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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I'm terribly upset :(


    I got the puzzle right, and I clicked to submit and got a blank page. So I hit reload and it said my puzzle was correct.


    Well done! It looks as though you managed to arrange your crew so that the island you were attemptin' to bring back was successfully rounded up.


    But I didn't get a prize. :sad02:


    I tried logging out and back in. Went back to the Shanty. Checked my inventory. Nothing. :grrr:

  2. I still made 100k after leaving it on all day (including night) without checking it often.

    It really can be done.


    Yeah but I just don't have the heart to keep them working all night. I feel bad enough for them already that I have them fenced in at their resources, so the poor little workers just mine their resources allll day without treats or moving around. Poor things. :sad02:


    Looking forward to a full force of P3s. This remaining generation is set to die on Saturday. I cannot wait. Is that a bit morbid? lol


    Yes! lol! You are a cruel bugmaster! :P

  3. Does anyone know how to rotate buildings?


    As far as I know, you can't rotate buildings...or decorations.



    Most of the time on my Habi, I will earn about 20,000 in about 6 hrs, I have about 10 nesters , 4 soldiers and the rest workers:)


    You should have a few more soldiers and a few less nesters. I have 6 of each, and 33 workers.


    I don't waste my day hatching unneeded eggs for the XP, and I comfortably make 75k+ per day.


    (a day = about 12-14 hours of keeping the Habi tab open and collecting gems about three times)

  4. I think that government should stay out of marriage altogether, no matter who it's involving.


    I'm a hetero, Christian female married to a hetero, Christian male. But that doesn't make it my job to tell people how to live their lives. Should I expect that everyone in society lives the way I do? Uhhh, no. It's not for us to decide how people live.


    If you're truly a Christian, you'll stop whining about gay marriage and focus instead on how you can better serve God.

  5. Yeah, there's usually an abundance of basic avatar pets in the pound, created and abandoned for the specific reason of people adopting them as needed and throwing them back in the pound.


    In my earlier days, I created a new pet, morphed it a couple of times to suit whichever avatar I was going for, and then eventually made it a Lab Rat and adopted it out. So one pet got me like at least 7 avs if not more. It brought me Grey, Pink, Pwned by the Lab, Mutant, and a slew of others. So maybe that's an idea to consider, too?

  6. Cornflakes I got Meepit vs. Feepit 2 days ago and thought the same thing. Now I'm thinking the same thing about the gadsgadsgame one (although it took me a few tries unlike with MvsF)


    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Gadgadsgame' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    *whines* I SUCK at Gadgads and Sutek... :'( Congrats though.

  7. Did anyone ever try this? If so what were your general results? I want to try it but I am still 20 levels away from 50 :(


    I used Chrome for one day and it severely affected my income.


    For some reason I can't run Habi in IE 9 so I didn't try that one.


    I've been running it in good ol Firefox and doing just fine.

  8. Ha, you've just discovered that people suck. No need to feel bad about it. I myself deleted my Facebook earlier this month. Facebook is not a place for "friends." It's a place for emotional vampires that want all of your attention but can't seem to reciprocate. Besides, Facebook is in its decline. It's been around forever and it's getting really lame.


    Some people can go through life being just fine about everything, and some people actually stop and think about things. Unfortunately, thinking doesn't go very far in this world. Let's just get all hopped up on antidepressants when we start thinking too much!


    My advice to you is to get some new friends - people who are worthy of your time and effort - and keep yourself busy. Things will probably get much better when you're back in school. :)

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