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    lakecat got a reaction from jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    GOOD! Then it is WORTH IT for you and that's what it's all about!  
  2. Like
    lakecat reacted to kayahtik in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    I'm with @jellysundae and @lakecat here. Charity Corner is always a gamble, both the old format and this new one. In any sort of gambling, you shouldn't offer up anything you aren't willing to 100% lose. I'm enjoying cleaning out my SDB, and if there happen to be cool prizes at the end, great. If not, no biggie. It might suck for those of you who spent lots of time and nps actively hoarding r90-99s, but if you're really worried about it, I would suggest just selling your high rarity items and only donating the lower ones. That way at least you'll make your nps back (probably with some profit, since prices are probably still inflating). 
  3. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from AppaMomo in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    This is just my 2 cents, but why would anyone donate items with known selling value hoping for something better? I guess some players love the anticipation. I'm not donating things worth thousands hoping that they have a prize worth a lot more than the total value of what I've given away. I'm just tossing cheap stuff that I have multiples of. I can tell I won't be in the top tier this year. Too bad, because I have at least 2 of the previous avatars, one of which is hard to get. Last year I sold some of the items for the inflated prices, and some I donated, for the chance of a prize. Mixed results but overall worth it. Some years I have more time to devote to this type of thing, but not this year. Good luck to you all. 
  4. Like
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    It's a good thing you can't see what I'm donating. xDDD I think I'm just enjoying the cathartic release of an SDB purge.
    I have zero expectations for what our points will net us, Granny's words are just way too ambiguous. The implication seems to be that what we'll get as a reward for our altruism is a nice rosy glow to bask in. >_<
  5. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to rntracy1 in Trudy's Surprise bug?   
    Most likely related to DST.  Hey, maybe they are working on it NOT resetting!! .  Or is that too much to hope for?  LOL
  6. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Cable Spagetti   
    That looks like one of those dance move diagrams!   I seem to remember seeing or reading about cord organizers, if you feel the need.  

  7. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from acmerasta in Cable Spagetti   
    That looks like one of those dance move diagrams!   I seem to remember seeing or reading about cord organizers, if you feel the need.  

  8. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from charelan in Cable Spagetti   
    That looks like one of those dance move diagrams!   I seem to remember seeing or reading about cord organizers, if you feel the need.  

  9. Haha
    lakecat reacted to lojoco49 in Last to post wins!   
    I never did have much luck with Magic 8 Balls 

  10. Haha
    lakecat reacted to Duma in Last to post wins!   
    Sorry, no press allowed, the door is closed.
  11. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to sunny098 in What's your failure today?   
    For dailies, I always switch my active pet to one I don't use and then get Qasalan Expellibox, Apple Bobbing, and Deserted Tomb. Then I switch back. Works. :)
  12. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    Did someone say "the BLAST post?" 
    (click the thumb)

  13. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from jellysundae in Last to post wins!   
    Did someone say "the BLAST post?" 
    (click the thumb)

  14. Like
    lakecat reacted to _calendargirl in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thanks so much Granny63020 and lakecat!
  15. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from _calendargirl in Faerie Quest Help   
    Working on it now, check back and I'll post some links soon.  EDIT: About 600 NP each. Good luck. 
  16. Like
    lakecat reacted to kayahtik in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    AAAAAAAAND she's home!!! She jumped straight into my lap as soon as I let her out of the carrier, and has already made herself at home. Here she is: https://photos.app.goo.gl/d29mGf9IW1la9G5j1 (the photo's too big to paste it directly, darn!)
    @jellysundae Unfortunately I don't think a bed would fit on the chair and still let it tuck under the desk. I could lower the chair, but then it would be a paid if someone did actually want to sit there /: I wonder if she would sleep in a bed at all though...hm, something to consider. 
    @queen_hatshepset Thank you!!! They are definitely so much easier. I love the idea of having a dog, but the reality is just too much work to be feasible for me, at least until I move somewhere more suburban. I'll need a much bigger living space, an outdoor space, and a commute that is less than one hour each way before I can make that happen. Your cats sound beautiful though! And that KitNipBox thing sounds really cool! I'll have to look into it. 
    @WhiteWolf Awh, too bad your kitty can't live with you! She sounds precious!
  17. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from acmerasta in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    And another added benefit: now that you have a cat, you'll finally have something funny to post pictures of on the internet!    

