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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. I'm downsizing! If you are interested in any of my pets, please neomail me @ mrscornflakes only. :)




    Aretho the Desert Blumaroo

    (fully clothed)



    (petpet NOT included)


    I want to make sure she will go to a great, permanent, loving home. Requiring neomail apps only. I will be fairly picky about choosing a new owner.




    Eauv the (basic) Cybunny Going to a new home! :)






    jack672neo the Orange Grundo Traded!




    Melodrama the (basic) Green Kougra


    RW: About 12,900,000 results (0.08 seconds)


    Not sure what I want for Melodrama. Surprise me.


    All gone! yay

  2. Originally posted November 24, 2010 (updated today):


    I LOVE talking about my pets. They are my kids! (Well, my online kids. I already have three kids in real life, if you count my husband, my eleven-year-old, and my doggie. hehe)

    I'm thinking about getting a shirt made that says "Ask me about my Neopets!" That would be awesome, while simultaneously being spectacularly dorky.




    BonnieSillyknickers the Baby Kougra

    She was my first pet when I started the mrscornflakes account over two years ago. :) I named her BonnieSillyknickers because it sounds daft, and British. I like daft and British. I'm a Monty Python fan.

    MutableFire the Red Hissi

    MutableFire was a happy lab ray result (she began life as a Purple Grundo), and she is going to be painted someday. *wistful sigh* I am a Sagittarius on the Capricorn cusp, therefore my astrological sign is mutable fire. I liked that term so much that I named my personal website after it, mutablefire.com. But I don't believe at all in astrology. haha

    Wishcoin the Baby Xweetok

    Another of my dreamies (I have a long list of them!). He started out as just a basic Xweetok. I named him 'Wishcoin' after a Beck song, "Go It Alone." (I am a HUGE Beck fan.) Anyway, I wanted the Queen Fyora av, so I bought a Baby PB from the Hidden Tower and painted Wishcoin with it.

    Meieri the Camo Kau

    I named her Meieri: Her name means "dairy" in Swedish and Norwegian. ;)

    I painted her Camo because I wanted a brown Kau without forking over all of the necessary NP for the Brown PB.

    Chouraver the Yellow Lupe

    Will be painted someday. 'Chouraver' is a French word that means a lot of things, most notably sneak and steal. Chouraver is the only of my pets that has his own gmail.

    Sakanori the Red Koi

    I created this one on Koi Day of 2010. I couldn't find any Japanese names that weren't taken, so I totally made this one up. It sounds like authentic Japanese, eh? Apparently it isn't totally original though - I just googled 'sakanori' and got a handful of results.

    I'm going to paint her Spotted, as per #479 on my dreamies list.

    Breakpack the Brown Grundo

    This is going to be my new lab rat after December. She was named for a start-up that my husband and I were going to do but never got around to.

    Danq the Blue Lutari

    It was Lutari Day, and I wanted a Lutari, so I snagged one. 'Danq' is pretty much just a random name I made up on the spot. I was trying to keep my new Lutari's name short and sweet.

    Nylons the Purple Tonu

    Nylons, like what ladies used to wear back in the old days. I just wanted a RW for my new Tonu.

    Paelioh the Tyrannian Uni

    Tyrannian = prehistoric = Paleo. Naturally, Paleo and most of its spelling variants were taken, but I finally hit upon this combination. Paelioh was a custom given to me in exchange for my old Chocolate Xweetok.

  3. I agree with what Shannon said about it being a random color. It's just kinda weird. Do you see a lot of swamp gas-colored animals in real life? Where did they come up with this idea? lol. I find it more interesting than Maractite and the stone one -- the name escapes me. Relic, that's it.


    I am curious to see what the rest of the Swamp Gas pets are going to look like.

  4. There are pros and cons. Diversity is good, but the most recent colors are still really really expensive.


    Colors in general have become a status thing. It's not good enough anymore to have painted pets. They have to be painted something really expensive (and not necessarily rare) to be considered as worthy. It's annoying.


    As for new colors, I think Clown would be awesome. There would be different PB clothes for each of the pets.

  5. I got a response from TnT today...


    Hi Rachel!


    I am very sorry, there is no way for us to know that a potential hijacker is writing us when they supply correct information regarding account. However, please be assured that we will NEVER sent a PIN or password to any alternate email addresses and especially not via a support ticket. So long as the email address for your account is secure, your account is secure as well. :) Thanks!

    Delilah D., The Neopets Team



    Well that's a relief, and I feel cared about now :)

  6. If you have a full number of P3's in your habitarium (for example 30/30) , you won't be able to see the kind of egg you have , because you don't have the "hatch" option. This is why I always keep my P3's one number short (45/46) ...


    ohhhhhhhhh. Ok that's a smart idea. Will do.


    Thanks urrybody for the insight.

  7. 1. Is there another way to gift stuff besides going through the friends bar? (because, of course, mine is absent.)


    2. When a new egg is sitting in the nest, and you click on it, sometimes it tells you what is inside (like Mootix Nester) and sometimes it doesn't say anything. Is there a reason for this? Do the eggs have to mature to a certain point? Or is it just glitchy?

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