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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. You can try just holding down the F5 key for a minute or so. That could speed things up. You'll just have to remember to check and see if you got him or not, because you won't see the notification.

  2. Bad. Always bad.

    Considering a baby PB is relatively cheap compared to some, it's more likely that a painted pet who gets zapped by Boochi will go down in value, not up.

    I'd say it wouldn't be so bad if it were a rarer colour being zapped, but then it wouldn't be Boochi.

  3. The kid printed the online conversation and showed it to their teacher, who then showed it to the principal, who then called me.


    And I'll let her/our parents deal with it when they get back, but for the time being, she's with me. And her/our parents are going to be taking parenting courses soon, so hopefully they'll be able to handle it better than I can! :P (This weekend they'll be back, and at that point I won't have to worry anymore).


    I know it probably isn't a huge deal, but she's never gotten into any trouble whatsoever until today, so it's a bit of a shock! o_O

  4. I think monitoring is a good idea. I'm going to make a facebook account as well to better understand how these things work.


    She's just so different than I was at that age. I was the kid who'd hide in the bathroom to read so that nobody would bug me about being too tall, too nerdy, too shy, etc. >_< But my sister, she's all... social *shudders*


    I think it's a good idea to try and have her understand what it's like to be on the receiving end of the bullying. My little brother was picked on relentlessly at school too. And I was able to help him deal with that because I'd been there.


    I also don't think she realizes what an impact these things can have on a person, since she's never been in that position.




    If only kids could just be nice to each other!


    I'm reading up on cyber-bullying and how to deal with it, so hopefully by the time I speak with her tonight, I'll have a better grasp on the situation.

  5. So today, I got a call saying that my 10-year-old little sister was sent to the principal's office for cyber-bullying on Facebook.


    I have no idea what to do :/


    I don't use Facebook, and I was always the bullied, not the bully, so this is foreign territory to me...


    Any advice on how to approach this?


    She's never mean to anyone in person, but I guess harassing someone on Facebook is easier because it's less personal? I really don't know... :/


    How can I make her understand that being mean to someone in cyberspace is just as bad as in person?


    I'm so stressed >_<

  6. Well, I used to be a huge coffee drinker. Like 4-5 cups a day or more. Then one summer, I worked at Cafe Depot, and they let you make yourself drinks for free. So I basically was constantly making myself some sort of coffee beverage.


    But then I gave it up, because I was getting heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, tremors, etc. xD


    Now I'm a tea drinker :P.

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