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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Hi and welcome! :D


    To be honest, I didn't understand half of the technical terms you used (isn't Source Code a movie? xD).


    But the idea behind it is great. I'm not into role-playing myself, but kudos to you for making your own site!


    (Also, your Tardis avatar makes me really happy :laughingsmiley:)

  2. We also don't have this holiday. Man, you have a lot of holidays .. you get 3 days for Thanksgiving + Christmas holidays, right? We're only home from 25th December till 2nd of January ..

    Is it true you don't go to school/work if there's snow ? Like 3 feet?


    3 feet of snow keeping us from school/work? Ha! xD


    We miss school only if it's literally impossible to drive because the plows haven't passed yet. Or if there's a power failure and there's no heating.


    But in elementary and highschool, we used to get snowdays more often. Now in college, we basically just don't close >_<


    And I've personally never missed work on account of snow.


    Many schools will accommodate for 1-2 snow days throughout the year, and if the don't get used up, then we get them off at the end of the year (well, that's how it was in m old school anway :P)

  3. 2,000 NP AGAIN!? FOR THE SECOND DAY IN A ROW!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I GOT A PRIZE YESTERDAY! How could I POSSIBLY get ANOTHER prize today, is Forgotten Shore glitched or something!? This is either insane, or I'm just lucky.


    I'll just consider this a birthday present, though it's a day early. :)


    Does that make today your birthday? If so: then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


    I got nothing from Forgotten Shore today >_>

  4. Well, sometimes I suspect that the mods on the neoboards are evil power-hungry kids who take joy in handing out warnings.


    I mean, I've seen topics get deleted that weren't really breaking any rules, while other boards that were clearly just one huge argument (consisting of spam, flaming, harassing, etc.) live on for ages...


    In terms of the "only playing games on one account" and not cheating and all that, I believe they need to be stricter. Especially considering the number of highscores that are simply impossible :/

  5. TNT is stupid. It's all about the money now and they don't care for customer satisfaction.


    ^ I second this.


    But having to log in every day isn't really anything more than an inconvenience. It takes me a grand total of about 2 seconds to log in. And the fact that you're getting logged out might not be TNT's fault. If it isn't happening on all browsers, then it's probably the browser in question that has wonky settings with cookies and whatnot. You may as well "quit Firefox/Chrome/IE/etc" instead of Neopets if that's the case xD

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