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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's possible to have multiple trophies per game (like you could have bronze, silver, and gold for a game all at once). But once again, not sure...


    I do know that you definitely won't go down though :P

  2. Hello and welcome!


    I'm Alice. Pleasure to meet you :)


    I'd like to say that purple is my favourite colour of all time! :D


    And I don't know anyone on here personally, but I do recognize a lot of the usernames of regulars :).

  3. Hello Zach :)


    I'm Alice. I joined not too long ago (January or February I think?), but the forums quickly grew on me. Everyone is so helpful :yes:


    So welcome! And I'm sure you'll like it here ^_^

  4. I have a couple of major fears:

    • Heights (or planes, elevators, high buildings, etc.)
    • Ants o_O (like, one of my biggest fears)
    • Orange, powdery foods (like doritos, ringalos, anything where the powder gets on your fingers)
    • Being alone, or that the ones I love will leave me (abandonment issues >_< heheh...)

  5. Hmmm... I had never really wondered about the "randomness" of REs before. I just attributed their "randomness" to the magic of the internet. But reading all of these answers raised even more questions (since I don't have any idea what all this computer jargon means anyway).


    I think that my poor brain can't handle thinking about this sort of thing. I'm going to go back to believing in "the magic of the internet" which makes the randomness of REs possible :P.


    (On a somewhat related note, "the magic of the internet" is also responsible for wi-fi, web-searches like Google, and the wonders of instant messaging programs xD).

  6. Thanks! Well, I'll be on tomorrow and the day after regardless, so if it's earlier than the 4th I won't mind. I was mostly worried because of the alert on TDN avatars page, I thought it might only be available today and that for some reason I couldn't get it :P

  7. Yes, I was talking about the Quiguki piñata's avatar. I've been refreshing at the main page for a while now, but I'm not getting it. Then I read that you have to get it after the prank is removed. So I guess that'll be tomorrow?

  8. That sucks! :'(


    Well, like Cornflakes, my account isn't old enough to access it, so I don't have to worry about that kind of thing yet >_<


    (Although, I do have a side that's old enough, I just can't be bothered transferring the neopoints and logging in and out and setting up trades, it just seems like too much effort xD)

  9. About IP addresses, I really don't know. Well, I know of people who share a computer with siblings, and their accounts are fine. Hmmm... and I never thought about the internet cafe thing :eh:


    And about freezing your main, it's highly unlikely. If they did find something wrong with your side account(s), they'd probably just freeze the side in question (worst case scenario). To get your main frozen, they'd have to chain freeze you, and they wouldn't do that unless you were doing something seriously wrong. Like earning neopoints on side accounts, or worse even. So no worries there ;).

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