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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I have these PB clothes gathering dust in my closet:


    -Alien Aisha

    -Robot Gnorbu

    -Basic Elephante Hat

    -Basic Aisha Collar

    -Christmas Kougra

    -Christmas Ixi

    -Christmas Scorchio


    I suppose the only way to trade PB clothes is to slap them on a basic pet and transfer them? If there is another method, let me know.

  2. The first song that comes to mind is "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson...I remember being a kid and having to clean my room, and that song would come on the radio and I would dance. To this day, I can't hear it without dancing :D

  3. That's true too...it's a little exhausting. Plus I get tired trying to keep up with so many conversations at so many different places...here, Neo, OldNeo, frickin JellyNeo, etc.


    But I'll quit sniveling...there are worse problems in life :P

  4. So I've been saving and saving for an Island Kacheek Morphing Potion, valued at a few million.


    Today I saw one on the TP for a bit less, so I offered on it.


    I literally offered every np in my bank account. lol!


    The owner neomailed back and not only accepted my offer, but also decreased a bit because, he said, he "didn't want to leave me broke." awwww


    and then he said "Let me know when you morph Havana, I am excited to see what she will look like."


    AWWW! It's so nice to encounter total strangers who are so nice!


    You share your own "nice Neopets stranger" story now!

  5. i did give up on Oldneo after a while, because i still can't afford a krawk potion xD


    That's one thing I really love about it...it makes you really work for stuff, and there's not a bunch of snobs that already have a Krawk "taunting" you with it on the Neoboards. :D

  6. From the OldNeo news page:


    We have received an official letter from Neopets.com. They have a couple of issues with some aspects of our sites (such as our wording on our login page). They believe that we claim that users can get back their Old Neopets. (When what we mean is the pets that exist on this site). Therefore within 48 hours (the time limit we were given) we will need to phrase it in such a way that people do not get the impression that it is a fake login page. This also means that our login page will not be able to look like the original Neopets login page. (We did want to keep it for originality, but their Legal Department does not want us to).


    Our database has just been backed up because we need to shut down the site as Neopets thinks it sounds like we're trying to be their actual site (with their information) and that Neopets users think that they could get their old pets back by logging in. (TNT is worried about people phishing accounts).


    Good News!

    We will be opening a new site though and using your information there so all your accounts and pets will be safe. We will email everybody details once the new site is up!


    As the database has just been backed up, anything now that happens on OldNeo will not be moved to the new site, including this news post :)


    So it was just a misunderstanding on TNT's part that some people were somehow (stupidly) thinking that OldNeo would bring their actual old pets/accounts back. OldNeo is, of course, not affiliated with Neopets.com.


    So they'll have a new domain ready soon, and they'll email current users when it's up and running. :)

  7. That's something I always struggle with for some reason.


    I find it helpful to look at the UL Spotlight winners and go through their codes to see how they did it. ;)


    Actually that's a great way to learn CSS/HTML, by looking at the codes of things that you like and want to learn how to do.


    That's pretty much how I learned.


    (To look at people's codes, just right-click and hit "View Source")

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