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    lakecat got a reaction from Kute in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    I'm sorry for your long wait, Jackie. You deserved to get your prizes LONG before most of us.  
    They should give you a PLATINUM or DIAMOND trophy. 
  2. Thanks
    lakecat got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    Well written explanation, Scoobert. I'd thank your post but I'm over my limit. 
  3. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to Nielo in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    According to JellyNeo, these are the trophy tiers:
    1-99: Participation Trophy
    100-999: Bronze Trophy
    1,000-10,000: Silver Trophy
    10,001+: Gold Trophy
    (I think the 10,001 requirement is kinda weird/cruel, especially since the other tiers do end at 99 and 999, so why not make it 1,000-9,999?); I saw someone on the Neoboards with exactly 10,000 points, who'd missed out on the Gold.)
  4. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from acmerasta in Anyone else missing the cheery images of their pets?   
    My invisible Kougra J88KK is having a good laugh at all of this.  
  5. Haha
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    It's retro! 80s Grandma retro, lol.
    Though I can't tell if that's a chintzy flora pattern or big holes in it. xD Going by the name I'm guessing it's holes. xD
  6. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from jellysundae in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    Here is what my Neomail says: (I had only 3,100 points)
    The two items are: Abandoned Fairground and a Battered Old Couch. I'm waiting for the NC to show up. What did everyone else get?
    I'm curious to know what the minimum points were for each level, especially to get the Gold Trophy. (I totally understand if people post their results in the main thread about this. I should have posted there too.)
    (BTW I'm embarrassed to say I still own a couch that resembles this  )

  7. Haha
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    Ah! Just talking to @lakecat I wondered if prize distribution was by donation amount. Thinking about it that was silly of me to think that, alphabetical order makes WAY more sense. So I'll be close to the bottom of the list as my username begins with a Y! lol.
  8. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from evervast in Anyone else missing the cheery images of their pets?   
    My invisible Kougra J88KK is having a good laugh at all of this.  
  9. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from hrtbrk in Anyone else missing the cheery images of their pets?   
    My invisible Kougra J88KK is having a good laugh at all of this.  
  10. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from charelan in Anyone else missing the cheery images of their pets?   
    My invisible Kougra J88KK is having a good laugh at all of this.  
  11. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    @lakecat I too totally get where you're coming from, but what can I say? lol. For myself the SDB purge felt good. I think because I've been firmly indoctrinated to NEVER THROW ANYTHING AWAY, the chance to do so felt really great, lol.
    I didn't get rid of anything that's going to cause me regrets. The VAST majority of it was dailies and BD freebies. A significant number of the other r.90+ items were things I won from CC last year and had just sat gathering dust since. I've never been one to sell items so I was happy to donate much away.
    I've already said I have zero expectations about what we're gonna get from this. But we're going to get something so it's all good.
    I guess the main point for me is I made 28k donations points despite not spending a single NP to stock for this event, so what have I lost out on?
  12. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to Angeló in Had enough of donating for CC, but feel I must. keep. going . . .   
    i totally get your point
    i didn't donate anything worth more than 5k .. most those R90+ didn't really inflate and stayed at a reasonable 1.5-2k each .. so if i sold 200 of them i'd have made 400k .. nice but not tempting enough to lose the points .. as i said in an above comment , if i sold ALLLL my R90+ ... i would've made 2-3 Mil ... but i'm really excited to see what i can buy with my points .. NP comes and goes but perks are forever ... 
    and most of these items i will get back from the Battledome and Dailies anyway and re-hoard them anyway
  13. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to kayahtik in The mall doesn't want me to buy the latest MME, help!   
    Huh, I've never seen that page before. I couldn't even find it on Neo, I had to google it and it's like the sixth option down. Looking at it, I think it just gives you a preview of the stages. I don't think you can add them to your cart that way /: At least, that's my guess, since old MMEs are listed there too, and obviously they're not available anymore. 
    No need to give me anything for the background, though! Consider it a token of my friendship 
  14. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from acmerasta in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    Interesting. As an American  English is only my second language.  I have no idea what you just said. But it sounds cool. 

  15. Haha
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    Haha! I didn't even pick up on Marcus saying that! Usually Britishisms jump out at me because there's so few of us likely to say them.
    I, for one, am always happy to expand people's vocabulary, especially if it's with bizarre slang terms that will totally confound the people you say them to.
  16. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from jellysundae in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    Interesting. As an American  English is only my second language.  I have no idea what you just said. But it sounds cool. 

