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  1. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Spritzie in Stuck theme?   
    I'm not sure why this happens, but I've changed your default theme in the system for you.
    Let me know if it's working properly now.
  2. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Welcome Back Apathy in Movement   
    There has been exactly one time in Neopian history when movement was helpful. During one of the plots, the more movement you had, the more often you could do one of the steps. But it wasn't even hugely important back then. I would ignore movement completely unless a faerie offers it to you.
  3. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Mouseykins in Movement   
    Even with the new Battledome movement still doesn't play a big role. It only impacts certain weapons your pet can use.
    Personally I've been training movement just to keep it even with my stats in case things change later on, but with the upcoming plot I would just focus on your other stats and if you want to train your movement up at a later time you can do so. :)
  4. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Mireia in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    Yay! I made some gifs for every faction. I still have three of them missing, but I'll upload them soon

    Edit: I forgot the avatar :laughingsmiley:

  5. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    We've got a lot of talented people here, so here's a spot to show off your signatures, banners, avatars and other artwork for the TDN community to use!
    No requests unless the creator specifically says so. Do not claim these as your own :)
    1 , 2 , 3... GO!
  6. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Nellethiel in Official Sway Discussion Thread   
    Secrets though we keep, we are strong.
    War though we face, we are ready.
    Always we watch, inescapable, ceaseless.
    You would be wise to join us, lest you become our enemies.
  7. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to karmacow in Neopets superstitions?   
    When I spin the wheels, I always click on the very edge of the wheel, because I once read that if you do not hover your mouse over the wheel of excitement, results would be better. That was before the renovations, and if it was ever true, it probably isn't anymore. But MAYBE it is! Not that I have much luck with the wheels...
  8. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from Angeló in Going On Forced Hiatus ..   
    I hope you get to experience at least a little of the plot! Safe travels and all of us here hope to see you around. :)
  9. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to karmacow in New Member   
    Good start, huh? :D We do have some rules that go a bit further than common sense to ensure a higher degree of quality posting, which is mainly the 7 words minimum and no double posting. Check out the full set of rules here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/6361-the-daily-neopets-forum-rules/
  10. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Ali Cat in Collateral Changes   
    Hi all,
    Because of recent market price changes, many of our items have undergone collateral changes. Both big-ticket and smaller items were affected, but I will only mention the big-ticket ones here since they had the biggest change.
    Meowclops - Lowered to 13,000,000
    Zafara Double Agent Plushie - Lowered to 6,500,000
    Chokato (TCG) - Lowered to 3,000,000
    Both Faerie Queen Doll and Icy Snowflake, the remaining two big-ticket items, had no collat change. :) Be sure to check the collat for smaller items before requesting a lend since many of those underwent collateral changes as well!
    Hope everyone enjoys these lowered collats,
    ALP Team
  11. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Dragons in Unreleased Caption #1296   
    Is it just me or it seems that there's Cast Away and Life of Pi in the caption? :P
  12. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to grandslam286 in Key Quest Cheating?   
    Yeah, the being off the board part was definitely just a glitch. Not sure about the rest of it though.
  13. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Earthquake Hits Tyrannia!   
    Users have been receiving a Random Event that reveals an explosion of light that blinds you! A second RE has also been discovered that reveals it was an earthquake that caused this!

    A new mysterious site also has appeared in Tyrannia! Check it out for yourself!