  18. Haha
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    This was my Nan's cat's reaction to a toy that I bought her once . . .

    We totally buy animal's toys for ourselves! I thought that was pretty, she was clearly not at all keen! Oops, sorry Lucy D:<
  19. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from charelan in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    And another added benefit: now that you have a cat, you'll finally have something funny to post pictures of on the internet!    

  20. Like
    lakecat reacted to Duma in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    Congrats @kayahtik ! I'm so happy for you! It's really amazing how fast a person can bond with a pet and it seems that this kitten just pushed the right buttons But cats are just amazing! 
    btw, make sure you get rid of all the possible mouse poison, if you used any! A kitten gets to places you wouldn't even suspect and they can get really sick from it! (talking from experience here!) IF you did have poison and forgot some, and you see your kitten walking half wobbly or being inactive for most of the day, force feed it milk! Milk is a natural antidote for some poisons. It helped/saved our kittens when it happened. I hope it won't come to that, and since you've had her for some time I'm sure it's all fine and safe.
    Like @lakecat said: lots of cats like some companionship. So if you do have time, space and money to get another cat ... Not all of them though, you know your kitten better than we do, so I'm sure you'll be able to tell.
     Enjoy your kitten and have fun watching all it's shenanigans!
  21. Like
    lakecat reacted to kayahtik in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    Thanks guys!!! I'm so so so excited, I don't know how I'm going to get any work done for the rest of the day xD I wish I could take family bonding leave for a pet
    @jellysundae You hit the nail on the head! The time scale is really intimidating, especially since cats live for quite a while. (If I still have Josie in 20 years, at that point it will be very close to half my life!) But also the thought of having such a long-term furry companion is so heartwarming. I've wanted this for a long time and I'm so thrilled that it's finally happening!
    @lakecat Thanks for that suggestion! I've already spent quite a bit of time reading forums and stuff, and it's been very helpful already. I'm sure I'll end up making an account and finding a second home there, just like I did with TDN. Especially since I don't really know any other cat owners in real life (although some of my friends may be converted soon, lol!). The experience of other cat owners will be invaluable in the years to come, I'm sure! 
    As for the mice, thankfully they've been gone since we started fostering, and hopefully they'll stay gone. I've only used plastic traps because I didn't want the mice to eat the poison, wander away, and die somewhere I'd never find them. I live in a pretty small two-bedroom apartment, and if two or three dead mice started decomposing behind the furniture or in the walls...it would be noticeable, to say the least. The snap traps (with peanut butter as bait) worked pretty well for the first round--we caught about 6 mice that way--but after a week or two they came back, and the traps didn't seem to do the trick anymore. That's why we started thinking outside the box and got a cat, haha. I wouldn't expect all cats to be natural mousers, as you said, but the internet told me that even the presence/smell of a cat or other predatory animal would drive the mice away. Either way, works for me. But hopefully I won't have to worry about any of that anymore anyway!
    @Duma There's no poison in the traps, and they're completely enclosed so the kitty won't get caught in them either, so no worries! Thanks for your concern though
    I suppose I can pick up the traps when I get home anyway, since we shouldn't need them anymore. *knock on wood*
    As far as getting another cat, well, it's not entirely off the table! I definitely have to get used to having just one first though. If my roommate lets us stay on the foster list, we may get another one temporarily. That would let me see how Josie interacts with other cats first, before committing to a second one on my own. As far as I know, she hasn't really been exposed to them (I assume they're kept separate in the shelter? Not sure.), so she may not be socialized with other cats. On the other hand, it's probably best to do that while she's young rather than when she's old and grumpy. Hmm. But honestly it all comes down to the living situation. I probably couldn't get another one (at least not a permanent one) until I live alone--which I probably won't ever be able to afford unless I leave the city. I wish they had a cat equivalent of a dog park! That would solve my problem. 
