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Posts posted by Cornflakes

  1. Wow, thats really scary. This prompted me to start using a PIN. Thanks for the advice, everyone.


    Hooray! Not that I'm trying to say that just because I got hacked means that EVERYONE will get hacked, but I'm happy promoting safer accounts for all!


    And to AA, I use the words "hacker" and "hacked" for universal clarity...I'm not going to bother with the finer distinctions right now. :P

  2. Don't know how this happened, but clearly someone got into my main and discovered I had put PINs on everything. Unfazed, they actually sent in a help ticket to Neopets to try to get my PIN number!


    I received this email just now:


    Hi Rachel!


    Hi There!


    Thanks for writing! Could you please list the email address for this account so we can send you a PIN there?




    Delilah D., The Neopets Team


    Ticket Information:

    Ticket #: 5163-6050777

    Date Created: 6/14/2011 6:38:09 AM

    Summary: I just recently came back to neopets and my pin is bouncing and won't send. I have the original email this account was created on, but it keeps saying the pin was not delivered.



    Needless to say, it wasn't me that submitted this help request. I immediately logged out and changed my password. I also logged out of my email and changed THAT password too.


    I also responded to the email and explained that it wasn't me that asked for this information, and to NOT give my PIN out to ANYONE!!


    So if I get frozen, that will probably be why. :( God knows what this jerk has been doing with my account for two days! I am so angry :grrr:

  3. Well... I'm from the U.S... But THISTHISTHISTHISTHIS~


    I beleive we're to blame for a lot of the world issues currently as well.


    We have the power to stop a lot of things going on in the world that shouldn't be happening. Im glad we finally helped with Libya though.


    Just because we have power doesn't mean we should use it. We can't go running around fixing the world's problems.


    I meant this to be an informative thread, not a debate. I am interested in opinions from others, and I am not interested in arguing with those opinions. :)

  4. Because my dear friend TeamShannon is from the UK, I have been curious as to what UK people think about British stuff that we (Americans) like. For example: Are the Beatles as huge and loved in the UK as they are here?


    Which led me to wonder what your impressions of America are, those of you who are from foreign lands. Have you ever been to the States? What is the general perception in your country of Americans? Curious :)

  5. Even if you are Rach it wouldn't matter. I feel quite comfortable talking about my condition now, and it seems as though Starlite is too ^_^


    You're not mentally disabled.


    Sigh, this is going to turn into some big thing, isn't it? I said what I said, and if someone wants to be insulted by it, then whatever, I'm not going to fight about it. :)

  6. Pfft, the whole refreshing thing...I must stifle my desire to rant once again about Their Mighty Ridiculous Pompous High and Mighty of the Hypocrisy...but anyway, as long as you're sitting at your keyboard and hitting the refresh button, refreshing is okay. It has to be, since so much of the site relies on refreshing, right?! Sigh.

  7. Overated = Draiks and Krawks (or Kraiks and Drawks as I saw someone say once) and Kougras.


    I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why they are so sought-after, especially because EVERYONE has one (or both) now.

    They're like a status symbol, which I find super annoying.


    ...but Kougras aren't overrated :) They're popular because they're awesome! :D

  8. Yeah you have to transfer a pet wearing the clothes to get them. So if you had extra PB clothes, you could just throw them on a basic pet of the same species and transfer it on over.


    Congrats on your pound grab!

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