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Everything posted by Aquamentis12

  1. @GillyTook, that sounds like a good plan! Regarding Kitchen Quests. At least there's no penalty if you don't feel like finishing them. I recommend price checking each of the 3 or 4 items your asked for before you buy any. Lately I've been getting thrown some curve-balls when trying to do a Kitchen Quest. There'd be 2 or 3 reasonably priced items requested, 1k-2k or so, and then one that is over 10k. While it'd be worth it NP-wise to try it for a random stat point, I only need to work on my HP, so if I get a worthless item or low amount of NP back, or the stat point goes to some other stat, it's not very good. So I keep checking and hoping for a lower priced-quest. As I'm trying hard to save my NP to upgrade my battle gear. My point is, just be wary of how much each item costs and do what you feel you can afford per quest. You can complete up to 10 on-site quests a day. Snow Faerie, Edna, Kitchen Quests, all count toward the 10. The counter resets at midnight NST. And the time to complete the quests seems to be between 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours pretty often. Good luck!
  2. Thanks @Duma! Ok @Indagare, looking at Duma's screenshot, I think it shows your progress to 750 for each stat. Not counting your HP since that can be above or below 750 as a maximum. Though it's color will change depending on where it falls on the rainbow spectrum TNT has for your neopet's health when it isn't at or near maximum. This is mine, so pretty much the only time I see it in the Red or Yellow colors is when I've been blasted for trying to steal from the snowager (Red then,), or yellow when my pet's HP is reduced to half by the Deserted Tomb, or Fireballs from the Wheel of Mediocrity, or from a couple other things on the site that can reduce HP. I haven't tried it when my HP is in blue or orange numbers, which you can get by using some healing potions or eating but not refilling your HP entirely. I don't know if the gauge is blue or orange for those times on the Battledome Stats Page. I honestly haven't looked before when I have HP in either of those two color ranges. lol I've only seen my HP on that gauge as Red, Yellow, or Green. I hope that helps.
  3. Well @granny63020, depending on how much you want to spend, you might add a Freezing weapon. Sleep Ray is around 1million NP these days I think. or, you can save the slot for a defensive piece of equipment that you can swap out depending on your opponent. If you're only fighting opponents that you can beat easily, say for the daily prizes, then you can leave it empty for now. IF/WHEN TNT fixes Stealing, if your Agility stat is 201 or higher, the Heavy Robe of Thievery can be fun. There's a very low intelligence stat requirement for it too, But I think it's only like, 35 or some crazy low number. I don't know if that's accurate @GillyTook. Though I've never trained my HP to 3x my level before, but I have heard that if your HP is beyond 2x your level, then you have to increase your level before you can train your other stats again. IF I'm remembering that correctly. It's been many MANY years since I last read that. So I MIGHT be misremembering it. So I've kept my stats within 2x of my level, even HP. Now since I have the max boosts, it doesn't really matter if my HP is 3x my level, but that'll take quite a bit of training and time. Once you get your Strength and Defense to 750 it won't matter for you either. That will take some time though. I didn't do any hardcore training, just some light stuff, and it took me until the Obelisk War to reach level 250. Some players, focused a TON on their training and far exceeded my pet during the same roughly 8-10 year period from the time I started playing Neopets. If you have the NP for the codestones you can train your rear off. If you buy NC at all, the Training Fortune Cookies can reduce your training time by a random amount 35%-50% I think, it's different for each training session, but within that range, for .. I think it's 5 days. It's been a long time since I last used one, so I'm not 100% on that anymore. Anyway, since the tiers in the training schools go by level, I think it's ok to train your HP beyond 2x your level, just know you'll have to raise your level to make your HP back to only 2x your level to train your other stats again. (I hope that makes sense). You might not get to 250 in level, but if you buff your stats to the next boost and get your HP up a bit more, you'll be more formidable during the battle plot than you would be if your level was 250 and your stats were relatively close to what they are now.
