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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Hmmm... I use Chrome, and I often get "white pages," but it isn't just on neo (can't think of any other sites off the top of my head), though I've noticed it mostly with Neopets.


    I didn't realize AdBlock might have something to do with it (I have AdBlock enabled as well).


    I don't know how to fix it though. My solution has been to hit the F5 key if the page is white for more than 5 seconds.


    Also, great tip for the petpages! That never occurred to me!

  2. I didn't have a chance to read everything (I'll come back to it when I have the time).


    I just wanted to add a few things:


    1) To the people who did their research, or went through any trouble whatsoever to realize that animals are not raised on rainbow-sunshine-happy-farms with pixie dust a leprechauns, kudos to you. Because I know that that was the exact impression that I had for many years.


    2) I personally am vegetarian (not vegan, I guess the technical term would be ovo-lacto-vegetarian, since I eat egg and milk products), but I realize that as omnivores, having animal foods in our diet is 100% natural. The thing which isn't natural, is how we obtain said animal foods. If a deer lives it's happy-go-lucky life in the woods and then one day a hungry human shoots it and gives it a quick death, then actually uses it, without waste, that's a different story. But the things that go on behind closed doors at these "factories" is disgusting. And the only reason I still eat animal products at all is because I'm always anemic and I need the protein and iron.


    3) YES I believe animals are equal! YES animals feel! YES some even have emotions! I've witnessed it firsthand. And anyone who says that pets are replaceable, and to even go as far as to compare them to objects, must be some sort of crazy person (seriously, I mean, there must be something wrong). My pets are like my children. Yes, children. Not toys, not mere possessions, not something that can be disposed of or replaced. And I think many pet owners would agree with me. They become family.

  3. Just thought I'd pipe in here (being gay myself) and add that no matter how many rights are taken away, be to marry, to serve, to adopt (not really a right, but anyway...), no one can ever take away someone's love. And that's what it's all about really, telling people who to love, who not to love...


    We're going to keep on loving whether it's official in a marriage certificate or not :wub_anim:


    (Also, I'd like to add that here in Canada, I've never faced any problems regarding this issue. Marry, serve, adopt, heck, I could do all three! :laughingsmiley:)


    And anyone who objects to gay marriage has a right to their opinion, just as I have a right to disagree :P

  4. I agree that there is no age limit for quitting Neopets.


    However, there are cases where quitting could be appropriate (Neopets interfering too much with work/school/life, etc... *although that's never stopped me before :rolleyes_anim:*)


    But I do think that in some extreme cases, quitting might be the answer. But it has absolutely nothing to do with age whatsoever!

  5. Hmmm... I could see this going wrong in any number of ways.


    What if you won a really expensive prize? Then you'd be obligated to give it to them, and you'd feel bad because had you saved up for your own Nerkmid, you would have gotten the prizes yourself.


    Or what if you didn't give them the nice prize? They have no proof against you, you could just keep it. No one would know. But I don't think you sound like the type of person to do that.


    Or you could win nothing, and then the person might get suspicious and say that you won something awesome, but just wont hand it over, etc etc...


    Or they could say you scammed them out of the Nerkmid.


    Or they could take the items you won, and STILL say you scammed them out of a Nerkmid.


    Anyway, if you do decide to go along with it, I'd take precautions to protect myself:


    -Screenie EVERYTHING (especially whatever it is you won).

    -Do it through TDN (I'd feel like there'd be more accountability that way, plus everyone on here seems uber nice :))

    -Maybe have a 3rd party witness if you feel it's necessary.


    I'm also saving up for a Nerkmid, so I know how you feel xD

  6. Not with pounded pets. You can adopt one and chuck it back in 5 minutes later if you wanted.

    (Which I've done many times before heh)



    "chuck it back"


    ^ That made me giggle xD


    But I'm pretty sure she's right. You can put them right back in the pound. But I think there was a limit of one pounding per day maybe? (It's been so long since I've pounded a pet).


    And I also wanted to add, you could always check for petpets while you're at it. Sometimes people forget to unattach them before pounding, and you might get lucky and get a good one :P

  7. Well, the values are always changing, and the important thing to remember is trading requires determination and a whole lot of patience x)


    The guides Nailguard posted are really good, and even though there are always fluctuations in value, I think these guides are a good rough guide. But you'll be able to judge what a pet is "worth" as you get offers on it.


    Good luck!

  8. I just got a Desert Kacheek from the pound, I'm super psyched ^^


    But I kinda want her to have clothes :P


    I remember there was a petpage with people who gave away their spare PB clothes, but I can't find it... Any ideas?


    Thanks :)

  9. So... I want to beat the Meerca Henchmen for the avatar. These are my current BD pet's stats:


    Health: 0 / 80

    Lvl : 43

    Str : 80

    Def : 81


    If I train to the 84/85 boost on strength and defense, do you think I'll be able to beat them? I have 2 Golden Compasses, and a budget of ~100k for any additional weapons.


    Or do I need to train my health some more too?

  10. Blue Kiko Morphing Potion

    225,000 NP


    Tonu Transmogrification Potion

    290,000 NP


    ^These seem to be the next cheapest LE pets that you can buy (from potions anyway). You can also have a look at magical plushie prices.


    And one more thing I forgot to mention: every day, Tonus are released when the Giant Omelette is gone. You could keep refreshing and hope for that. I heard it happens around midnight usually, but that might not be true, I think it's pretty random :P.

  11. If you're willing to wait, you can make one for free on the pet day for certain pets, just look at the calendar.


    Poogle day is September 19th, so it's coming up :).


    And if you go to the pound chat, you can see if there are any up for adoption.


    Other than that, I don't know what the cheapest is besides a koi, sorry >_<

  12. I personally think defense is important too. It's good because paired with high hit points, you have a better chance of not getting defeated.


    The only "useless" stat is movement.


    But yeah, defense is always good, especially if your opponent happens to go first.


    And you know about the boosts right? 'Cause I think the next one after 55 is 80-something. So if you train to 64, you need to be willing to train to the next boost to see a difference.


    (I should add that I'm just getting into the BD myself, so I'm not necessarily the best person to answer this question...)

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