wouldn't work, but someone else may know better.
  8. I'm one of those people whose battle pet has very uneven stats: HP: 501 Strength: 348, Defence: 155, Move: 247, Intelligence: 2808 and Level: 101. I can confirm that due to my pet's insane HP I do have to up my level to 251 before I can train other things (defence). For me the rushing to 250 is a bit more tempting and necessary as I can't do anything else until then. Whatever you choose to do, keep an eye on those weird little rules and keep your stats fairly even as you go! Also, look into kitchen quests maybe. They give out stat increases which from memory are fairly decent. Some quests are expensive, but not all so it might be something you think worthwhile.
  9. I haven't properly done the maths, but my understanding is that it's generally considered better at roughly the 100 level point to rush level training to move onto the red codestone training. My battle pet is at level 103, and it currently takes five tan codestones to train one level. I have a stash of them but if you work out the cost per level it's pretty expensive (and the potential is always there to need all/several eo codestones for any given training session). I also think it can be a bit easier for people to just need to buy one red codestone as opposed to five/six/seven/eight tan. Either way it's pretty expensive to train. I'm still considering just zapping my battle pet a bit and then changing him back to a Christmas Kacheek when i'm at/nearer 250 (although kacheek MPs are pretty expensive too!).
  10. I've been waiting for this day and it did not disappoint! Going shopping for my kacheek!
  11. I just had a look and it's gone for me too, so must be a glitch as I used it five hours ago. Hopefully they'll fix it pretty quickly!
  12. Rant sorry. Just got a grey faerie quest and she asked for a Harris Chair. No problem I think. Nope. Some kind soul(s) have inflated it from 1000np to 1 million practically overnight. I don't understand why people do this. I'm not in the camp who's willing to shell out 1 million for the possibility of a rainbow dip, so they won't get the nps from me. All the inflators have done is chip away at the fun of a new event on the second day. Why?!
  13. I'm sorry I'm a bit confused by your transmog option, but here's my opionion for your others: Before I read your Cybunny's name I thought maraquan or oil, and having read their name I think definitely maraquan. In terms of the Hissi, I too like the faerie (and likely easier to customise/more variety), although I am also a sucker for lost desert, especially this design. I also have to agree with Angelo though. I have been trying to work out which fruit/veg chia to get for years (no joke), now that there's a sroom option, well that's pretty difficult to pass up too! I suppose it depends on what matters more to you currently - the best value/savings or which pet speaks to you most even if it's not what you expected.
  14. @Singledwish123 I agree. I kind of love the chipmunk and am also very frightened by it. Nonetheless, am loving the ongoing effort and creativity.
  15. loving the chia fruit content! That sroom is definitely on my list too!
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