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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I like 3D movies, but I feel like they're oversaturating the market with them.


    My sister's father-in-law got a 3D TV for Christmas. I wouldn't buy one, but it was nice to visit.

  2. NES was my first, with Super Mario Bros as my first game, obviously.

    Followed closely by Duck Hunt.


    I still have 50+ games and the Game Genie, the power pad, and the turbo joystick.


    I have one NES that I play with, and one that is in pristine condition that I keep in my closet. Everything in the box is still in the original plastic. I don't dare play with that one. :)

  3. Hi there, and welcome to the forum. We have a topic for Faerie Quests here.




    kimster16 Waterberry Pie 1 3,990 NP

    killerfoxx69 Waterberry Pie 1 4,000 NP

    khiton Waterberry Pie 1 4,425 NP

    kristine_991 Waterberry Pie 1 6,250 NP

    keysy666 Waterberry Pie 1 6,998 NP

  4. If it is a plot I really need to get my BD stats up!! There's bound to be plenty of fighting and this time I want to actually be able to compete!


    Me too...my strongest pet is Level 39, with comparable stats. Pitiful hit points though. I wish it wasn't so dang expensive to train pets. I'm trying to save up for a morphing potion. :S

  5. I don't understand, from what I know isn't this data saved in Neopets' servers instead of in your cache? (eg. you get the bat in your computer, when you use another computer you'll still be able to use the bat)


    No, it's stored on your computer. If you clear your cache, you have to start all over again.

  6. Eck, I haven't used the opacity css in awhile. I usually just do images. I guess the filter doesn't allow it anymore. You could try doing this filter workaround --


    <div id="textbox" style="filter:alpha(opacity=60);opacity:0.6;">Words go here</div>



    or if that doesn't work, you'll have to make a transparent image and set it as your background.


    You could also split up your background image, then just put a transparent box on it with a graphics program.


    It's kinda hard to explain to a beginner. :S

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