    @lojoco49 Thank you! I'm so sorry that you eventually lost your kitty :( But she clearly had a long and happy life with you. Do you plan on getting any more? 
  22. Like
    lakecat reacted to kayahtik in I'm adopting a kitty!!!   
    Settle in for a long story, or skip to the tldr; at the bottom
    My roommate and I moved to a new apartment in September, and after living there for a couple of months we ended up with mice. We tried for several weeks to get the landlord/building super to do something about it, but they wouldn't. (Welcome to renting in NYC...) Anyway. We set a bunch of traps, which helped a bit but didn't solve the root of the problem. Eventually we decided that what we needed was a cat to either hunt the mice, or at least drive them out of the apartment. We didn't know anyone with a cat that we could borrow, so we signed up for a cat fostering program through the ASPCA. (Do you see where this story is going?) After a couple of weeks, we were given a cat to foster. Her name was Smiley, she was four months old, and she was recovering from a severe ear infection and spay surgery. She just needed a quiet place to rest for a couple of weeks while healing before she would go back to the shelter and be put up for adoption. 
    Smiley adjusted very quickly--she loved to play with toys, sit in my lap, and follow me all around the apartment. She was so well behaved, always using her litter box and never scratching on anything she shouldn't. Well, after having her for about a week and a half, she had to go back to the shelter for a check-up with the vet to make sure her surgeries were healing well. So I dropped her off and anxiously waited to hear when I could pick her up again for the remainder of her fostering. Several days later, I finally heard back and they said that she had healed enough not to need any more fostering, and that after a few more days she would be put up for adoption. 
    I was so heartbroken! I'm actually pretty embarrassed about how quickly I got attached to this cat. The thought that she wouldn't be coming back to me (when I had originally been told she would still need a few more weeks of foster care), and that I hadn't even said a real goodbye to her (again, because I thought she was coming back within a day or two) was just devastating. So...I spent the long weekend we just had convincing my roommate to let me adopt her for real. My roommate (bless her, she never stood a chance) finally relented on Monday night, and on Tuesday I contacted the foster agency to put a reserve on Smiley.
    They contacted me back right away and said that they had reserved her for me, and just this afternoon I got a call saying that she was ready to pick up! I'm going to go get her this evening after work. I'm so so so excited! And also nervous! This will be my first pet that's actually mine and not just a family pet. I've wanted a pet of my own for so long, and was always waiting for 'the right time,' which of course never comes. I feel like this was fate! I did a lot of research over the last week or so about the kind of care cats require (I've only ever had dogs) and the cost of their upkeep, and everything feels very manageable as far as time and expenses. I feel like a cat will fit well with my lifestyle. It's a big step forward for me, but I'm sure I can handle it! And I can't wait to have Smiley with me for many years to come. 
    (Oh, and I think Smiley is a completely ridiculous name, so as soon as I go get her, she will be renamed Josephine--Josie for short--after Napoleon's wife.) 
    tldr; I'm adopting a kitty and I get to pick her up today! 
  23. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to sunny098 in A total Doh! moment   
    If you go to my profile on this forum, there should be a link to my photography portfolio. I travel all over the place. 
    @jellysundae It was dark and at night. I was tired. So my thought was park on the side of the road, and then I'll walk into the desert a bit off the road and do my photos. The dumb thing was there was cell signal as I was approaching the town. Next time, I'm definitely checking first. 
  24. Like
    lakecat reacted to sunny098 in Keeping a Shop Wizard tab open.   
    Oh, I'm not new. I've been playing off and on since childhood.  I made mine in 2004.
    Also talking about Faerie Quests, I think I just got one while refreshing at the Money Tree... Didn't even notice until I tried to use SW to stock my shop. 
  25. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    *sudden realization sets in* Oh, now I get what you were getting at! Didn't make that connection at all! I knew you were making a joke, but I wasn't smart enough to figure it out.
    Im"post"er, Part 2:

    AAAAARRRRHHHHHHHH! Last to post!!!
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