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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Just saying,


    Occasionally I will need to get in touch with someone who hasn't logged in for awhile, and so I will have their password emailed to them. It certainly gets their attention. :) By no means am I trying to hack anyone.


    But yeah, change your password and your email password just to be on the safe side.


    I've done that to tease my friend :whistle:

  2. By the way, if I stop subscribing to Neopets mail will other users be unable to 'request username'? If I do that, will I still be able to receive email notification on tickets?


    They'll still be able to. All they have to do is go "forgot username" and type in your email (if they know it). Or "forgot password," there they only need to know your username. And you'll still be able to get ticket notifications I think, I think you'll just stop getting anything from Neopets unless you explicitly ask for it :)

  3. I used to use x__loveable's pet page guide, but there's nothing on there about BD pets. Is there a guide for that? For instance, I just adopted my active from the pound (might just re-pound tomorrow anyway though :P), and I don't even know if she's "worth" anything. The name isn't great (Sasketchewa), neither is the colour, but are BD stats worth anything? Thanks :)

    (Not that she has great stats anyway >_<)

  4. I'd still say plastic.


    It's like the reason why I'm vegetarian. I don't think it's wrong to eat animals, or even wear them. We're predators, we were built to hunt and eat meat. Using the hides only makes sense because it reduces waste. That said, we're not actually fairly hunting these animals, or reducing waste. In the past, these animals would live happy free lives until they were killed by humans. In today's society, they're treated like garbage from day one (not even going to get into that right now), and they are mass produced without any regard for the fact that they have feelings and experience pain and whatnot. They never have a fair chance at life. I'm against the way they're treated.


    So even though the production of plastic pollutes, so does the production of animals. And at least the former isn't directly torturing living beings.

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