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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. So I entered Havana in the Customization Spotlight today.




    And I'm looking through the past winners, trying to figure out if I have a shot at winning or even placing.


    I wonder how people are going to vote on Havana, which begs the question: What makes a pet's customization "good"?


    Is a customization good when the pet is cluttered with a bunch of stuff?

    Is it good when it matches the pet's color or name?

    Is it good when the pet is really expensive, and the customizations are really expensive?


    What makes you look at a customization and say to yourself, "Wow!"?


    This recent winner wowed me(!!): Peking the Red Hissi



  2. Sigh...what kills me is that you younguns have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips via the internet, but you're using it mostly to look at captioned pictures of lolcats and to find out what Lady Gaga's favorite food is. Don't know how to spell something? Use the old Google! It actually tells you how to spell stuff! :P


    Now go hit those books, young man! America needs its citizens to be educated!

  3. Actually, by "fail," I was referring to the following:


    Now, Im reading Sleeping Freashmen Never Lie






    ...are there 3 or 4 musketeers?


    ...Even if you're not familiar with the literature...or the movies...there's a popular candy bar called 3 Musketeers for heaven's sake...I mean come on! sigh.



    No thank goodness but we *thuroughly^ study them






    So yeah...it would seem to me that perhaps summer reading is a terrific idea for some!

  4. solc.jpg


    this is my solution for day 3 .. hope it helps :D


    and yes i did it myself :D


    *so proud*


    I had the same puzzle and I went to screenshot the solution but I hit a weird key on accident and it disappeared, so I'm glad someone else posted it :D


    I got a book today. Don't even remember what it was called.

  5. *nods* There's currently not a way to make your images have a transparent background solely through CSS.


    You can put a filter on them to make them not as bright, and see-through. (alpha filter with decreased opacity strength) There are separate codes for IE and Firefox that work just fine, but I'm not sure about Chrome.


    The only other thing you can do is image replacement, as already suggested by Tank Girl: Save each image, use Photoshop or other graphics program to remove the white, then use CSS to hide the existing images and replace them with the new ones.


    Have fun :)

  6. i am in level 50 ... but only 3 purple gems of 500 NP where there after 8 hours of running.


    That actually happened to me the day before last. I started up my habi in the morning like I usually do, and a few hours later I checked on it and -- no gems. I was like uhhhh...huh??!?


    So I refreshed, and the gems started appearing again. But I never received the gems that the game didn't give me. :( I estimate that I lost around 20k.


    Now when I start it in the morning, I make sure gems are appearing before I go off and leave it.


    I guess that's my best advice: Just make sure gems are appearing like they should before leaving your habi unattended.


    Also, in my humble opinion, it's not worth it to leave your habi on all night. Give your bugs a rest, and don't risk lockout!

  7. Are You Afraid of the Dark was an AWESOME show that I would love to see again!


    I've already been watching Kenan and Kel and All That.


    I have seen in the commercials that they might bring back The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Inside-Out Boy, and the old Nick promos. I wanna see Hey Dude!!


    They need to bring back You Can't Do That on Television also...too bad it's not 80s Nick :)

  8. I'm not sure what you're asking.


    I can tell you that you can't use HTML on a div that's already been set in the Neopets coding. That's why we use CSS to change how stuff looks on our lookups.


    So this:

    <td id="habitarium">

    isn't going to do anything to the #habitarium td (it's actually not a div, btw) on your user lookup.


    Furthermore, this

    <div align="left>#habitarium</div>

    is invalid. It won't do anything.


    (Well actually it will create a div and just put the words "#habitarium" inside. But it won't accomplish what I think you're trying to accomplish.)


    If none of that answered your question, please try to rephrase your question so morons like me can understand it. :)

  9. you can just put your P3s in front of the decoration/building (make sure it's not next to a resource), THEY HAVE SUPER AWESOME LONG ARMS THAT REACH ALL THE WAY ACROSS LOL


    lol, I never thought of that...I'm going to have to try it! I'm tired of buying seed hammers!

  10. No problem! :D


    Thank you soooooo much for that tip!!! I've just done it and it's going to save so much time! <33333


    It's better to block P3s in at their resources. That reduces the need for clutters of decorations to block off storages, thereby lowering your risk for lockout. ;)

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