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  1. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Koralis in Faerie Quest Help   
    EDIT: Sorry about the links thing Spritzie.
  2. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Lamppost in Predictions for the future of the plot?   
    Hmm. I think this might result in a new species and new artwork for Tyrannia.
    My hypothesis is that maybe we'll fight the other faction's leaders at the end, and then the new species comes out of the obelisk and the factions have to fight it?? ugh this is a horrible theory.
  3. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from karmacow in The Lab Rays: What happened today?   

    Hee hee hee!

    The ray is fired at Pintaki...

    ... and he changes into a Blue Lutari!!


    Nothing looks different about Khrisen but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2

    Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.
  4. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Wildbreeze in The Lab Rays: What happened today?   

    Hee hee hee!

    The ray is fired at Pintaki...

    ... and he changes into a Blue Lutari!!


    Nothing looks different about Khrisen but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 2

    Tomorrow may see another boost if you're brave enough to risk it.
  5. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Wildbreeze in What's your Achievement today?   
    Pintaki (my once Korbat/Quiggle) got zapped into a blue Lutari today! More luck than achievement, I know, but I'm still happy. :D
  6. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Anxious Zombie in Nay for Second Hand Music   
    In case you're wondering, 'second hand music' is what I call your neighbors playing their music loud enough that you can hear it through a concrete wall >.> If I wanted to listen to Johnny Cash I would play it myself thank you.
  7. Like
    Duskitty reacted to zorna in Hello everyone :)   
    I think we should start a guild called the only ones left standing LOL
  8. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Novelista in Stronger Wave Of Enemies After The Obelisk!   
    My pet's HP is only 72 and I was able to beat the Brute Squad person on Easy.
    But still, the difficulty increases are ridiculous. 8 to 35 to 80? O_o Hopefully I can get some wins in. Also, apparently losses/draws count as well.
  9. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Anxious Zombie in Official Order of the Red Erisim Discussion Thread   
    Haha! So Trecci got zapped into a chomby today and I think the chomby angery face is hilarious! It's like she's trying to be scary but failing badly! It's distracting me from battling XD
  10. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Eri_K in Official Order of the Red Erisim Discussion Thread   
    LOL That Chomby "angry" face is more like "ok mom, I'll eat my veggies" than "dare to say that again".
    I need to change my Kyrii clothes, as he was zapped from Halloween to Yellow last week, but I'm just too lazy when it comes to customizing... and looking at him now, he is just looking like a thief, can I think he is infiltrated? :whistle:
  11. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Aquamentis12 in Official Order of the Red Erisim Discussion Thread   
    Hmmm I see.
    Pardon me for saying, but then it's no wonder your pets are having trouble in the arena.
    Battling is more than just putting some equipment onto your pet and sending them in. Even the best gear can be beaten after all.
    Please let me explain a little of my philosophy, for me, I've always been a budget, under-leveled battler. For the Defenders of Neopia, or previous wars. I didn't do so well when I was first starting out, but I like the strategy and tactics needed in the battledome, that not knowing and trying to beat the unknown. LOL Even though we have a battlepedia with almost all the weapons in it that the opponents use. You still don't know when they will use them, nor whether or not your pet can overcome them. Rise above adversity and kick some rear. ;) But the only reason I'm doing as well as I am, is because I put a lot of time and a lot of NP into it. Oh sure, I've taken breaks from the site that lasted months. That's the only reason my pet isn't stronger, I will probably pay for that by not being able to finish all the waves. I say that because every war-plot I've been in, I haven't been able to go the distance. And yet I work so that I can someday have one of the best pets for battling around. Even if my weapons aren't as spectacular or expensive as other pets' equipment. ;) Heck,my only Hidden Tower item is the Ghostkerbomb. My other weapons are only 13 iconers. But I'm crafty with my defense. ;) And I can tailor it to make it hard on almost any 1-player opponent to beat me. Because I also invested time into studying possible defensive counter-measures.
    But that's my battle-style. The only time I withdrew from battles in the old battledome, were if they were glitching or lagging out. Which is why my old BD battle record has so many losses. I battled and experimented, and even then, I studied and learned from my losses and adjusted my strategies to try again. Especially before I found fansite battlpedia with BETTER info than the official one on Neopets. ;)
    If you want to participate and do well in future plots where battling IS involved, I would suggest you make 1 pet your battle pet and train him/her. I know collections can be fun, and frustrating. LOL I collect Peophin items myself. You also have to prioritize. If you don't plan on battling again, well I don't really know what to suggest. You could skip plots with battles, but you may miss out on some awesome prizes. Perhaps even a species prize that would fit one of your collections. I know a couple of neopets players who don't battle at all, and so they miss plots with battles in them. But that's their playing style, and they're fully entitled to it.
    The trick to battle victory is like a tripod. Of course equipment is important, but the other two legs are the training of the pet and the knowledge of the player. Have all 3 in balance and anybody would be hard to beat. ;) From these, the battler gains experience, not points like in a game, but a different type of knowledge, that allows them attack, counter, and maybe even anticipate their opponent's movements, and adds to their overall knowledge.
    You, the player, guide your pet through understanding of his equipment through the battle. (We have 1 player opponents listed in the Battlepedia with their equipment and what it does so you can understand your opponent's equipment too), your pet is of course, like your sword in battle, and your equipment is like your shield. It protects your pet and makes up for the weakness of a sword to defend. (Why else have a shield? Because a sword that is parrying cannot attack)
    Man, I'm going awfully Zen here. LOL Sorry, tends to happen when I get sleepy. Same with getting long-winded. lol
    Basically, whatever you do regarding battling is your business. If you want to stop battling now, that's fine. And I thank you for your help in our faction thus far. :)
    I hope your gallery gets filled quickly and at reasonable prices to you. lol
    I know I hate it when people inflate prices on collectables that are worthless other than that they can be collectable. ;)
    Have a good night. :)
  12. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Welcome Back Apathy in Refreshing to get challenges   
    Command + R, apparently, works on Macs. Give it a shot.
  13. Like
    Duskitty reacted to siniri in Refreshing to get challenges   
    TNT has changed their answer on this over the years (i.e., in one editorial they said it was not okay, but in all others before and after that one, they said refreshing manually, using your own power, was perfectly okay). For completeness's sake, here are the relevant editorials, in chronological order (hiding repetitive ones in spoiler tags)*:

