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Everything posted by Aquamentis12

  1. Yeah, I thought Jelly-day was Sunday too, I played, but didn't have a lot of time so I didn't get many games in. Then of course, today is/was Jelly Day. I don't see why we can't at least play for our own ranks and points, bye-days NEVER counted toward our chosen team's rankings in the years before that policy was put in place! Just our personal stats. I managed to get to 138 wins so far, so I'm in Rank 6. Better progress than I've made in previous years at this point of the AC, but not as fast as many other skilled players. I may score high in the games I get in, but you need to get games in to have any shot at decent prize points. I just don't like not trying my best when I play YYB. I've got total 1766 goals so far. My PPG average is 12.7971, (rounded down). So slightly better than last year's, but there's still a long way to go and I could still blow a number of games. lol Plenty of time for that to happen. lol I'd prefer quality of games to count too. Not JUST quantity. I wish Maraqua was doing better. I don't remember them having a season starting out so far back. I don't know how they did during the few times/years I took a hiatus from the site. But I'm a little disappointed so far. Ah well, there's plenty of time for things to change on that front too!
  2. *nods* Sounds like a "necessary evil" then. TNT also has had a similar attitude/policy for ages in regards to the battledome. They just set the stage, and we have to deal with it as things are. Like over-powered opponents in the BD, even with the old Battledome. It makes some measure of sense, even if it can be frustrating at times. My biggest issue, is that the once-per-battle items and abilities could be used an unlimited amount of times by the 1-p opponents, while we are restricted to their limited use. It isn't fair, but hey neither is life nor some games. I'd like to see more Str/Def boosts for pets in the BD, but I seriously doubt that'll happen anytime soon, or even ever. *sigh*
  3. That's an interesting article she wrote! Hmmm I was thinking it would be like with certain Pokemon, Like Voltorb, that can use "Explosion". They release their excess energy and then faint from the exertion. Then again, TNT has shown dark humor before so.... who knows? Maybe not even TNT. lol
  4. Congrats on hitting 16, Wildbreeze!! lol Yeah, in that range, you definitely need a bit of luck! Because the opposing team gets pretty darn aggressive the higher you go. ;D
  5. lol Yeah! I didn't used to, but I started taking screenshots of my scoreboard at the end of one game to prove to TNT that I should've gotten credit for a game I won at some higher score, like, 12 or something. lol There was as Sending error so the game didn't get counted. It was probably my first time getting to 12 in one game. But, of course it didn't work, trying to get them to credit me that game I mean, even with the screenshot. lol So, I decided to start tracking my progress with games. I started to screenshot every game scoreboard where I score 10 or more points. So far, I've had a couple 10-pointers this year, some being hard fought for. The difficulty on those games of course, being due to multiple darigan and/or faerie yooyus. I had to stop a couple of games due having to take some phone calls, but that's the only time I stop a game of YYB with a refresh or a back to the AC main page. Since we can't pause a game of YYB. LOL In YYB Luck is ALWAYS a factor! lol Especially the higher you score! My averages are usually around 12 points, slightly higher, but for 14+ points? I have to be very lucky. I am SURE you can go beyond 12 points too! Maybe even before the end of this AC! If you'll pardon the double-pun, it's a goal to shoot for.
  6. I have not had any reCaptcha when I click to play YYB. I'm using my PC with Windows as the OS. I don't typically play the support games, since I have enough trouble getting YYB games in. But I'll definitely agree that they can be annoying!
  7. One thing I forgot, as, or AFTER you shoot the Yooyu at the net, and the primary team member switches to another, for some unknown reason, but that new, generally further-away team member GRABS the power-up that you were saving for the non-normal Yooyu, wasting it completely before the non-normal Yooyu even shows up! I managed 44 games yesterday and for awhile that was happening in MANY of those games. VERY frustrating!
