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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Yesterday was an extremely normal day for me! I always forget it's a really big holiday in the US :S


    I'm surprised that you English people aren't more aware of it, and all bitter about it and stuff. :P

  2. :S


    Someone said on one of Angelo's topics that "80%" of people that get held over are eventually accepted.


    But that could have been just for the Neopian Times.


    I'm not terribly helpful, am I.

  3. Ever since I started doing the house thing, I've been making excellent nps. I was able to remove some storages since I don't need that many anymore, which is good because now I have practically nothing on my starting tiles.


    I hope and pray that TnT doesn't suddenly decide to add new levels now. I'm almost at 2 mil and I need lots more money!!

  4. I was well-known in my younger days as "Spunky," due largely in part to my affection of telling people to, uh, shove off.

    (It's funny, in 13 years, I haven't changed much.)


    These days I get called "RC" because they are my initials, and we have a cola here called RC Cola.


    I also get called "Rebecca" a lot when people can't remember my name, and one lady called me "Jackie" every time I saw her. She was a client and paying me commission, so I let it slide. :)


    As far as giving you a nickname, my dearest Shannonkins, you can't solicit one! It just has to come naturally. :)

  5. I'm confused. When I visit your page, it shows the camel.


    You say:

    I am trying to change this image here: Iwinz-1.png as my main profile picture (instead of the turtle.) I can remove my photo but when I upload it, it just puts the back turtle image back up!


    Then you say:

    When I load the page up to change it it shows the camel and not the turtle.


    Maybe I'm just sleep-deprived, but do you want the camel to show up or not??

  6. Wait until you get CGed, and see how "overrated" you think it is then.


    Yes, CGs can get your password, that's how they get into your account.


    Just don't visit any suspicious non-Neopets sites and change your password regularly. Also, set a PIN. It saved me from getting frozen, and it just might save you too.

  7. Today I made quite a bit more money than usual. This happened because:


    1. I spent the day building, upgrading, then deleting houses. You get XP from finishing a building and upgrading it. You can upgrade houses 3 times so that's 200xp for building, 300xp for upgrading to level 2, and another 300xp for level 3, which comes to a total of 800xp per house. Also, houses consume a good amount of resources and they consume them fairly evenly. Build, upgrade fully, then delete from item bag.


    I've seen people say that building/upgrading/deleting nests is the way to go, but they take too long to consume resources because they don't cost that much. So I'm sticking with houses.


    2. I refreshed an extra time whenever I went to collect gems, which was once every couple of hours. Once I had to refresh FOUR TIMES to collect them all, so I think it's a good idea to refresh until they stop appearing. Someone smart said this already in this topic but I just wanted to confirm it.


    I also moved some buildings away from the starter tiles like Duckyz suggested. It may have helped.


    I've been playing since 11 and it's 8 now. In that 9 hours, I made 70k from my habi, and I haven't been on it constantly. I'm pleased. :)


    I'm going to try the different browser thing tomorrow. I didn't even think of that.

  8. what's wrong with him being a communist ?


    Besides the fact that Communists can't run an economy?


    Personally, I don't believe in imposed religion, or in the case of Communism, imposed lack thereof.

  9. Awesome! I would love that kind of PB then. I wonder what that kind of brush would look like . . .


    I think it would fly rabidly in the face of all the snobs on Neopets that think they're all better than everyone because they have an UC. :D


    I don't know what it would look like, since Neo has never changed their PB art, so there's no old PB art to use.

  10. P.S Racheykins, if you're trading your Seaweed Bubble Shower and/or Halloween Candy Shower - DIBS!! Haha.


    lol! Ok then :)


    I would really like to trade these things here because I don't trust random Neopets people like I trust TDN people, you know?


    and a question. To trade NC items, you're basically just gifting them to each other in gift boxes, right? There's no 'trade' option that I missed somewhere...right?

  11. Do we have an NC trading board?


    If not, can we start one?


    Also, looking for Halloween Ruki PB clothes.


    I have a few sets of PB clothes to get rid of as well. :)


    It would be nice to have a board for trading PB clothes too.

  12. I don't deposit much Neopoints to the bank, but once I'm done playing the games, I might deposit them all into the bank.


    You should really keep your NP in the bank. It earns interest, = free money, plus you can lessen the damage from money-stealing REs like the Angry Tax Beast and Bug Brothers.

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