    Issue 219: Some people say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. For example some avatars people say you can only get from refreshing and they say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. Is that true? ~ x_tammeh
    Just like many things in Neopets and life, there is a line. Let's clarify. Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.
    - Hitting refresh repeatedly for a few minutes, allowing the page to load. ? Great
    - Holding down F5 for 10-30 seconds at a time, checking for the avatar/challenger, then trying again if it has not been achieved ? Still
    - Holding down the F5 key for 20 minutes ? Okay, but try to take a break for your mental sake and ours.
    - Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key while you make a sandwich. ? Not good.
    - Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key all night while you sleep ? Bad.
    - Using a program that refreshes for you at the same rate as a human ? Frozen!
    - Using Opera to open 100+ pages and hitting "refresh all" ? VERY frozen.
    Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.

    Issue 323: After a lovely discussion about refreshing at the Advent Calendar for a Christmas paint brush, we all know that your have a fairly good chance of getting one if you explore around the Terror Mountain area. So I think it is wrong to solely sit at the Advent Calendar and do nothing but hit F5 waiting for a paint brush to fall into your lap. I don?t care about being wrong; I'd just rather be more informed on this topic. Please elaborate and clear this up. ~krystalsalerno

    We could have sworn that somewhere in another Editorial we said that refreshing solely for the purpose of gaining wealth through Random Events was a no-no. Also, to make sure people don't get the wrong impression, refreshing in Terror Mountain will not shower you with Christmas paint brushes. It's a fairly rare Random Event. {Note: The writer of this editorial was incorrect about past answers, and later editorials also contradict this answer. This is where my own hesitancy about refreshing came from, but now I'm less worried having seen that all other editorial answers contradict this one; see below.}  

    Issue 379: On my side account, I've received a number of Random Events yielding some nice items (like codestones). Could I send them to my main account? I mean, you can't disable Random Events, since they just randomly pop up. It's not profit
    purposely made by the player. Please remove my username if this question is published, by the way. Thanks. :) ~[username removed]
    Yes, as long as you aren't attempting to abuse the system (refreshing for Random Events on multiple accounts/browsers) or anything
    like that, sending items you receive as Random Events to your main account is fine. :) {emphasis added}

