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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Take screenshots of everything. Have her nm you and say that she received the item and screenie that. Screenie the page where you gave her the item, and screenie the page where you received yours (if these are still available). And then you'll have proof that both of you got the items you were trading for and you can send that in a ticket to TNT. Good luck :)

  2. Okay, so I REALLY need a Halloween Blumaroo Morphing Potion. It's for my pet, blubberingfooljunior, who is currently my only permie. He's currently a Green Buzz, but I want him to morph into his final colour and species! I just can't get my hands on the MP! There's one in the TP, but the user hasn't been on in 12 days, and hasn't answered my nm or accepted/refused my offer. I also haven't got a clue as to how much they're worth. From what I've gathered from other sites and the neoboards, they're worth somewhere between 500 and 800k. But I don't know if that information is still accurate...


    So basically, what I'm asking is, do you know anyone who has one to sell? Or how much they're worth?


    Thanks :)

  3. You mean like Fimo? I used to use that! But it was such a pain to get it warmed up enough to mold it! But cutting it up into cubes with a razor helped a lot. I don't really have any tips, since I only used it a few times...

  4. I'm totally with you Masaryk. And from the sounds of it (one stamp put up for auction per month), it'll be a long time of this before we can hope to see these stamps restocking (if ever). Hopefully they will start restocking in shops (or the AAA) once Sloth has auctioned them for a few months. Releasing them in a constant shop like HT would be nice, but I doubt they will do that, since then they won't be able to limit the number of stamps released.

  5. I'm still here! It's in my trades because I'm not sure if it'll disappear if I gift it to you. Just offer a junk item and I'll accept :). Then you can gift it to someone else who doesn't have the site theme, and if you can't find anyone, I guess you could just give it to a side or something :P. It'll disappear afterwards though.

  6. I have a spare MVC. Would any of you guys like to have it? I already have the site theme, but if two people don't have it, I'll give it to one of you and you guys can give it to each other and both get the site theme :) (If no one wants it, I'll probably stash it away in my SDB until next year :P)


    Also, I'll be getting off as soon as Criminal Minds is over (in about 40 minutes) so it has to be before then!

  7. Yes!!! :D :D :D


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Smuggler's Dubloon' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    I've been working on this one for so long!


    What game avatar should I work on next? I have the easier ones and that's it >_<

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