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Alice ☮

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Posts posted by Alice ☮

  1. Thanks for the encouragement :wub_anim:


    But I got so lucky today that I don't even mind the dubloon disaster thing!


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Neomail Addict' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    I don't use neomail that much, so it was super unexpected :P

  2. I've been playing Dubloon Disaster for sooo freaking long trying to get the avatar. Today, I played until I had 2,430 points, then I quit. I thought that you needed 2,000 points to get the avatar. You need 2,500. I was so close! Ah! This is so frustrating! I was 70 points away! D:


    I don't know if I'll be able to get that high again >_<

  3. Maybe it was a UC grundo plushie? A while back, TNT redid all of the original artwork in order to make the pets customizable with clothes and whatnot. Already existing painted pet owners had the option to convert their pets to the new artwork. Pets who still have to original artwork are unconverted, or UC. And that's probably why the grundo you saw looks different.

  4. That's so sad :(. I remember a few years back when my cat got sick and we had to put him down, it still makes me cry just thinking about it. Just try and spend as much time as you can with you're doggy and give her lots of love.

  5. For me it's a distraction from everyday life. Neopets is so simple, you play games, get NP, take care of your pets (who can never die), and get free stuff. I also like setting goals and the feeling you get from achieving them. Like when I got 200 avatars :D. And now that I've done a plot, I'd say that would definitely keep me playing! It was awesome :D!

  6. Neopets Mobile was, basically, a java app that you paid a monthly fee for on your phone, and it was the only way to access Lutari Island, on which there were a few very nice perks and a couple games. Was pretty cheap too, like $2.99 a month, if I remember correct.


    Sounds awesome! I hope this time Lutari Island is free though (if it comes back) because my cell is over 7 years old and does nothing besides being a cell phone, so I doubt it could support anything like that :P


    But even if it weren't free, it would still be cool :)


    And thanks for the link Auticole! Lutari Island is so pretty o_O *drools*

  7. I noticed that one of the Forum Sections is called Neopets Plots and Events with the subtopics:


    The Faeries Ruin


    Altador Plot


    Games Master Challenge 2010


    Altador Cup VI (2011)


    So I know TFR was a one-time plot. And Altador Plot too, although it's still going on (I think). But I'm confused about the "Games Mater Challenge 2010" and "Altador Cup VI (2011)." Are these events? Is an event something that happens annually? Are these the only two events or are there others? Also, how often do plots tend to come around?


    (Sorry for posting so many questions >_<)

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