  4. Hi @GillyTook, I think it's a matter of preference. I've never done the math on it, but the arguments I've heard FOR doing it, is that you're at 1-red stone training for a VERY long time, until your stats catch up with your level. The proponents would continue to say that you would save NP in the long run, because you'd be level-training only through the higher tan-codestone tiers, and then you'd only need to buy 1 red stone for the other stats. Of course, red stones WERE much cheaper the last time I saw this topic brought up. PERSONALLY, I've never liked the power-leveling idea because I felt, and mostly still do, that it unbalanced the codestone market. I must point out there were fewer Red stones available when I first started with that opinion. But the point is, tan codestones would fall in price as more people power-leveled to 250+, and red stones would increase in price due to the increase in demand. Right now, most of both types of stones are higher than usual due to people training for the on-coming war. What I would suggest is this. You can power-level if you want. However, I would suggest you try to figure out how long it will take you to get to level 250 first. It won't do you much good in the upcoming battle plot if your level is high but your stats haven't gotten much higher. Ok, so because I was curious, I tried the math. To train to Level 251 will take you 2,524 HOURS. That's a few hours over 105 days. I stink at math, so feel free to check it. The last 50 levels of the training school will take 24 hours per session. Granted to you can get some levels if you're good at beating Von Roo at Deadly Dice, but that will hardly do much unless you have a LOT of ties and then are lucky enough to win a lot. Plus you have to be on at midnight to 1am NST for that. So I think your best bet will be to focus on your stats for this battle plot. I think working on your HP makes the most sense, and then Strength and Defense to the next boost for each of them. Maybe you can get to the 250 or 300 boost(s)? But you definitely will want more HP, which as you probably know, can be trained to 3x your level. Just for reference, here is the link to the article on BD boosts for Strength and Defense. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/strength-defense-boosts Good luck with your training. Feel free to ask any more questions you might have. As far as power-leveling goes. I did that for the last 20-30 levels when I was in the 8-tan stone tier, just before the Obelisk War. I would suggest that it becomes a more viable and economic strategy when you get to the 7 and/or 8 tan stone training tier. Sure Mag and Sho red stones are generally pretty cheap, but the other 4 are not.
  5. That's great you finally got him! Congratulations Granny!
  6. You're welcome Granny! I hope that you have fun with it!
  7. @granny63020, The start button, or Windows button rather in Windows 10. If you scroll down your list of Programs/apps on your laptop and go down to Windows Accessories. You should find a program there called "Paint". You can use the Ctrl V button combo to paste the screenshot stored in your clipboard that you took by hitting the Print Screen button into a new Paint file once the program is open. There is a Clipboard icon, a larger one, underneath the word File, in the menu bar. You can Paste, or Paste From. Paste should work. You can edit the pic, or save it if you want too. I hope that helps.
  8. I know someone who almost broke the top 50, they used to be a TDN staffer. I won't say who of course, but it's nice to know they're still active in the game. As for the top 13 or so, no. I don't know anyone else that I saw. But here is their list of the top 250 pets. The top of the top pets could certainly take on Snowy on Medium, MAYBE even on Mighty! The current #1 has over 30,000hp! https://battlepedia.jellyneo.net/?go=top_pets
  9. Hey congrats you guys! That's great! Maybe by the next go 'round you'll have Snow Beast in your list. I hope so. I guess the top entrant must be using a different name or something. I did a search on Neo, I'm curious about their pet's HP, but nothing turned up when I entered that name, Oh well, some things will remain a mystery.
  10. Nice, Granny. A least you had enough to sell. Good luck with the rankings when they come out.
  11. Oh yes. But even so, $1 per cookie isn't bad since they increased it to 9 days from 7. Same here, I'm not willing to use the lab ray on my peophin. Peophin morphing potions are pretty pricey still, and I like his customization and such. Plus my Freezer is species specific, if he changed species, I would need to get a new freezer. Anyway, as far as training goes. You could try for the boosts if you want, though your HP would be kind of low still then. Though, if you did Kitchen Quests, you might get some extra stat points there. I think I've gone over them in this thread before, but you can complete 10 on-site quests per day, (Kitchen, Edna, snow faerie etc.) all count towards the 10. So you can do 10 Kitchen Quests per day, if you get a stat boost, it'll be 1 point and I do believe it goes to your active pet. So, while you train your Ixi you could also try Kitchen Quests for a few extra points. I think I read somewhere that HP is one of the more common stats awarded. It can give you Strength, Defense and Agility too. KQs can be pricey and their quest timer is pretty long, usually 2-3 hours. So if there's one you don't want to do, you end up waiting a bit for it to run out so you can try a new one. That being said, I tend to only do them if the total quest price is around 5k or so. Cheap for a stat point at my peophin's level, but the items you get sometimes are often not worth much, and sometimes you only get under 1k in NP back. So, there's that possibility too. Still, it's a relatively cheap way to try to get some extra stat points. If I were into heavy training, I'd do all 10 quests probably regardless of cost, but since I'm only casually training, it's not such a big deal to put a lower limit on the NP on each quest. I'm trying to save up for some stuff too, so there's that.