  17. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to acorah in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    @jellysundaeGlad to hear you got some decent stuff!  I always flog anything like that cos me `n` the Grarrlies never have any luck with them
  18. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from jellysundae in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    The Discovered Treasure Chest is one of those (many) items that have gone down in value over the years. I seem to remember them being over 20,000 each once. How I wish I had sold most of mine long ago. I keep throwing things into that giant hole called the SDB. Years later, that has had both good and bad results.  
    Jelly is showing the Doctors Bag as possibly containing Sporkle Syrup (53,000) or Magic Goop (18,000) as the currently two highest items.
  19. Haha
    lakecat got a reaction from Scoobert_Doo in Opening a doctor's bag paid off! :D   
    That reminds me, I got a Doctors Bag from there a few days ago too. I haven't opened mine (yet). Decisions, decisions...
  20. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from rayuela in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    I'm hesitant about donating valuable items just to get points. So far, I've been unloading things I have dozens of that are low value. Obviously that is time consuming. Now I'm torn between donating the stuff that's worth only between 1,000-2,000 per item, such as Organ and Ghostkerchief Banjo. But I have several dozen of each. Just those two would yield from 100,000 to 150,000 each if they all sold. Plus I have others of similar value in large quantity. Should I sell or donate those? Will their value drop like a stone after this or were those items already this high before the charity event? If their value stays about this level after the charity, I can then decide what to do more clearly. I may donate half anyway to save time. 
    On another topic (and you can reply to this separately) I got the avatar last year. I wish each year would have its own unique one. 
  21. Haha
    lakecat reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Last to post wins!   
    There was no cheating and there was no winning, either. The game is "last to post". Lakecat just posted a "winning post", but it wasn't the last post. If it was the "last to post" post, then it would be winning post. It doesn't work the other way around. And, jellysundae didn't cheat, either. By posting after Lakecat, sure, she moved the goal post, but she only moved it, by posting. The "goal post" is to be the "last to post". So, by posting after Lakecat, Lakecat isn't the last to post. Jellysundae is just playing the game. Maybe we need a "post"er, on the last to post rules?
  22. Thanks
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Playing with the CC NC items.   
    Thank you
    I DO have a love of plants, yes! though not an especially green thumb, lol. I love the idea of gardening, but I know myself well enough to know that if I actually had a garden it would be an over-grown mess. If one could be designed to work with the restrictions my disease enforces upon me, plus my innate laziness, then I'd be willing to give it a go.
    Incidentally, in the UK we call it having green fingers! So between us the 2 counties manage an entire hand.
    I liked the look of the hanging baskets until I tried them on DTI, then I saw they followed a typical trait of many of Neo's items which isn't to my taste. They're huge, there's too many of them, and the animation's annoying, lol. I have to decide what to spend my last 3 receipts, but I'm not sure what to go for, I have all the items I want so I'd just be doubling up on something.
    Yesterday I went looking at handhelds again, after once more being annoyed by the limited options I have. I remembered about the pretty dandelion clock that was part of the Kacheek Day clothing, but when I tried it on my little guy you can barely see it. :(
    Squint, it's there.

    So while I will buy him those, because they're so pretty, not just yet as they're no good for this look. Then I found this.

    Much better! The amusingly named Magical Sparkling Happiness Faerie Flower. xD So I rushed off to buy it, only to be told Oops, you cannot hold more than 50 items!
    Forgot I have approx. 1 squintillion items in my inventory right now for CC
    Though my handheld investigating has shown me that what I really want for my little chap is this!

    That's just perfect! Look how happy he is at the Carmariller coming to the flower! I love how it's fluttering amongst the leaves, plus the colours pop against the pink nicely. But URGH the stressiness of NC trading . . . Finding someone who's set their items out on DTI in a way that doesn't make my brain shut-down has proved impossible for me so far, it's just too complicated.
  23. Haha
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    Oh yes! I've got much amusement from that.
    I kind of imagine TNT are too, right now.
    And I'm actually not being facetious here, lol. 
    I'm guessing the reward tiers wont be set until quite near the end of the event, once they've got fairly comprehensive figures for the amounts people have donated.
    But then again, this IS JS, so they may well have taken a wild stab-in-the-dark before things started, and set figures that will turn out to be way off base. We'll find out soon enough!
  24. Like
    lakecat reacted to jellysundae in JS following the trend!   
    One of the things I really loved about TNT was the pop culture refs, I don't imagine I'm alone in this, right?
    I especially liked how they clearly were up-to-date with the food fads showing up on Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest as they released items like.
    Deep-Fried Mac-n-Cheese Loaf  and Pound Cake and Frosting Sandwich
    I spotted something on DTI whilst looking for inspiration for the Runway's Round 53 which shows me that JS are also using inspiration from what's going on currently, but OMG, I don't know what to make of this particular thing. >_<
    I amuse myself looking at San Francisco Real Estate, because why not? So I'm fully aware of the current trend with home-stagers to paint absolutely everything grey. So when I saw this item - realised in January - I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, lol. It's a lovely elegant room, but THE ALL-ENCOMPASSING GREY. D:<<
    At least they haven't done the true "flipper" thing and torn all the walls down and stripped out ALL the period features, the molding and wood paneling's still there. >_<

    Are there  pop culture refs that JS have used that I've not spotted/picked up on?
    I really like to hope they're keeping up that tradition because it was such fun spotting them, plus we all like to have one of these moments!

  25. Like
    lakecat got a reaction from AppaMomo in Charity Corner 2018 Is Here!   
    This is just my 2 cents, but why would anyone donate items with known selling value hoping for something better? I guess some players love the anticipation. I'm not donating things worth thousands hoping that they have a prize worth a lot more than the total value of what I've given away. I'm just tossing cheap stuff that I have multiples of. I can tell I won't be in the top tier this year. Too bad, because I have at least 2 of the previous avatars, one of which is hard to get. Last year I sold some of the items for the inflated prices, and some I donated, for the chance of a prize. Mixed results but overall worth it. Some years I have more time to devote to this type of thing, but not this year. Good luck to you all. 
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