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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. So, I'm really confused about all of the pranks...


    piñata being sick = prank, right?


    But what about Lutari Island?


    Can you get there?


    Is there a new game?


    And I'm so confused about the "x" boards all over the place >_<


    And on a somewhat related note, how does one get the piñata's avatar?


    Edit: Woah, pinata should say piñata, sorry xD

  2. I've never scolded any of my cats. They look up at me with those big big eyes and all I can do is say "awwwww" and hug them xD


    Because of that, my cats have some very bad habits though -.-


    But yeah, whenever something of mine goes missing, 99% of the time, it was one of my cats.


    And speak of the devil! Here's one of them now. It's my little Siamese, Newton <3


    He's trying to swat at my hand as I type -.- (But he's cute, so I forgive him :))

  3. Well, Key Quest can be pretty glitchy at times, so it might be because of that.

    It also seems to take a lot of computer power to run properly. It'll help it run smoother if you close other programs and windows and only have Key Quest open when you play. :)

  4. Well, I went to a job fair at Chapters on Tuesday, and I made it to the last interview! There were about 200 people, and only about 30-40 made it to the "final stage."


    They're only hiring 15-20 people, but even if I don't get the job, I'm still proud that I made it to the end, so YAY! :D




    On an unrelated note, my girlfriend hasn't called me yet, and I really really miss her. I have things to tell her, but she's not home :( *sigh*

  5. Is there a guide for this somewhere? I'm really not doing so well at this game xD

    My high score is somewhere around 125k...

    But I've beaten AAA so far, and I was so hoping for gold.

    Oh well, silver is also very respectable :P.

  6. Xepha: That really sucks what with your account being frozen and all... :/ (But congrats on the trophy :P).


    And Demy, I really liked your guide. I haven't tried for that avatar yet, but I'm going to start today :). I found one typo where you wrote "slog" instead of "flog." It's under the "The Petpets" section :).

  7. I was under the impression that TNT made the 1 million thing random, because too many people were getting it. But I'm not sure. I'm also curious. For me, midnight NST comes at 3 AM, so I'd want to be SURE it was worth it lol :P

  8. I'm kind of worried about the malware thing. I visited the site during the time that it was compromised, and Chrome stopped me from visiting the page, but I clicked "proceed anyway." I didn't see anything download, but as soon as I got on TDN forums, Chrome crashed and all the windows closed and I had to restart my computer... :/

    And I don't know how to run a scan or if I even have anti-virus protection >_<

  9. So... is it fixed? And was there any danger of malware? I'm a little worried because after I got the warning, I went to TDN forums anyway, and right after that Chrome crashed >_<


    But now everything seems to be working fine, which is awesome because I missed TDN :P

  10. I, too, can relate to the loss of a beloved pet. My cat died 6 years ago and I still miss him. Some people don't understand how pets can be family...


    My worst day was when I tried to kill myself, but someone called the cops, who then called an ambulance, which then promptly brought me to the psych ward. I spent the next week there, and it wasn't that bad, but my first day there was horrible. I didn't know where I was, or what was going on, they had me in isolation with nothing but the hospital gown they made me wear and a bed. I was freezing, but not allowed blankets, and I didn't see anyone, not a nurse or a patient, for hours. Anyway... after that first day, they DID help me. A lot. And there was a very kind nurse who spent most of her time sitting with me, just talking. (:


    And Javi, I was teased so much throughout elementary and high school! But now that I'm in college, everyone is nicer, and WAY more mature! So just remember that it won't always be like this. And don't let those mean kids get to you, they're probably 100x more insecure than you are. :yes:

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