  12. Ah ok. I've pulled a few "vanishing acts" too while playing this game. Though I've been back steady since a little bit before the Obelisk War, about maybe 10 years ago now? The first plot I took part in was an old one, not Meridell vs Darigan, but the one after that, but before the Hannah and the Ice Caves plot. lol I don't even know what it was called, but it was the first battle plot I took part in, and it was pretty fun. Been hooked on those ever since. But they've been few and far between. I think TNT will make sure of that. You might have to pick a team, battle or support, or something like that. We won't know the rules until TNT releases them unfortunately. But you probably won't be working directly with anyone, just like the Faerie Festival 2023, it'll be a group effort for points or prizes. You could train if you want. you may be battling too. You've got a few months according to TNT's reply to an editorial question, so there's time to raise your stats a fair bit. Yeah, I think selling would be the way to go. Even 10 Bri Codestones, at say, 3200np each, would be 32,000np. And you might turn those in and get a Mag or Sho red codestone, which are not worth that much. So you'd have lost out on value there. As for the NC stuff. If you buy NC items, the Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies are 100nc. Basically $1 per cookie, and they last 9 days. 9x24hours from the time you open them. Or, you could always get the lab ray. It has some down sides though. You can gain and lose stats. It does increase the Strength and HP quite often from what I've read. Though it can decrease Defense, change your pet's gender or species. Even reduce it's level back to level 1. So there are trade-offs in using it. I've never used the lab ray though. So I can't say anything from personal experience, just what I've read about it.
  13. Hmm, that's interesting. When I view your pet pages, the only stats in color are their genders and their HP, being full they are green. The rest I see as black text.
  14. Honestly, I think this could've been a new topic. Anyway, Colors for the stats? When I look at my Peophin or my Vandagyre, the only colors for stats I see is HP, and that's green when full, and red when very low or at 0. I think there is information on that somewhere, but I don't know where exactly as it's been pretty much the same (I think) since before i joined TDN. The names for the different stat-ranges do exist, but the names are very misleading. The stat boosts for both Strength and Defense end at 750. So training those stats beyond 750 is currently meaningless. Level and HP, as far as I know, don't have a cap, so training should never stop. If you're curious about the list of Strength and Defense boosts, along with the various named classifications for various levels/ranges of stats. Then this webpage should answer your questions. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/strength-defense-boosts
  15. 12 hours for max tier in the Secret Ninja Training Academy. But I agree on the cost. Not really worth it. I use Cookies almost exclusively too. Better turnover provided you get the type of faerie you want/need. Strength and Defense stop impacting those stats at 750 points. I don't think there's a cap on level or HP. HP can still be trained to 3x your Level at the Secret Ninja School too. I've seen some pets with around and over 15,000hp. Some of the oldest and legendary. Good luck with your standings from the tourney! I hear that a lot for Koi Warrior, and regular stones can be converted to random red stones at Techo Mountain. But it takes 10 random regular to make 1 random red. So it's usually not worth it NP-wise, imho. I read in the latest editorial, I think, that TNT is planning on having things for those pets who may not be able to battle all opponents to do as well. MY hope is that they will be parallel, so that everyone can do both types of things. Unlike the Curse of Maraqua War where you had fighters and supporter roles. But, it might be like the Curse of Maraqua War, I don't know. Nobody but TNT does.
  16. Sounds like a good plan! I'm glad I was able to be of some help. As far as the plot. According to a reply in the NT Editorial section I saw, TNT replied that it will be a "few months". Without giving away any exact details. So we've got time to train up a bit more. For your pet, since you've got the max Strength and Defense boosts, if you train anything, train HP so you can last longer in battle. It sounds like TNT might throw us some troublesome challengers from things I've read. No idea HOW troublesome of course, but, it can't hurt to be prepared. I'll be trying to work a bit on my pet's HP too. It can only help anyway. lol
  17. Don't feel bad about Snowy. My pet can't beat Snowy on Medium either. If I had a few thousand more HP maybe I could then. lol Just do your best with Snowy, you may even get lucky and get a Frozen Negg drop! I'm glad the last 2 opponents are opponents you have. Good luck with the rest of the tournament standings! And you're welcome, I'm glad I was able to help you refine your equipment. This tournament is a good workout, like a practice run before the battle plot. I'm sure that is probably one of the reasons the JNBP staff came up with this event, to give people a good reason and even maybe some guidance of various opponents to help people try out different opponents and test their sets and mettle against a variety of foes? Just a thought. I wish I had remembered to sign up, oh well. lol Maybe their next tourney. LOL Good luck with your final ranking!
