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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Maybe it's just someone trying to get your attention. I'm guilty of getting absentee's attention in the past by using that method. But I wouldn't send 2 or 3 a day. I would send one and then wait a couple of days, and if they didn't login to their Neopets I would do it again. But I'm a grownup, so who knows? I would change your email password anyway. You can never be too careful.

  2. Definitely spin it more than once a day. It took me awhile but I finally got it after I started spinning it multiple times per day.


    If you're already doing that, then...just be patient :) It's bound to happen eventually.

  3. I've had problems with tiny eggs randomly appearing in my Habitarium. I sent in a ticket to TNT, and their solution was to put them in my bag and delete them from there. The problem with that is, once they are in your bag, you can't differentiate between them and any of your other eggs. They suddenly have a species and job. I had to take all my eggs out of my bag, then only put the tiny eggs in, delete them, then put my other eggs back. I had 14 pages of eggs at the time. o_O


    Glad to hear that yours just disappeared for you.


    Ohhhhh. I thought if they went in the bag, they would stay tiny.


    Then it happened two more times -- I was trying to simply move my nests and I kept picking up tiny eggs. But this time I just put them in the item bag. *shrug*


    Also, my friends list is not displaying. Perhaps they are still working on Habitariums? I hope :)

  4. I was moving some silly decoration and somehow I managed to move a tiny egg out of its nest while the mother was still sitting on it.


    I clicked the egg and it gives me no options to do anything. It just says "incubating"


    I tried moving it back to the nest but it won't let me. The P3 mother's status bar for the egg has disappeared.


    Uh, now what? haha


    (it also won't let me put it in the item bag.)


    Edit: Nevermind, it mysteriously vanished when I moved the nest. *shrugs*

  5. Specifically, I hate them because:


    1. Their customer service redefines a whole new level of the word 'horrid.'


    2. Though they deny it, they are freeze-happy and treat players unfairly and unevenly.


    3. Their so-called Terms of Service is mired with loopholes and grey areas, which is common, except they punish users for mistakes in the ToS instead of fixing the problems.


    4. They've browbeaten everyone so severely that we're terrified to even speak out against them for fear of being frozen. In that respect, TnT has become the modern-day Stalin.


    In summation, they are hypocrites and liars who have strangled nearly everything fun out of the site.

    I would like to note that TnT wasn't like this before Nickelodeon took over.


    I myself have stopped spending real money on the site. We can whine and complain, but the only way to bring about change is to hit people in their pockets!

  6. Oh, and people that have a pet UFA and "take applications," like the jerk that my dear friend Shannon had to deal with recently. Shannon worked so hard on her petpage application -- literally poured her heart and soul into it -- and got rejected anyway. It's absolutely ridiculous. Whoever even came up with the stupid idea of petpage applications needs to be publicly flogged.

  7. Cheaters




    Immature children who claim everything everyone says is "rude"


    Neo-elitists...lol, because having a bunch of neopoints elevates your social rank. Right




    and TnT, most notably.

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