  14. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Rebecca~ in HT - Richest Avatar   
    Why would you think it might retire? A handful of items have been retired from the HT since it was released, and none of them were avatar items. I think it's pretty safe to assume that those books will remain in the HT for yeaaaars to come.
    TNT designed those avatars to be a giant NP sink- they wouldn't want to get rid of them.
  15. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Emily in HT - Richest Avatar   
    I got it and didn't regret it at all. I figure as an avvie collector, I was going to need it eventually. And I think I spent more on other avvies, to be honest. Pretty sure I spent more trying to get the Kelp and Wheel of Extravagence avvie xD It's just kind of overwhelming because you're dropping a huge amount all at once rather than over a period of time. Just make sure before you pull your NP out of the bank that you're on the highest interest rate while you qualify for it. It makes earning back the NP a little easier.
    Congrats on 25 mil!
  16. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Xepha in Quick question about battledome 'boosts'?   
    Yes you will get your STR bonus regardless of what your defense is. The DEF boost is independant from the STR boost! :D
  17. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Think the Faerie Quest event will return this year?   
    We're only thirty some days into the year with nearly 330 left. Who knows if/when we will see the event this year. It's too early to tell.
  18. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to hrtbrk in Customization-Why do you do it?   
    I customize because it's really fun and it (in theory) gives my pet(s) an unique look that others with the same species/colour do not have. As Angelo already mentioned, it also helps portray a character or personality I may have in them - prissy outfit or not.
    Just because people are actively into customizing their pet doesn't mean they don't take 'good care' of their pets, and I think it's offensive to insinuate that people who choose to customize don't take as good as care of their pet(s) and that they do not have their pet(s) as a top priority.
  19. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Anxious Zombie in Cannot Cure Neopet   
    Have you had you pet in a fight recently and just left the page instead of exiting? Also, if the cures think you're in a fight, the water faerie probably does too. Try going to the BD and seeing if you can battle, then hitting 'exit' when the battle is over. Othere wise you'll have to send in a ticket :/
    Added Info: If your pet has never been in a fight, if it's adopted it may be that the previous owner abandoned it while it was still in a fight. In which case TNT just has to do a quick fix and presto ^.^ you can cure your neopet
  20. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to Mouseykins in Is this allowed?   
    Honestly I would advise against it as I do believe it is against the rules to pool neopoints together just so you can increase your bank interest. If you want to increase the amount of interest you recieve I suggest you earn your neopoints and do it the proper way. Now that there are plenty of ways to make NPS easily around the site, it doesn't take that long to increase your interest step by step.
  21. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to General Technology in Are my stats enough?   
    Hey man! What's up? :D
    May I ask how much you are willing to spend?
    Currently, your pet is pretty much balanced and it'll do well if there is a plot/war.
    Your set is pretty nice. It's all pretty much right. Kelpbeards Trident, Ghostkeromb, Randomly Firing Freeze Ray, Downsize! are pretty much keepers.
    Greater Healing Scroll is alright for you because it heals half your HP, but I'll suggest you get a Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic eventually (Heals 75 HP, no overheal).
    Your shields are pretty good for the price class until you can afford the likes of Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield, Faerie Tabard, Ghostkershield, Dr. Sloths Personal Body Armour, Shield of Faerieland, Pirate Captains Hat.
    For your Altador Cup Throwing Star, the decision is entirely up to you. You can choose to replace it with a more hard hitting yet expensive weapon or you can keep it. If you decide on selling it and replacing it, I suggest you get either Skarls Hasty Mace (minimum of 8 earth + 5 air, maximum of 18 earth + 11 air), or the Anagram Swords. There are lots of suggestions here: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/basic-weapon-sets/ you're probably under the Advanced Set.
    It's pretty much all there. I do suggest you increase your strength and defense boost to 125 because your so close :) Maybe not through codestone training, maybe through Armoured Neggs and Bubbling Fungus/Essence of Drackonack. But they might be less economical, but they're faster.
  22. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to ~Xandria in Plot Beginning?   
    Try not to stress out too much about it. I've been busy training up my pet as well. Before this I never ever trained and have not been on neo very long, so it's frustrating. Luckily I was able to borrow a good weapon from a friend to help compensate for my lack of training. If you have the extra neopoints (or a willing neofriend) perhaps you could get a nice set to help you out. (If you don't already)
    Unfortunatley, I doubt TNT will let us know about the plot ahead of time. They are a sneaky bunch. :P BUT, I know a lot of people are saying it's coming up very soon, however no one knows that for sure. So just keep training and remember you will also have time to train during the plot. I've been able to train fairly quickly by using the mystery island training school during the day and then using the academy overnight. It's getting pricey with the inflation of codestones. That's my biggest regret, because I had a whole bunch of codestones saved up and sold them all about a month ago. ;)
  23. Like
    jurassicshark got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Erm...what the!?   
    My advice would be not to send another score. Everyone else has done a pretty good job explaining why - it's better to be safe than sorry and a pesky 1k isn't worth the risk (in my eyes at least!).
  24. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to The Bandit in Do levels make any difference in the new BD?   
    Apologies if this has already been answered, but does anyone know if your pet's level makes any difference in the new BD?
    In the old one, you got beserk at level 25, or was it lvl 50, can't remember...
    Anyway, as my pet's stats are:
    Str : 422
    Def : 36
    Mov : 352
    Hp : 1245
    Lvl : 25
    the only realistic thing I can train is level, so I'm wondering if it's worth it...
    (btw, those stats are what you get if you zap your pet with the lab ray every day for ~10 years :P )
  25. Like
    jurassicshark reacted to SidtheSnail in Erm...what the!?   
    Honestly, the 1000 NP will not make or break you, if you think you sent it 3 times today I would just leave it alone
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