  18. I don't have Mutated Chia, I don't remember how it was gotten, but it's not in my list. I have the others. Sabre-X and Tax Beast are a pain because they are random events, but the Tax Beast... I don't recall HOW much NP he took from me, but I think it was around a week or more worth of gaming back then. A bit more than 100k I think. Or maybe I HAD 100k and the random event took MOST of that. It's been years since I had that r/e. I don't know if I've had it since though. Good luck NOT having either of them as a challenger tomorrow! I would imagine that they would have stronger opponents than they had today for the last day. So hopefully that will be the case. Good luck tomorrow!
  19. Awww man, that's too bad @granny63020. Hopefully the other 2 opponents you don't have will not be in the last day's mix! After the tourny is over, maybe try to get those missing 3 opponents in case you ever need to fight those opponents again. Maybe even by the next time JN has their next tournament. Best of luck tomorrow!
  20. The old IDB site, back when it was around and before it's leftovers merged with JN would have tournaments on occasion. Sometimes there'd be a storyline, and you'd have to fight opponents, or other players at certain points. It was like a battle plot, only NOT put on by TNT and the only things you could win were trophies for your forums account, or you could display the graphic on your petpage or something like that. Those were the OLD days, before I even knew TDN or JN existed. lol I even helped test a few peophin items back then, I was just a lender or participant though, still too new to the BD to know how things worked, but I poured over their entries trying to learn what I could about the BD. Loved that site. lol Wow @granny63020, that's a LOT of Refreshing! I hope you are able to get it before time runs out! Good luck in the tourny! And congrats on beating the Slug Monster! Snow Beast has a couple brutal weapons, but I'm sure you'll be able to win once you can challenge him!
  21. Hi Granny. After reading JN's article on him, as well as our own article. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/snow-beast-challenger It seems (according to TDN's article) that you can sometimes get him as a challenger while playing Cliffhanger, otherwise, you simply must keep refreshing at the Advent Calendar page and hope for the best. You can just mash the F5 key on your keyboard, and periodically check your challenger list, or you can just click the refresh button like crazy too. I don't think you need to wait for the page to load up entirely between refreshings. Man, I meant to sign up for that event, but I completely spaced on it, I didn't realize they were so far into it already. lol I hope you're doing well with it so far, good luck getting the Snow Beast to appear!
  22. Currently playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The HD Remaster for the Nintendo Switch, on my Switch Lite. It's a pretty good game so far. Dunno how far I am into it, but it's pretty involved. I hate the timing for the Goddess Harp though, I don't know if it's because I'm on a Switch Lite, but my timing is terrible. It's like when there ARE visual guides for the timing/rhythm, to get it to work I seem to have to be slightly behind the visual guide, instead of right along with it. This throws me off something fierce. So I'm avoiding a couple side-quests that require harp-playing until I figure something out. Otherwise, it's pretty good. Sword controls with the Switch Lite's right joystick are a little iffy, but vertical slashes seem to work the easiest. Too bad some enemies are pretty smart at blocking almost regardless of which side I attack from. LOL
  23. Not that I'm aware of. What's "not playing fair", is that 1p opponents can sometimes use once per battle items and abilities more than one time in a battle. This means they can freeze or heal more than once. It's against the rules for US, but TNT makes the rules, we just have to deal with it. This started in the old BD, and I THINK it got carried over to the current version. Honestly, I don't recall if it got carried over or not, because when I battle it doesn't usually take more than one turn. That being said, when the battle plot starts, I would think there might be more fixes/changes to the BD that will be released at that time. I think the battle plot is, similarly to my thoughts on the Obelisk War, a reason to roll out a major battledome update and stress test it.
  24. I'm toying with the idea of the Awakened. 2nd best odds according to the prediction, and if they win, there might be a chance at better boons than the Order or the Thieves offer. But, I don't know, I'm still uncertain.
  25. Yeah, most freezers, bombs and healers are either one use (gone forever after used) or once per battle (gone but will be back your next battle). So with those you have to predict when they would be the most useful and hope that you're right. Knowing what your opponent can use, using TDN's 1-player profiles page, which can be found here, https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/secret-challengers under the Active Challengers heading. Can help you decide what defensive items you may want to use, depending on what weapons they can use. In the case of Holiday Memories. You'll get the 20% heal not matter what, but whether or not you block any damage when you use it, depends on what your opponent uses and if they have those icons that can be blocked. So yeah, it's basically luck and insight.
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