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Everything posted by Secre

  1. I knocked one down! I knocked one down! I knocked one down! Ok so it immediately glitched, but I still got the prize in my inventory!!
  2. I've learned something new as well, despite how long I've officially been around the site - I didn't know unicorn pets were a thing at all! I suppose stone pets have also been replaced by relic pets, which are essentially just fancy stone! Also, what does the Uni Gem do??
  3. I'm no expert but from what I read trading junk lots for large sums of neopoints is a risky strategy as it can get flagged as hacking or cheating.
  4. I think several of us have returned to neopets in lockdown - I certainly have!! Welcome!
  5. Whoot whoot! First Gourmet Club win following Boochi's page - thanks for the tip!! Amusingly my petpet brought back a book on gourmet foods from the catacombs today as well. That also pushed me back over 10,000,000 although I've promptly snaffled an extra amount of that to stick it back into Gourmet Club as I didn't do my full bet yesterday but have today. Just my luck that I'll now lose the lot!
  6. Hmmm... I might have to think on this then... perha[s have it as a vigilante flying police squad that isn't formally recognised...
  7. So, I had an idea for a NT article - and I've even managed to get a subtle Harry Potter reference snuck in there somehow! - but for it to work I need a dedicated Neopian Police force and I don't know if there really is one. I know there used to be the Chia Police but they seem to have been phased out, there were the Defenders of Neopia but that's rather more superheroish than I am looking for and again, they seem to have been phased out... So, what does Neopia do for a police force? And if there isn't a dedicated one, does anyone remember any comics or stories or articles that make reference to them and how they were described or named as such?
  8. Gifting isn't against the rules of neopets so in abstract terms you should be fine. It would be the look of things that could be problematic. How many neopoints are we talking about here? If it's under a million, it probably won't raise eyebrows, but if it's a mega amount you might want to be careful. She could email neopets support in advance to prove that it is a gift rather than a hacker and it might be worth sending the neopoints over as expensive item gifts rather than her buying a load of junk from you for a fortune. As additional resources there's a reddit thread here:
  9. Thank you Duma!! I knew the 10,000np had to be an inflation and a half!! 200np for 3 strength points at level 81 ain't bad going!!
  10. Can someone help me find Torn White Gym Socks pretty please? I've found someone tryingt o sell me them for 10,000np but as JellyNeo seems to think they are worth less than 1000np I suspect he's inflated the price a tad...
  11. Your drawing skills then were still way better than mine now!!
  12. Hey, they accepted which had what was essentially an argument for legalising canabis recently!! http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=580669&week=896 I could potentially mock up an article about it given some time to think of the best way to present it... my drawing skills are sadly non-existant so comics aren't an option for me. I'm not sure how neopets works with joint credit though and I wouldn't want to steal your thunder (or excellent idea as the case may be).
  13. So far I'm on a definite loss. I'm actually hitting more of them though!! I'll keep an eye out. I've been stockpiling for the next Charity Corner... You should write a Neopian Times article on the money laundering!! Keep it clean obviously but it could make for an interesting story!!
  14. I hadn't and I wasn't too impressed with the basic but I loved the Tyrannian! Oh she is cute!! And yep, more colours would be awesome. I fell in love with the Tyrannian one at first site almost. And yep, I'm a returning player. I agree that I see things somewhat differently. Pets that were my 'dreamies' now seem less appealing for instance - I still like the Faerie Kougra, but it isn't one of my top pets any more. I never had any interest in the lab ray before but I'm seriously considering investing now, although I have the same issue as before in that all my pets have a certain meaning to me so whilst I wouldn't mind my Shoyru changing species, the name is attached to the fact that I made her when I graduated university. I've been thinking of setting up a second gallery on my side although I'm not sure what for... It does! I think more petpets should be drawn like that!! I'm dreading going back to work as I commute for four hours a day which really restricts the time I have at home naturally. I'm not sure I can play neopets at my desk and not get caught unfortunately! It's a tad too bright and shiny!
  15. Now that's a daily I had overlooked completely!! I mean, I'd overlooked the wishing well until now, so I can hardly expect to win in three days odd. But for 21np a wish, I really don't mind not winning for months on end if I get one item on the top end of the spectrum eventually!! And a very good tip to go with it.
