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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I suspect that purge might have something to do with all of this.


    I say this because I created a new account the other day, and when I tried to login to my new account, the password was wrong. Stumped, I looked at the lookup, and it was a very old account that hadn't been logged into. Which was surprising to me, because it said "username available" and I activated the account and all of that, but it's like I really just resurrected some old purged account.


    So I'm wondering if when they purge, it's really purged...


    And I'm wondering how long ago you created this account that you're speaking of. -_-


    Unless, of course, Spritzie already answered the question and I just didn't notice it. Nevermind :P

  2. Could you maybe update TDN's guide for what to do after level 50? That would be really awesome. I haven't been able to find anything like that yet, and I think it would help a lot of people.


    Yes, yes, yes, YES. I second that.


    I will post a screenie of my Habi and respond to everyone's posts in a little while. Right now I am recuperating from real-life events and just want to watch Netflix on my iPod whilst on the elliptical. :)

  3. Ok yes, all of my storages and nests are on the top left and right edges. The only things not there are some houses I used to block in the mud pits. I saw someone online do that so I did it too.


    If I have to move those houses, I really don't know where to put them.


    I'll worry about that tomorrow. o_O


    No place them on the edge that spawns when you level up as purp gems don't spawn on those tiles


    I just had two gems appear on an empty top edge "starting" tile. Debunked.

  4. I refresh several times a day for various reasons, and usually one or two gems will pop up that I missed.


    My brain is a little tired, so let me make sure I understand what you are saying: I should only place buildings and decorations on starting tiles?

  5. Since I hit Level 50, I've been trying to make 100k from my Habitarium like people all over the internet claim they can do.


    Yesterday, I made 50k. I left my Habi running for around 15 hours, deleting eggs every hour or so.


    Today, I am exhausted from building/upgrading/discarding nests and discarding eggs. Someone on the internet said they spend resources building and upgrading nests for the extra XP, so I tried that today.

    I followed someone's petpage suggestion and blocked in my workers at their resources.

    I also deleted a flippin ton of eggs from my item bag, because I had several that were the glitched tiny eggs and I wanted to start over. When I say flippin ton, I mean at least 35.


    As a reward for my efforts, I have only made roughly 40k today, so far. That's 5 hours and 40 minutes of uptime.


    Needless to say, I am unhappy and frustrated.


    Like I said, I'm tired. I didn't expect to be chained to my Habi all day. The extreme amount of time I'm spending on it is wholly unacceptable.


    Yet I read these things that people say like, "Oh, I only check on my Habi three times a day or so, and I make 105k."


    How in Thor's name is that possible??!?!?


    Are any of you making this kind of money from your Habi and not having to check on it every hour? If so, what specifically are you doing to your Habi?


    I'll describe mine:

    6 nesters, 2 of each species.

    30 workers, 10 of each species.

    9 soldiers, 3 of each species.

    (One empty spot so I can figure out which eggs to keep or toss.)


    I have my workers fenced in at their resources. They don't walk around anywhere.

    I have 15 fully upgraded storages.

    I have six nests which, like I said, I keep P3s in full-time. I check them about once an hour, deleting the eggs I don't need.

    I keep 5 of each kind of egg in my item bag. I delete the rest. (And not directly from my item bag, I know better.)


    I put my P3s in their houses once a day at lunch to give them about a 5-minute break, and then again around 9 or 10 pm when I quit Habi for the day.


    I am desperate. Tips please! Thank you!! :sad02:

  6. The list makes me wonder about baby pets. When I painted my korbat I was shocked by how tiny her image got.


    Also this reminds me how painfully American I am. I saw 100 cm and thought "Wow, only a foot tall!"




    lol! Don't feel bad, I have no clue how tall 100 cm is. That's why when I saw the pictures I was so surprised.

  7. I wonder if, for example, an aisha's ear length is part of the measurement. And are meercas measured head to tail, or just their bodies? Hm.


    That might be a good one to ask the editorial.

  8. This thread inspired me to get off my chunky butt and do a mile on the elliptical. I don't get the happy endorphins like everyone else seems to, but sweating feels good sometimes.

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