  8. Congrats! So maybe you will reach All-star this year? Good luck! lol Right.
  9. Thanks! And hey! 9-10 is good! It'll get you 1000np 3 times a day too! I think the minimum score is 8 for the full 1,000np. It takes some time and observation to be able to build up your scores. Yeah, Faerie and Darigan yooyus generally mean my games will be lower scoring than I'd like. Especially with multiple darigans or faeries in a single game. Most Darigans I can recall in one game was 4, I don't recall what my score was though, maybe 7? lol I remember when I could score only in 9-10 range, or the 7-8 range, heck even 5-6. Keep going and keep observing, you'll find routes and moves that will help you increase your scoring! From my observations, I can say that pretty much after every 4th goal you make, the opposing team gets a bit more aggressive. So, after goals 4, 8, 12, and 16 is when I usually see them pick up their pace. Well as far as my wish for prize points, it's a matter of balance imho. Some people can play all day and/or all night, and fly through the ranks. Others, such as myself, can't devote that large of a block of time to it each day. If prize points could be awarded for either all points scored, or at certain tiered levels say, 8, 10, 12, 14, etc. That would help even the playing field. But also, it would help those who fly through the ranks too! The only thing it might not help, is those who would resell some prizes for millions of NP. Because more prizes could be afforded by more players. That would also hinder people who cheat to win. Because their ill-gotten prizes would not be worth as much in NP when they try to sell. I also have friends who can't sit at the computer for very long, due to age or injury, and it would help them get more prize points too. Just seems like a mostly good idea imho. lol It would be useful for those of us who can't restock, I simply have no skill for it. I get my NP from playing some games and doing dailies. Also, if I get something worth some NP from battling I can sell that too. But the NP I earn this way is a pittance compared to what a skilled restocker could make in a week, or even less time. A GPG of 8.17 is nothing to sneeze at! It's pretty darn good! Makes me curious about my current GPG... My GPG after 20 games (in total) is 12.6. Lower than last year's GPG at the end of the AC. I had a few "stinker" games last night that were 11 and 12 points. A lower scoring game, even just one, can severely drop your GPG average. lol And then it takes a number of higher scoring games to get back. Another thing I've learned over years of playing YYB. Best of luck to you in the AC!
  10. TBH, I usually have more trouble with the Faerie Yooyu than the Darigan. I mean sure, the Darigan can go any which-way, but I try the approach of getting within range of the goal and firing away from the net, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I typically try to use ricochet shots. With the Faerie Yooyu, if I can, I'll run up, left and down, hopefully faking out the goalie and then I send it in. USUALLY, anyway. lol I HATE how unreliable the goalie is even WITH TRYING to take manual control of him. I got scored on last night when I was fighting to control my goalie. Even to the point of holding down the V-key, it still wanted to keep switching the active player to one of the defenders close to the goal, but out of the way of the opposing player with the yooyu. I prefer to play 1-3 formation. Not that my defenders don't get to score points, just, it's easier to have one forward to do most of the maneuvering and have a good defensive line just in case the other team gets the yooyu. I also tend to LOATHE the AC in general, (from the time it ends, to the time it begins) because it takes so much time over the entire month, but even moreso if we can't earn personal rank and prize shop points on the weekends, as has been the case the last 2 ACs. I don't know about this year yet... But THAT'S when I, and most people I would imagine, can actually spend a good portion of the day playing in the AC! That being said, since I came off my last hiatus, almost a decade ago, I've played in every AC since. The lure of decent prizes is usually the reason. That, and I'd like to be playing when Maraqua wins it all. lol Oh yes, a warning about the goalie. If your goalie is holding a fire yooyu, do NOT face your own goal! The fire yooyu automatically launches after a couple of seconds, simulating the HEAT from the yooyu being like a "hot potato", and you can score against yourself if the goalie is looking at his own net when that happens. Happened to me, ONCE. LOL Years ago though. You can also score on the enemy with the goalie, but that goal will only count for the game, not in your total goal count on your stats page. Goalie + Fire Yooyu + Enlargement power-up + Luck. lol I've done that several times over the years. lol
  11. Congrats on Rank 9! It SEEMS like they change the number of games needed to reach All-star every now and then (over the years). Once you reach All-star, it doesn't really mean you can afford the best prize shop prizes. You can continue to play and rack up prize shop points while helping your team overall beyond the All-star rank. You're rank won't change, but that's the only thing that doesn't. As far as the cheaters go, they're losers. Instead of the challenge, or the fun in the challenge, I think they get a kick out of gaming the system and raking in Neopoints when they sell their extras (prizes) from the AC. Kinda like the difference between protestors and rioters/looters. One group is legit, the other is using the first group as a cover for their illegitimate shenanigans. For them, it seems like the ends justify the means, whereas for regular players, you play by the rules and have some enjoyment out of doing a game well-played. For the good of the team and for hopefully enough prize shop points to afford something good.