  16. Oh, I gain the bulk of my day to day NP form the flash games so Fashion Fever is one of the first of the day. Catch the Petpet, Meerca Chase, Dubloon Disaster, Web of Vernax, Turmac Roll, Smug Bug Smite, Princess Lunara, Zurroball, Barf Boat and Top Chop are also good for quick easy points even if you're not very good at them. Then Crisis Courier, Ice Cream Machine, Jubble Bubble, Faerie Caves 2, The Usul Suspects (particularly this month), Bouncy Supreme, Mop n' Bop, Snowager, Kookia and Sutek's Tomb are a bit more long winded (particularly Sutek) but relatively easy 3000np each a day. Then I muddle along through the rest of my favourites or what's profitable this month. Warf Rescue, Space Rocked, Feed Florg, Assignment 53, Sophie's Stew are some of this month's decent ones.
  17. I was training level - because foolishly I had got HP over the limit to then train strength... and got given four levels in one. Normally I would have been thrilled. Except this put my pet at level 81.
  18. I recently won a Feloreena from the Story Telling Contest. My initial reaction was to stick it up for sale. I mean, who wouldn't? It's valued at 820,000np on Jellyneo and 910,000 on the ShopWizard currently. But after several days of no sell, I was tempted into looking at the petpet puddle colours. Fatal mistake. So welcome Floofball to my family. I might even be tempted to paint TeaFaeries Tyrannian to go with him, even though Oilpaint and Relic were my two favourite contenders previously. Relic might still work with the theme. Not sure why I am suddenly concerned about theme; I have never bothered with theming petpets before... but then again I have never bothered to paint one before either. I got a steal on the petpet painbrush though - I think - 170,000np.
  19. Oh, I forgot about Bargain Stocks. I do that religiously. Have made one or two big wins on it - largely when I disappeared from the site for months and am currently running at a huge loss, but as I don't intend to move them until they go up, I'm not too fussed! I was selling way too early looking at other threads. I was selling once it hit the 20np mark from 15np, whereas general advice seems to be to wait until 60np. Hadn't considered the lottery. May add that to my daily 'to do' list. I do all the free ones automatically, I'm just careful of which pet I use to do a couple so that I don't go under/over codestone marker points or lose HP on my battle pet.
  20. Well, I've been trying my hand at a few of the additional dailies that I usually neglect and have had limited/poor results so far, although I suppose I have only been trying for a couple of days. So far I'm losing on just about everything, although I got a Growth thing as a booby prize from the Buried Treasure that was a booby prize but is surprisingly worth several grand.So the question is, which of the pay and win dailies do you do and which actually pay out? Anyway - specifically I have tried: Wishing Well - no luck so far but at 21np per wish it can't hurt to keep trying Coconut Shy - loss of about 1500np over three days or so, so hardly catastrophic. It would help if I could actually hit the things... I used to be reasonably good at it. There was a knack somewhere about aiming at the centre of one of the 'a' letters in 'Try again'. I have memory of actually winning a coconut many moons ago so I'm willing to take the loss on that one. Pick Your Own - worthless. The berries are worth between 10np and 50np and six doesn't even cover the cost of entering. Unless anyone has a tale of a miraculous win, I think I'm calling it on this one. The dung is typically worth more and I can get that for free at the second hand shop! Buried Treasure - that growth thing worth about 5000np. If that's a booby prize, I'm willing to keep trying. Dice-a-Roo - worth it if you get to the green or better still yellow dice where it starts giving out food items, but time consuming when time can be better spent on flash games. Wheel of Excitement - won my money back once and 2500np back once, so currently a small win. Wheel of Knowledge - nothing gained so far except a virtually worthless window and some inane wisdom. Food Club - lost 7500np so far... maybe I need to read up on that one!!
  21. Thanks! Accepted! You've been more dedicated than me. My last site trophy goes back to the Altador Cup of 2015 and it wasn't a high level trophy even at that!! I've poped in and out, usually feeling guilty about neglecting my poor pets, but it's only been since lockdown that I've really re-discovered how much I enjoy the site. There are quite a few new things to look forward to as well... I have just twigged about Charity Corner for example and have already started storing junk for next year! Possibly not the spirit in which this was intended but hey! Thanks! Accepted!!
  22. Neoquest II doesn't reset to my knowledge - I mean, my game was untouched for the better part of three years I think and hasn't reset... I really ought to get round to completing that!!
  23. Thanks! I have accepted. Due to lockdown I have re-discovered neopets and am quite enjoying my old haunts! But yes, nearly all my old neofriends have long since abandoned the site... hardly surprising really, as I'd have been knocking around with them a decade and a half ago!
  24. I just went through my old neofriends deleting those who are most likely inactive (haven't been seen for a long, long, long time). I now have virtually no neofriends. And a few that I do have, I'm unsure if they're active due to stealth mode or I don't have the heart to delete - my brother's old account for example. *plays the worlds smallest violin*
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