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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I get really irritated when a movie is predictable. And I absolutely loathe happy endings. Most of the time. :)


    I think I like movies more than tv. I can forgive a mediocre movie, but bad tv just makes me mad. "Glee" was the cause of my last rage.

  2. Can I just add this bit of info?

    table, .sf {display: none;}

    This will make the top bar and bottom credits invisible C:


    Not everyone wants to hide all tables on their page. Sure this code hides the default Neopet petpage template junk, but it also hides tables, and people might actually want to use tables in their coding.


    You could also use this:

    body {background: #000000 url("URL HERE") no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;}


    Or just this:

    body{background:#000 url(URLHERE) fixed no-repeat;}


    That's a lot more efficient, isn't it :)

  3. lol, what she means is that while this is Ian's site, he didn't create the forums coding. It's a well-worn template. I have no idea how much it can be customized, if at all. Other than changes in appearance, anyway.

  4. As for the opacity of the background of a div, you can do it two ways: CSS or transparent image.


    Let's make you a div, or what you're calling a "text box." Just copy and paste the following into your petpage codes:


    #textbox{width:400px;height:400px;overflow:auto;background-color:black;filter:alpha(opacity=60);opacity:0.6;color:white;font:11px Tahoma;border:1px solid white;margin:50px 0px 0px 50px;}
    <div id="textbox">Text goes here and such and everything, and now you can replace it with whatever you want!</div>


    Tinker around with that and see what happens.

  5. But I really really like loose women.


    No worries, I'm not going anywhere.


    Unless everyone votes me off TDN, "Survivor" style. :P

  6. Then I'm sorry but.. What the smeg are you doing on Neo?


    Pfffffttttt, I ask myself that every day. :P


    I think I just need more of a social life.

  7. Sod actually is something dirty... as in dirt. hehe


    Smeg sounds like infected mucus. Not a swearword, but just gross.

    I haven't bothered to look up what it actually means.

  8. We enjoy our 360. I finished LA Noire some weeks ago and haven't had a fabulous new game to pique my interest yet. Have fun -- don't forget us :P

  9. Just after I posted this we got a call from my boyfriends parents to say that his cat had been hit by a car and had passed away :'(


    Awww sorry to hear that. I hope the poor little guy/girl didn't suffer too badly.

  10. Finally new items! I'm getting sick of the 50+ (burnt) desert food I have in my SDB


    Question 1: Why are you keeping burnt food in your SDB?


    Question 2: If you're sick of something, why keep it in your SDB? lol.

  11. lol, having a puppy is almost like having a human baby. Have fun with the whole breeding thing. :P


    But yeah, dogs are awesome. My dog is my world.

  12. That might be against the rules. TnT specifically says that opening up a bunch of tabs and then hitting refresh is a freezable offense. I know you're not saying to refresh all of the tabs, but why take a risk? Does it really take that long to do dailies?

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