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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. I believe the way it works is that there is one specific five minute window during the day during which he's asleep (different for everyone), but that you can only get in once a week.


    I don't know anything about getting let in while the guard is awake, but that would be really cool, 'cause TNT made it seem possible...

  2. I don't know how to use other sites for graphics. Like gimp I tried to use but gave me a headache.


    And I can only find great tutorial in English. And that confuses me, so I want one in my first language. Not that many.


    And I'm not sure how long it's been down.


    I made the thread almost after it'd been down. I just kept checking to make sure there wasn't one up. :P


    Gimp's not so bad, it just takes some getting used to :P.


    I have photoshop... (illegally :O) but don't ask me how it got on my computer, my friend did that >_<


    What's your first language by the way? 'Cause you speak (type?) English super :P

  3. All good suggestions Alice! However, I'd try and not point her toward your biology section. Remember, she only has 2 weeks. I'm no botanist, but doesn't it take more than 2 weeks for a plant to grow?


    Yeah, I didn't think of that >_<


    She could buy pre-grown plants and claim to have grown them xD

  4. There are SO many suggestions that I could give you. But you need to narrow it down a bit!


    First of all, is it:


    A ) Strictly research project


    B ) Experimental


    Next, you should at the very least decide what field of study you want to work in:




    -Growing plants with exposure to certain light colours (specifically red, blue, green--- look up colour absorption spectrum for chlorophyll)

    -A study on some local animal species in your area (do not do bears).

    -Growing plants to music (I don't suggest this, it's so... cliche)

    -Growing plants in various types of soil (ex: with/without coffee grinds, with/without various organic matters, etc)

    -A project on bonsai trees

    -Anything soil chemistry related

    -Effects of acid rain on plants

    -Seed size vs plant height

    -Grow mold from stuff (a kid did that for science fair once, I forget what the point of it was, but he got a really good mark. I wouldn't really suggest it though, it's smelly if you're not careful to keep things nice and sealed).




    -Do a study on acid re-flux and show how antacids work (acid-base reaction)

    -Make or demonstrate solar powered energy




    -Do a study on falling objects to show that acceleration due to gravity on earth is -9.8m/s/s

    -Make a catapult and throw stuff, see what factors allow you to throw further

    -Create a pulley system that allows you to lift really heavy things (not students)



    -Do a study on subliminal messages on fellow students. (Ex: make a video with many subtle references to the colour red, then after showing it to a group of students, have them pick one Smartie from a big bowl and then count the number that chose red).

    -A study (and maybe experiments with students) on phobias (ex: spiders)



    -Create a battery of some sort

    -Create a solenoid

    -Get a motherboard from an old computer and do stuff with it...


    Et cetera...


    If you narrow down what you want more, I can give better suggestions!

  5. I beat the score on my main. But didn't get an avatar notification.


    Is it because my main is perma silenced and I can't view my avatars? Cause I think it's possible my avatar count went up.


    Or do you have to beat it in first or second place? I feel like such a noob asking.


    You probably got it, just can't see it. Can you at least go to the preference page and do the source code thing to plug into TDNavatars and find out?

  6. Ugh. I know what you mean. Sure they'll probably freeze something as obvious as that sooner or later, but the amount of cheating that goes unnoticed (or maybe they just don't care?) really bums me out.


    I mean, some of the highscores are impossible. Like how some of the games actually have a maximum number of points you can actually score, and then there are people who are above that?


    There was a guy with a list on the neoboards at some point who kept a list of such things, but I can't remember his username...


    The frustrating thing is the most we can do is report it, and even at that, it takes so long before anything is even done about it.

  7. Heeeeeey, everybody! Guess what I just learned?


    I learned that apparently, Steve Jobs (may he rest in peace) is burning in hell because his Apple products pushed a gay agenda, or as WBC says...well, you know what, I'm not using their words. It hurts too much.


    Steve Jobs will be unable to rest in peace, as the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing his funeral. (This is not certain; this is just according to a tweet from a WBC family member.) This should honestly be interesting...they've never picketed the funeral of someone who has a million times as much money they have, have they? The security within miles of the funeral will likely be heightened, Apple can hire the best lawyers...



    Anyone remember one of the original Apple logos?




    A bit of foreshadowing, perhaps :whistle:

  8. ^I agree with everything Karina said, I just want to add, if your nester dies, then Professor what's-his-name will give you a new one.


    In fact, even if ALL of your P3s die, he'll give you three more to start with.


    So in any case, you're not going to never be able to lay eggs again or anything :P

  9. I agree. I don't think TNT will do anything unless the person broke the rules (auto-adopter, harassment, etc.). Because as others have said, the pound is fair game for anyone.


    Can you stand one more Neopet trading/Pound question? :) (Oh, and please leave my name off... thanks!) Let's say Sue and Bob are too impatient to wait until July to trade their Neopets via transfer, so they risk the Pound. Sue goes first and sends her Neopet, but Bob misses the Neopet in the Pound! Does Bob then have to give Sue his Neopet, since they agreed to trade? Can he say no, since he technically didn't receive a Neopet? Also, what if Sue thinks Bob was sneaky and had a friend/his side account grab her Neopet, so Bob didn't have to trade his Neopet? *head whirls in confusion* Any solutions to this mess, oh wise ones? Thank you! :)

    We've provided a relatively safe way to transfer your Neopets, and we strongly suggest being patient and using that function to avoid this situation. If you are not eligible for transferring at the moment, try not to trade until you are. Remember: if you are impatient and use the Pound, it's free for all (except for purposeful scams) and we cannot protect you. You'll have to work it out among yourselves.


    Editorial question with a similar situation...


    Although, maybe the person will give back the pet on their own? *fingers crossed*

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