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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. but I think this is for the greater good of the forum :)


    Sigh, I'm not challenging or debating the rules in any way. I'm just suggesting that maybe there could be forgiveness of old, accidental, minor slip-ups. :)

  2. So the other night I got an official warning because apparently I've created 10 or more posts with less than seven words.

    I say "apparently" because my warning did not include the offensive posts, but since I was just warned for creating a less than seven word post, I can only assume.


    The first few infractions were from when I first joined the forum. Then, over the months, I made a couple more. All of them were honest accidents.


    I think if enough time has passed, like a few months, and someone has racked up at least a few hundred posts by then, that some of the early infractions should be forgiven. Like for good behavior. :)


    Am I going to get banned from the forums over this? I'm trying my hardest to post at least seven words, but I find myself feeling paranoid and unhappy that I'm going to lose my account.

  3. They're only available from the petpet lab ray, therefore they are non-transferable.


    As in, once you remove a zapped petpet from its Neopet, it reverts back to its original form.


    If you want a Chocolate Petpet, you must have the petpet lab map. :)

  4. Sigh...in a word, yes. I do this all the time. My therapist tells me it's not normal. But I do it anyway. I have a million insignificant regrets. I review things that I've said or done and I feel fresh embarrassment. It's silly. The past is the past and you can't change it. Besides, usually the things that I think are a big deal are hardly noticed by the ones I'm all worried about noticing. But I do this anyway. I think it contributes to my ever-growing disgust with people in general. :)

  5. These topics are always boring because people do nothing but list current popular artists.


    That's because most of the uncurrent popular artists were not even close to being as annoying as the current popular artists of today. :rolleyes_anim:

  6. Pretty much everything by Katy Perry (however I will partially admit to sorta kinda liking parts of "ET" :P), the Black Eyed Peas, Kesha (I refuse to put the stupid dollar sign in her name), Pink, Avril Lavigne, Nickelback, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, and oh dear god, Taylor Swift and Coldplay.


    and Death Cab For Cutie...argh.


    So, in summation, I despise pretty much everything you guys like. :D

  7. Nope! Fraid not, I still love Neopets and wanna devote all my time to the pets I have on there :P


    But good luck promoting the site ^_^


    LOLz, mah bestie is too awesome.


    We actually get an inordinate amount of people coming on here trying to get us away from Neo. It's not against the rules, but it just gets kinda tiring. I'm sure your site is fine, but don't take it personally if you aren't met with a lot of positive responses. :)

  8. I know of at least one other perk: weekly scratchcards with better prizes. I believe it's a scratchcard unavailable to anyone else.


    Weekly scratchards unavailable to non-Premium members, YES.

    Better prizes? Uh, no. I never won more than 2500 nps off of one.


    Premium Pro:

    The SSW.


    You can only do like ten searches on it before it breaks, rendering itself useless for an hour or so.



    More random events


    REs not always the good kind.



    Your own email account.


    Who really needs ANOTHER email account?



    Your own portal. (A page that displays links and other stuff like the weather and movie times.)


    It hasn't been updated for like five years, and it refused to let me change the location of my weather.



    An exclusive neoboard just for Premium members.


    Only one of them is active -- the Charter members one.



    You get an avatar.




    I've had Premium twice. I'll never get it again. The cons are just not worth the pros for me.

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