  12. I have several goals. 1) Rank higher than last year, All-star, if possible (Only got to All-star once). 2) Improve my GPG (Goals Per Game average) Last Year's final average was 12.8 (rounded up) With 2,658 goals in 208 games. 3) Get enough prize points to actually afford the freakin' Stamp this year! 4) Try again to score 18 goals in 1 game of YYB. My best score on record is 17-0 over the years. So far, I only managed 6 games last night, but scored 78 total goals from those 6 games. Even had 2 games at 15 goals scored. Counting the 2 games I've played today so far (15 and 14 goals respectively), my GPG average so far is 13.25, with 106 goals in 8 games. *sigh* I wish points scored counted toward Prize Points. I MEANT to inquire if that could be doable by TNT but I forgot until the AC was already upon us. Whoops!
  13. Thanks! Good luck to you and your team too!
  14. Everybody chant, "Ma-Ra-Qua!" "Ma-Ra-Qua!" "Ma-Ra-Qua!" "Ma-Ra-Qua!" "Ma-Ra-Qua!" LOL Good luck to all the teams! Hopefully we'll all have good and fair matches this year! That being said, I'm still supporting Maraqua for the WIN! ;D
  15. Hey Shawn, I'm not really sure where they might be archived. I did a quick bit of looking on the TDN site, and there is a differences page that went up talking a bit about the old BD. https://thedailyneopets.com/battledome/original-battledome I too, miss aspects of the old BD. I rarely did 2p battles, but I was an avid 1p battler, and it was fun coming up with various sets and item ideas for my, at-the-time, underpowered pet. lol Finding uses for the 50% Reflectors and cheap weapons. It was pretty fun, still is, though I've seen fewer and fewer requests for help in that department. I'm kind of hoping to see another plot with battling soon. My peophin's stats are all maxed out (except Level and HP of course). I'd like to see how far I can go with my pet's current build and the intermediate arsenal he has. I don't know if there's a way to sort through the petpages, I know some had Battledome guide stuff on them. I JUST remembered one user's name that had old BD stuff on it. I checked out his ULU and he still has a page up for the old BD. http://www.neopets.com/~garmfry I too, have things about the old BD I miss. Like those faerie abilities especially those that had animated graphics, much more fun to look at imho. Plus I'm not a fan really of level-tiered abilities. I've said that since the old Ability system was scrapped. But the New BD has it's perks, despite a few bugs. You can get some rare, or formerly rare items as prizes, up to 15 prizes per day. And, well, I guess that's about it. LOL I WISH that TNT would give us players some more boost-levels. I've been playing for many years and as far as I know they've never increased it, not in the time I've played anyway. With the difficulty levels in the NEW BD, it would be nice to have a better shot at fighting some of the opponents on the Mighty difficulty. Like Snowy, and others. If we do have another battle plot, I hope they can get the stealing glitch fixed. During the Obelisk War, it was so much fun trying to Steal the boss' Prismatic Mirror. Since we can't get that item, and it reflects a LOT of damage back at the opponent, it can let you stay in the battle for more turns. If you play it right of course. lol Anyway, it's nice to reminisce about the old BD. There are some things I do miss, like species abilities and some things in the new BD I like. lol So I guess TNT didn't do so bad with the new BD. lol That reminds me, I've read that TNT plans (eventually) to bring species weaknesses and resistances back. I might be mistaken about this, but when I've gotten hit by the Lava Ghoul, spinning the Wheel of Excitement, my pet's HP drops more than halfway. I couldn't say for sure, but I think it could be because Peophins, in the old BD, had something like a 15% weakness to Fire. So, some places on the site, like the old Faerie Ability images (and page I think), still seem to exist.
  16. Art and animation are pretty much two hobbies I am the most passionate about. Nobody around here teaches animation, so, for a number of years I have been using the same programs to try to figure out animation. I do a fair bit of sketching too, and many things I do rough sketches of, turn into blueprints for animating with pixel art. For either standalone short projects, OR, to be strung together into a much larger project format. Anything can be hit or miss as far as quality goes. I have had ZERO training in animation, in fact, a local gallery owner, whom I took a couple self-paced drawing classes from a few years back, said he doesn't know anyone in the area who does animation, so nobody to help me learn more. But, I think I'm doing ok so far, in the hobbyist capacity. I will be looking into oline education for it someday, hopefully soon. ~_^ Because learning by doing may be a good way to learn, but it's also a good way to make mistakes that you don't realize are mistakes. LOL First vid here, a short 5 second vid, made for my youtube channel. Dare you enter through the crystalline gates? ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-JiTygjHbc
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