    Issue 440: I recently saw someone post on the Neoboards that they found a Turmac Petpet at the Rubbish Dump! I LOVE those cute little Turmacs, and I was wondering if this was truly possible? It seemed as though it was, as the person had the items in their trades. I wanted to ask first, though, before I went completely loony refreshing and searching for a Turmy! BTW, I don't have cookies, but I have a lot of appreciation that should bring some warm fuzzy feelings! 0:) ~tipherz84
    Yep! They've been known to rummage around at the dump on rare occasion. Thankfully someone usually snatches them up before they make too big of a mess, though. Good luck on your search! :)
    Issue 521: People seem to be taking what was said in Editorial 446 (and any other Editorial that may be similar to it) as an okay to go ahead and refresh any page on the site just for the sake of refreshing in order to get Random Events. While I doubt that was actually your intention, would you mind clarifying again whether or not refreshing just to get Random Events that have nothing to do with avatars or Battledome challengers is allowed? ~esomera
    You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.) [This one in particular seems to directly contradict issue 323.]

    P.S. What does TNT have against cats? Dogs are way more likely to stay on the refresh key than a cat. The only way to get a cat to sit on it would be if the cat thought you didn't want it to sit there.
  14. Like
    Duskitty reacted to karmacow in What's your Achievement today?   
    I won second place in the random contest!! I'm so excited to place in the top three :D
  15. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Faerie Quest Help   
    Wow, only 2k! You're welcome.
    EDIT: FOILED AGAIN by Wildbreeze. CURSES! D:<
  16. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from karmacow in Hang Out and Post   
    Heh. Hey guys. Want a brain imploder? No? Here it is anyway! :geeky_evil:

  17. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Wildbreeze in Hang Out and Post   
    *sings along forever and dies*
    Last year at summer camp, my friend and I sang Tobuscus songs at the top of our lungs SO MUCH. We made everyone else mad. And we didn't care at all. ^_^ I think it was partly my rebellion for having my phone taken away (while listening to Safety Torch).
    ...I need to go out in public with that friend and sing this again. It's fun. :D
  18. Like
    Duskitty reacted to khaos in Hang Out and Post   
    That is probably one of my favorite posts on the entire site omg that is amazing.
    Curses foiled again.
  19. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Hang Out and Post   
    I thought it would be a scary pop-up, so I muted the volume, haha. You got me there...

  20. Like
    Duskitty got a reaction from khaos in Hang Out and Post   
    Haha, glad it's being put to use. :D
    We played a game in art class today called 'If You Know What I Mean'. We came up with a setting, characters and a conflict. It was in a donut shop, with a donut maker, a schizophrenic, an Oompa Loompa and... I forget, but it was a person, I can tell you that. :P
    The rule was that we had to say 'if you know what I mean' after every sentence. And we came up with some pretty innuendo-y things.
    "I make my own jelly at home and put it in these donuts, if you know what I mean." [[The rest of the class that weren't in the game, including me, laughed for 2 minutes straight after that one.]]
    "Help, my hand is stuck in the donut hole, if you know what I mean."
    "Could I get some sugar and sprinkles on that donut, if you know what I mean?"
    Sorry if this is too profane for this site, I just thought (with my very inappropriate sense of humor) that it was funny... :*
  21. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Anxious Zombie in Hang Out and Post   
    I love the ending! I think I might use this knowledge against certain narcissistic little brothers >.> <.<
  22. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Anxious Zombie in Official Order of the Red Erisim Discussion Thread   
    Well, round one was pretty good. Got a few books and a few codestones ^.^
    The opponant from the Sway makes my blood boil 'Wait! You can't mean to fight me...' Yes I can you posh princess wannabe.
  23. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Dragons in Google Image War   
    The Sknifebottlescissorthingamagig is better than your boring spoon knife fork :)
  24. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Naamah D. in Need to Rant?   
    Personally, I think it's absolute idiocy when people blame gaming on real world violence. Rated M means Mature, right? Sure I wouldn't want a 5 or 10 year old playing rated M games, but I think kids 12 and up should be able to as long as they have maturity and responsibility.
    What really makes me mad is this whole "geek girl" stuff. Why don't you just enjoy gaming without making yourself an object? That's worse then gender stereotypes with gaming. I was on a website and some guy just had the nerve to say that female gamers just play Farmville on Facebook. Who in the right of their mind would think or say that?
    I'm a girl who plays lots of different games. I play Halo, Call of Duty, Skyrim, and other "male-oriented" games. For the love of Lilith, who cares these days? Games are unisex! I still hate Grand Theft Auto for moral reasons, but come on, guys!
  25. Like
    Duskitty reacted to Angeló in Disgusting Neopian Items   
    Eau De Skunk
    seriously this is awful lol
    imagine walking around feeling like Pepe Le Pew
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